LOL! You're so funny.
Why thank you
Aside from being a wizard, destined to save the world, I'm also a jedi. Didn't you know? These are both me. You better believe it.
LOL! You're so funny.
This is me!
Phew! All this time I thought you were a grabby dog clown, like your avatar. So much better!
No, that date is correct but I guess this pic is a little deceiving because of the light. I have been told that I look young but I am thertysomthing too close to 40!!! But thank you very much
@ ekay ~ OK help me out here. I'm a little loopy at the moment, so I may be just imagining all of this. You are beautiful, but I'm confused. In the first pic, your eyes look blue, and in the second pic, they look brown. ????? I feel like a mental case.
Me and my family at the Huntington Library Gardens in LA, Cali
Thank you. I did try that but it kept failing! I'll try again and hope for the best......
Nope it says
Upload of file failed. "
It's under the size limits too. Humpf!
I LOVE the Huntington Gardens - it's one of my favorite places on earth!
Thank you. I did try that but it kept failing! I'll try again and hope for the best......
Nope it says
Upload of file failed. "
It's under the size limits too. Humpf!
By the way, did you live in Utah in the past? I thought I recognized those beautiful mountains.
PVail, can you link that up with sound too? =)
Peter Vail live at the Peace bridge opening. Tune is Catherine by Don Ross.
Tasha, first hit the "go advanced" the third box down Attach file. Hit the botton "manage attachments" a window will pop-up. hit choose file then upload then hit submit reply and that is it.
aww Y'all still in the honeymoon phaze still lol
meh, I would consider 3 years a recent photo so no worries!
By the way Manzib, I like the Darker hair on you... Just don't color it red or I may have to challenge your hubby to a duel of sorts for your hand heheh
Me and my little sister... she's only 14 months younger, but 7 inches shorter, and way more blonde
Here's a new pic of my fiancee and I on one of our morning walks. As you can see she's the better looking one in the relationship lol
LOL not sure if you're being serious or not but thanks?
Haha oh dear. I'm going to have to respectfully decline your offer but I appreciate the words
Haha I missed you while you were gone.