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- May 11, 2015
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I went to an amazing one-day training on chronic inflammation and one of the many helpful tidbits I took away was that gentle exercise (walking, yoga, stretching, tai chi, slow swimming, etc.) is ANTI-inflammatory, but hard exercise (training for a marathon, rock climbing) is PRO-inflammatory (here's a link that explains some of the studies in layman's terms). Hard exercise does give adrenaline and some pain relieving hormones during and immediately afterward, which feel very good and can add energy, but at the same time, it adds to the inflammatory burden our bodies carry.
I went for a walk the other day, pushing my kids in a double stroller. I used to be able to do this with no problem... Well, this time I made it halfway through my normal route and was worried I wouldn't be able to make it back to my car!I need to lose some extra weight (not a lot, just 10 pounds), but I have NO energy to do anything.
I hate it!
New member here so please bear with me. (Not that computer savvy at 50 years young, LOL...))) Diagnosed with Crohn's April, 2008 but the fatigue is killing me. All my blood work, B-12 is normal or on the low end of normal but have absolutely no energy at all.
I went for a walk the other day, pushing my kids in a double stroller. I used to be able to do this with no problem... Well, this time I made it halfway through my normal route and was worried I wouldn't be able to make it back to my car!I need to lose some extra weight (not a lot, just 10 pounds), but I have NO energy to do anything.
I hate it!
I apologize if this has been addressed in the previous pages, But I havent had the time to read the whole thread yet.
Has anyone found anything that helps? Specifically supplements, herbs, vitamins, and "natural" treatments? Has anyone had any luck with Prescription medications?
I have been fatigued for the past 2+ years, and I have only recently been suspected of crohns and waiting for a diagnosis. I eat healthy, I quit smoking, I cut out caffiene except for green tea, and I exercise when I can(biking).
I would love to hear from someone who has found something that has helped them. Thank you, I really appreciate being part of this community. All the best to everyone!
Hi kit don't u work now that's what I'm bothered about I'm on sick and have been since Feb iv been in bed all week no energy in worried iwill never be well enough to go bk to work it putting big strain on my marriage and family life still waiting for diagnoses I'm so glad I found this site don't feel so alone
Have u tried claiming pip if u work or don't work its not the condition it how it affects ur daily living u should claim it there website that tell u about it x
I do a little bit at weekend and.im totally wiped out couldn't get to sleep last night till 4am and iv slept on and off all day stomach bloated pain gurgling joint pain x
New member here so please bear with me. (Not that computer savvy at 50 years young, LOL...))) Diagnosed with Crohn's April, 2008 but the fatigue is killing me. All my blood work, B-12 is normal or on the low end of normal but have absolutely no energy at all.
Wow, I have the same thing right now.
Can't sleep.
Joint pain.
I have been sick since 1997 but I was not properly diagnosed until 2006. I have Ulcerative Colitis. Right now I take Questran 2× day and Lialda once a day and I just started taking Metamucil. Anyhow, I have been "tired" since around 1996. I don't know why I remember the specific year. That is almost 20 years of being "tired". :-(Do u have crohns iv got my colonscopy tmoz x
Thanks !That's a good idea to check your blood. I do so monthly myself to make sure my iron stores do not drop.
I get extremely tired as well, hard to tell if it is the medication or the disease sometimes...caffeine goes right through me and I think contributes to iron deficiency. Besides alternative ways for energy boost I don't have a lot of answers myself.
Hope you feel better.
No one has posted on here in 10 days ?
I almost got heatstroke the other day ? Now I have been so terribly tired. No energy at all. I see my Endocrinologist on Wednesday. I want my blood tested.
I apologize if this has been addressed in the previous pages, But I havent had the time to read the whole thread yet.
Has anyone found anything that helps? Specifically supplements, herbs, vitamins, and "natural" treatments? Has anyone had any luck with Prescription medications?
I have been fatigued for the past 2+ years, and I have only recently been suspected of crohns and waiting for a diagnosis. I eat healthy, I quit smoking, I cut out caffiene except for green tea, and I exercise when I can(biking).
I would love to hear from someone who has found something that has helped them. Thank you, I really appreciate being part of this community. All the best to everyone!
