Exposing ourselves to germs and worms

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Sep 23, 2009
Research has been done to suggest we might have obtained crohns by growing up too clean as kids and not getting exposed to enough germs. Other research shows that in countries where people accidentally ingest worms there are zero cases of crohns.

While both of these ideas are gross I wonder if being less germaphobic as an adult can help crohns or it's too late and can only help as a kid?

I am also seriously considering the worm therapy.
Nobody responded so you probably think I'm crazy but look up the studies re: third world countries and cleanliness versus north America and Europe on the issue of IBD.
Give it more than 8hrs, ppl are from diiferent timezones :p Theres been a fair few posts on this subject before, but I was always getting muddy as a kid, picked food up from off the florr etc so doubt its the cause of crohns that way. I do agree that as a nation we have become too obsessed with keeping everything clean
I believe the study has some merit conceding illness. Being exposed to things help to build an immunity to it. However, I don't think this is the case for Crohns. Personally I believe it a combo of a predisposition and environmental factors.

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