Feeling cold continuously does anyone else ?

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Mar 16, 2009

I feel I have to ask, as it is bugging me. I am freezing cold all the time, I have to wear great big jumpers etc just to feel comfortable, its terrible at work everyone is warm or hot. Can it be the crohns, i'm in remission at the moment, even my husband has mentioned how cold I am, but apart from that I feel really well.

The only time I'm hot is when I'm working out at the gym. There are times at night I suddenly get hot for no reason then it goes but it wakes me up. Even when I have a flare-up my temperature is always below the average, even though I may be feeling really hot, Its so weird, will be gratefull for your answers, am fedup trotting off to my GP, especially for something as trivial as this.

I wouldn't say that I am freezing all the time, but I am much cooler than everyone else. (Haha - I am cooler than everyone - that came out funny.) People will be wearing shorts and a tshirt and I will be wearing capris and a hoodie. My feet are almost always cold too, especially in my beloved flip-flops.
I've even been wearing my winter coat to my son's soccer games, while other moms are wearing shorts. (poor kid...)
We keep our house at 70 degrees in the winter, and I am only comfortable if I have fuzzy jammie pants, long sleeved tshirt socks slippers and I carry my blankie around like a toddler.
Now of course, it's about to be wicked hot at work though - we don't have air conditioning, and in June my room is usually around 92 no matter what it is outside. Grrrr.
The only time I feel really comfortable temp wise is when I am on prednisone. I think it makes me warmer.
I know that for a while i was always freezing in my house even when it was warm. and that could be partly to if you are anemic or not or have a low iron level in your blood. these will keep you cold due to thinning the blood i believe.
I know exactly how you feel. I am ALWAYS freezing. No matter what the temp, I have to wear pants, longsleeve shirts and/or sweatshirts. At work I keep a heater under my desk and usually have it on because everyone at work is always hot. I feel bad for my husband because he tries to keep the house temp comfortable for me but then he's sweating to death. When I'm at home I wear some kind of pants, sweatshirts and still keep a blanket covering me. I usually tell anyone that asks about temperatures not to worry about me because I know I am always cold no matter what.
My hubby sits and sweats cuz I always have the heat jacked up...I thought it was cuz I'm getting older (in my 40's) and that's why I notice feeling cold more and more, but who knows, maybe it's getting older and having CD.

i notice it too.
especially my extremities. my toes feet and ankles turn to ice and my fingers too.
however, the rest of my body is either comfortable or too hot.
i get in the bath to take care of it. it regulates my blood so i am one temp all over.
ive always though this was due to poor circulation. i had (maybe still have) double a normal persons platelets which means thicker blood, harder to pump through. especially when youre anemic and have a low bp.
thats how i understand it.
also when i was in the hospy after surg, they put those leg massager things on me that prevent blood clots and the whole time my feet were nice and warm. since the leg thingys improved the circulation, my feet warmed up
I've always joked that I was born in the wrong country. I should have been born in Spain, Australia (Hiya Jed), Jamaica..... anywhere but freezing Ireland......

I feel cold most of the time, but Mrs.Danman says I'm always warm, she always manages to find me at night when she's cold...!!!!!

I don't know if my internal temp is higher than normal and that makes me feel cold. Any time I take my temp in remission, it's just on the high side of normal.

During flares though, My temp is always high. So I understand my feeling of cold then.
I've talked with MBH about this quite a bit. I am absolutely freezing most of the time. I'm like Kello though it's mostly my hands and feet. My hands will get so cold that the tips turn blue/purple and I have to run them under hot water to warm them up otherwise they start hurting. I know it's not real manly to take baths but I do the same thing and I actually notice while it's mostly my hands and feet the rest of my body is cold as well, once I am out of the bath or shower my hips and such aren't nearly as stiff.