@ Hamster, I think we responded at exactly the same time. Yes, finding stimulants. Omg, your so right. Stimulants are a kind of fake energy and I feel they override the real health issue, kind of mask it. I am on Steroid Eye drops for Iritis. The taste down the back of my throat is horrible. I think we all know about prednisolone. Prednisone in US. it's a fake energy, I'm sure it's actually no good, it hides the really physical illness and issues and makes us make believe we might be well. However, steroids always cured my RA. it made the Crohn's worse, I lose weight on pred. Not good for a Crohnie. My eye disease isn't responding too well to the drops. So I'm a tad annoyed. I don't have energy from the drops, not like swallowing.
Never hear of Vyvanse in the UK. could you enlighten us others worldwide if you have something you feel helps. I would give anything for energy. sometimes, and it does go in phases, I'm completely disabled by the physical fatigue. It's as though the muscles are two sizes too small for the skeleton and I just need to sleep all day and night. I'm ashamed of my lifestyle and rarely have anyone to help. Not that I would be proud to have another human see my failings as an ordinary human. I so loved sport when I was younger. I'm a failure with no cure for the fatigue. I always need someone, but if they don't understand through experience then they too see me as a failure. I just want normal in my life. Am seriously considering DIY FMT, and wanting away from this feeling and experience of life. I did not choose Crohns. So knackered. Thanks all for being on this thread.
Extreme fatigue?? omg, after 6 months on the waiting list I got to see my NHS gastro bloke, Steve Lewis, Derriford. I explained I bleed a lot, but sometimes the blood just gushes out. it's so bad, and I feel so ill. He ordered 5 vials of blood tests, and gave me that form with another. I said "and when will I see you again?". He said, "I've written in 8 months time" So I sat right back down in the chair and demanded a colonoscopy. He was not amused. Told me it will take 3 months. I'm so tired, and physically incapable of using my muscles well, I struggle to get my hands into the kitchen sink to wash a mug out. I cannot wash my hair cos I have no energy.
I have also been on pred for my Iritis (eye disease that's painful) and I still don't feel well. I'm so exhausted and am despising gastro blokes who don't care about how much blood we are losing, nor want to investigate, nor care for how exhausted we are. Life seems to get more exhausting with every year into the 2nd half of a century, and does anyone care? no. that's the shock, just bloods? omg, I really wish I could go to a country that has health care that does care. Hard to do with no insurance and no one to help when too fatigued to live a life of ordinary standards.
I'm so sorry to all suffering. I asked (as my nurse asked me to) could I have b12 bi monthly not every three months. No! Gastro bloke said one injection is enough to last a year. No luck here trying to find health and energy.
I wish you all luck finding a cure for the diabolical disease. Sooo tired and with no help from anyone. no understanding either. At least we have each other. I can't find understanding and empathy from anywhere else other than this thread.
prednisolone. Prednisone in US. i
Spooky: You spoke about needing help ? I am disabled and I just turned 55 years old. I live in an apartment complex. I have to walk a very short distance to toss out my household trash into a large trash bin. I walk very slow and I walk hunched over ( limited mobility in my neck and I have shrunk two inches ) and so I have had at least three of my neighbors offer to take my trash bag to the large trash bin for me.Talk about embarrassing ! If I was 30 years older I would not be embarrassed for people to offer to help me, but I am only 55 ! People older than me offer to help me reach products on the shelves of grocery stores. And people are always opening doors for me. ( Sigh ). Every doctor or doctors assistant asks me "how are you" and the first word out of my mouth is "tired". Everyone try to have the best week you can have. And take care of yourself.
I understand completely. Its embarrassing feeling like a 90 year old in a 43 year old body. When I go out, which is rare, I get into lots of embarrassing situations where others ask me for 'help' since I appear to be in normal health, and I'm quite tall. But I can't really lift things, and I can't bend over... and I try to stand as little as possible, so it usually ends up bad.
Taking out the trash takes a long time for me... I just pace myself. I do manage to walk about 2 blocks every weekday so that I can pick up my daughter from school. Its my only cardio, I do it very slowly, and about an hour afterwards, I am usually paying for it... but Ive worked that 'low' into my routine.
I just got prescribed Lomotil today had to get it from my hematologist, the GI doc told me it was bad and wouldn't prescribe it because it "masks symptoms" well no **** that is what I want. He said it doesn't treat the problem, well I am trying to cure the problem and to no avail. The Budesonide is total crap, tried taking it for 18 days, probably going to switch to prednisone, i have had 3 entyvio treatments and not working at all. I wish the doctors had to feel what we feel, if he did maybe he would care more about getting me better or making me comfortable.
