Flu shot

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Nov 20, 2011
did any of you or are any of you going to get the flu shot this year? I am debating. I didn't get it last year and wasn't sick with the flu, but the year before i did get the flu shot and still got sick with the flu.:sign0085:
I've had crohn's for what is virtually 10 years now and I've never been offered the flu jab until this year. Like you I've not been ill by not having it but I decided to take it this year as it was offered. I'm going to wait to see how I'm feeling after this winter and if I don't fall ill I think I'll have it every year just as a precautionary measure. I see your trouble though why have stuff pumped into you your body if it's not really going to do anything. This has prob not helped you but I hope you make the right decision for you remember everyone is different and only you really know what's right for you in the long run :)
We are offered free flu shots through work and I took them for the last 2 years. Haven't gotten the flu (knock on wood so far) and didn't have problems.
However, currently fighting a bad cough that somebody dragged into work. :(
I think the flu shot depends on your situation. Elementary school teacher? Definitely! Computer programmer who works from home? Maybe not necessary. Our family is always around little kids who love to. .."share", so we all get the shot every year.

Good luck!
I did have the flu shot this year as I am on Infliximab/Remicade. Had it before I was on that though. Was on Azathioprine and then mercaptopurine and was offered it at one of my blood tests so took it.
Have got 2 boys and they are always bringing home coughs and colds. Have only had 1 cold so far and not flu(knock on wood) which I always get in November.
I didn't get it last year and was on 6MP and didn't get the flu and wasn't going to this year but my GP talked me into it so I got my flu shot this year (still on 6MP) and haven't gotten sick yet. For me its never mattered if I got the flu shot cause there are so many strains going around that even with the flu shot its still hit or miss.
I got jabbed last week at work, the shots are covered by my employer. I've been getting the shot now for 14 years, I found that if I get the flu it tends to take a bit more out of me than it did in my younger days
My son, daughter and myself all recieved the flu shot. Since then (3 weeks ago) we have been couging steady and have all been tired and sick. I guess this is a side effect. Keep it I am never getting another flu shot again. I feel better without it. Good luck with your choice.

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