My dad has the same thing with his hands although he doesn't have any GI issues, my aunt also has the cold thing with no GI issues so it's probably some genetic thing for me.
It must be my Scandinavian heritage, because I'm always too warm. I'm the one with a tshirt and shorts when it's 50 degrees (Fahrenheit) and I sometimes even sweat at room temp just sitting still if I'm not dressed lightly enough (or if I get anxious)....I'm fine with the cold, though I don't prefer it. 60 degrees is my ideal temp, I just don't do well in the heat. However, my hands and feet are like Drew's sometimes, though they don't turn blue, they're just often very cold, but other times, they heat up a lot (well, that happened when I'd take Nitric Oxide products most, the vascularity increase would get blood pumping more) and my hands are abnormally warm. It varies.
i do thats for sure! i always have a blanket around the house or the heating pad before it broke:( but my mom and friends always say its cuz im just dead already lol or the aliens are harvisting my organs because ive had so many surgeries!:D but im even cold when its like 80 and i told my dr but its not anemia so idk
BWS1982 said:
It must be my Scandinavian heritage, because I'm always too warm. I'm the one with a tshirt and shorts when it's 50 degrees (Fahrenheit) and I sometimes even sweat at room temp just sitting still if I'm not dressed lightly enough (or if I get anxious)....I'm fine with the cold, though I don't prefer it. 60 degrees is my ideal temp, I just don't do well in the heat. However, my hands and feet are like Drew's sometimes, though they don't turn blue, they're just often very cold, but other times, they heat up a lot (well, that happened when I'd take Nitric Oxide products most, the vascularity increase would get blood pumping more) and my hands are abnormally warm. It varies.

I would love if my scandia heritage would kick in (norwegian and swedish and a little dutch) ..
Drew have mailed you..

Danman, Duncan yells at night when my cold feet find him so you have a buddy that understands what you mean! LOL

Being cold can be linked to many things including anaemia, hypothyroidism, poor fluid balance i.e. if you havent had enough to drink across the day to balance out any loss then your body will centralise your fluid to your core to supply your major organs with vital support - does that make sense? Also if you are tired you can become cold as you become sluggish. If your liver function is down as some of us are affected by our meds it can cause us to be cold as our liver is the "boiler" of the body and generates phenomenal heat.

The aspect of being cold around a certain time of day or night i.e. between 4-6am or pm relates to your circadian (sp?) rythm too. Where your body slows you down to be able to achieve certain things it needs to update as it were.

Certainly can rub thumbs with you all on this one. But important for us all to look after ourselves on this front.
I also am cold pretty much constantly.I try not to jack the heat up too much at home,for sake of my 4 yr old son and my bills,but am always wearing multiple layers,even with heating on.Quite worrying sometimes..but after reading here,i realise it is also quite common,so a little less concerned now.Thankyou for posting.
I also am cold pretty much constantly.I try not to jack the heat up too much at home,for sake of my 4 yr old son and my bills,but am always wearing multiple layers,even with heating on.Quite worrying sometimes..but after reading here,i realise it is also quite common,so a little less concerned now.Thankyou for posting.
NinjaPig, have you had your thyroid checked? I was getting cold easily and my gp tested me and determined I have hypothyroidism. I take medicine for it.

I feel I have to ask, as it is bugging me. I am freezing cold all the time, I have to wear grokeat big jumpers etc just to feel comfortable, its terrible at work everyone is warm or hot. Can it be the crohns, i'm in remission at the moment, even my husband has mentioned how cold I am, but apart from that I feel really well.

The only time I'm hot is when I'm working out at the gym. There are times at night I suddenly get hot for no reason then it goes but it wakes me up. Even when I have a flare-up my temperature is always below the average, even though I may be feeling really hot, Its so weird, will be gratefull for your answers, am fedup trotting off to my GP, especially for something as trivial as this.


I feel the same. The sun could be beating on me I'm cold then get got. Walk around at home with thick fuzzy socks & pjs. Always have on my jacket. Can't find the perfect temp @ home cuz family gets hot but I'm cold.
When I felt that way my GP ordered test for thyroid function....sure enough that what the problem was...Hashimotos thyroiditis.
It responded well to synthroid daily dose.
You may also want to have your doc check you for anemia. Cold intolerance is a very common symptom of anemia, and anemia is a very common complication of Crohn's.
You may also want to have your doc check you for anemia. Cold intolerance is a very common symptom of anemia, and anemia is a very common complication of Crohn's.

My mom has mentioned that to me make sure I get checked for that. I tend to bruise easily and they last a long time. Feel bad that my family has to adjust their ac or heater when I'm around..
I get cold easily particularly when my diet is poor due to flares when I cannot get the nutrition requirements I need. Energy shakes can help add the needed calories to fuel the body's furnace. Lack of exercise can also lower the body's ability to generate heat, going for a walk or doing active housework can help to get the metabolism going.
Yes, its been happening a lot lately. My rbc and hemoglobin are both borderline (low end of normal) and my iron is at the very low end of normal. I seem to be okay in the warm but over sensitive to the cold. When I am cold my nail beds turn purple. Also happens if i dont get enough sleep.

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