Hey, I'm only recently diagnosed and have been suffering for awful fatigue for a long time now. I had only just stopped pushing myself, and have just began to Trust my body and will actually stay in bed when I'm feeling like I need to. Which can be a lot! I kinda feel vindicated now that I have a diagnosis, I've been chastising myself for feeling so 'lazy' but now I know better!! It is very hard to explain to people, and very hard for them to understand unless they are going through it, so I really appreciate reading all of your stories xx
Anybody ever heard of Myers Cocktail ? It is an intravenous nutrient mixture. It contains certain vitamins. I saw it on YouTube one day. I was just wondering if this would be an acceptable treatment for fatigue. It probably works better than just taking over the counter vitamin pills ? I also saw a video from two years ago on YouTube from the Dr. Oz Show about intravenous vitamins. A lady that was featured on the show has an IV infusion once a month, every month, and it is a cocktail of different vitamins. The show was not endorsing this treatment, just making it known that it was available and it might work for some folks. The lady on the show did not say she had any certain physical illnesses that she was treating, but that she led a busy life and needed the boost of energy that the infusions gave her. I am getting an infusion tomorrow, for the first time, but it is for my osteoporosis. It is some kind of drug called Reclast ? I have osteoporosis in my lumbar spine and am a high fracture risk. I will be getting this infusion once a year instead of taking a once a week prescription pill for my osteoporosis. Thanks for listening.
The other day I was thinking about how little time my Specialists have to spend with me when I visit them. They are so rushed and they don't want to listen to what I have to say. Some of them are very good at controlling the flow of the doctors visit as to not offend the patient, but other doctors just have no bedside manners. Why is it so hard to find a good doctor ? :voodoo:
Not sure if it's just me, but does anybody experience some real bad fatigue after a BM?? I literally had to lay down afterwards because my stomach was burning up, and I just felt, so, so tired!
Im kinda the opposite. Not that i get a boost of energy after a BM... but it kinda picks me up a little. Or maybe its just psychological... since I generally feel much better in other ways after a BM.
Im kinda the opposite. Not that i get a boost of energy after a BM... but it kinda picks me up a little. Or maybe its just psychological... since I generally feel much better in other ways after a BM.
Just had to withdraw from my college classes this summer. I finished one but I can't seem to stay awake or focused enough to do all the reading. This disease is so tiring and the pain is so distracting. Especially hate how it makes me not be able to give my best as a mom. Physically and emotionally
Not sure if it's just me, but does anybody experience some real bad fatigue after a BM?? I literally had to lay down afterwards because my stomach was burning up, and I just felt, so, so tired!
It is hard to juggle between work and a life outside work, especially when you have severe fatigue. I had to cut back my hours at work and I'm applying for long term partial disability. I can only manage a max of three hours work right now. Otherwise I don't have the energy to even get back home. I agree that eventually lifestyle has to be looked at, once I put my health above my job, I felt such a huge relief.
i'm trying to get some energy together for a house move next Monday. I started to sort things two months ago and i'm so wiped out all day, the fatigue is so exacerbated by stress. I will do nothing for two months after i move, i swear. Everything can stay in their boxes. I'm too tired to cope really.
Just decided to join this support group... fatigue is a big issue. I have to have an "energy budget" for the day, so I don't start anything I can't finish.
However, things are a lot easier since I finished work and I sympathise with anyone who still has to go to work when colleagues (and especially bosses) don't understand the astonishing levels of fatigue we sometimes have.
Cheers, everyone.
The fatigue is starting to affect my attention span. I cannot seem to concentrate on anything. I can't read for very long, the sentences get all jumbled. And it's so hard to partake in conversations....
Yep, join the club. Life is so exhausting I get very little done and feel so ashamed of myself
Yep, join the club. Life is so exhausting I get very little done and feel so ashamed of myself
Thanks for the telling off, lol. I'm my own worst critic sometimes. Would just love to have some normal energy and less of the physical and mental fatigue.
Yep, it's a great support group this. I'm so pleased it's here, otherwise we would have no one understanding what we go through.
Question: looking for similar experience.
I used to have a couple good weeks followed be a few bad. Now I'm luckyto have a few good days in a month. I have no idea what changed. Blood work looks good (iinflammation markers continue to drop, not anemic, B12, are all looking good.
Quite perplexed.