Feel pressure on their bowel when bladder if full

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Feb 21, 2012
Hi Everyone,

Im very frustrated at the moment.
I have been having sever joint pain to the stage where i have trouble getting out of bed in the morning in almost all of my major joints, my gp has done blood tests for Arthirtis and also x-rays & all has come back clear, i have been taking Anti Inflammotories which do not help, the only relife i get is when i take Panadine Fort which has Codine in it, Im at my whits end.
I also have a question to ask if anyone can help me.
Does anyone feel pressure on their Bowel when bladder if full, my doc is a bit concerned about that, i have to go get a CT scan on Thrusday to find out whats going on there.
Any help would be greatly appreciated

Thanks Heaps
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Hi Fiona, I hope you don't mind but I've edited your thread title so it can attract more attention and hopefully get your question answered.

As for your arthritis question, I'd suggest checking out our arthritis forum as hopefully you might get some answers there.
Hi Fiona,

First off, I am sorry you are not doing well. You mentioned felling worse in the bowel when the bladder is full, I would think this would be common with someone with bowel issues since you are so sensitive there. I have not yet been Dx with crohns, but have a bunch of digestive issues. I also have interstitial cystitis. I know when my bowel is full, I have pressure in my bladder and have to pee alot. I also feel my intestines feel worse when My bladder is full. I have been told I likely have endometriosis, but have never been formally Dx. This could also cause these sensations as well as any scar tissue. Maybe go to the gyne and see what they say..