Feel good stopped meds

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Jun 20, 2012
Did you ever stop your meds when you feelt really good.

I was on humira last year But stopped it cause I felt good and didn't like the side effects I got for a few days after like feeling like crap and and bad cramping in my bowel I went to the GI told him I wanted to stop humira he said ok no probs just like that. Then around april this year my symptoms got worse so I went back on to humira but this time my new doc thinks it was doing nothing cause I ended up in the hospital and they found a partial blockage a stricture and a fistula also I think I had small bowel bacterial overgrowth yay.

And so they said the humira was doing nothing now I feel like such a dick for stopping my meds and supplement's just cause I felt good.
I have been in a similar boat but I stopped Remicade because I didn't feel like I could afford it. I developed an obstruction. Six months after surgery, they tried to put me back on it and I developed an allergy to it.
When I was a child, the protocol was to be on medications until in remission, then stop meds.....and go back on when symptoms came back.....

In my case, my periods of remission became shorter and shorter, and my disease progressed and got worse and worse.....so 'bigger and better' drugs were needed.....

I plan on staying on Remicade as long as possible as it is working for me. Any side effects etc. are well worth it so far, as long as the Crohn's Colitis symptoms are kept in check!!
The problem with stopping the Humira is stopping the med then later restarting it can encourage anti-bodies to form, making the Humira ineffective. I totally understand not wanting to take meds if they are not needed, but realize there is a potential it will cause the biologics to stop working altogether.
Yeah I was on and off it a few times then it was like it started working the other times I was on it it didn't work. if the remicade doesnt work then i dunno whats next

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