Flushable Doggie poo bags! I smell an idea?

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Aug 9, 2009
Hey guys
I was thinking, have any of you guys tried using these flushable doggy poo bags to empty your bags into? I thought it would be much less messy and no chance of splash-back. I thought it was a cool idea as I found it weird trying to empty my bag into the toilet and every time I tried with my practice bag I got fake poo everywhere lol.

Anyway tell me what you think, you can buy those bags here http://www.flushdoggy.com/

Nyx, do those really work? What about output while you are changing the liner or do you have 2 rotating bags?

Hi Charlotte -What were you using for fake poo? The only time i have trouble is when my output is really watery (too much coffee!) and I can't get the collar of the bag down before the stuff starts flying out. But mostly my output is more oatmeal consistency and I have no problems getting it into the right place.

- Amy
My output is really solid, so changing while things are happening really doesn't make that big a mess (nothing a wad of toilet paper doesn't catch and fix)...
Unfortunately, mine is pretty "fluidy" most of the time. Still, it might do some good at work and one can wear the smaller bags. Thanks, Nyx, for the link!
The flushable doggy bags look good too and they are cheaper. Might be worth to try and get those free samples they advertise. :)