Flying With Abdominal Abscess?

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Apr 30, 2014
Hi everyone!

I'm typing this from the hospital. It looks as if I have a small abscess (3 cm), and am currently on IV antibiotics. I am traveling from Philadelphia to London with my family in a little less than a month, and a few of the doctors are advising against it because there is a risk of it rupturing from the pressure. I feel devastated as I have been looking forward to this trip all year.

I'll be talking to my primary gastro doctor, but I want to know if anyone has flown with an abscess? The doctors in this hospital seem inconsistent and are not very good at answering questions. I want to ask my primary gastro if I can take some pain killers and antibiotics with me.

Any advice or personal experience would be greatly appreciative.
I have never flown with an abscess but at the same time I would want a doctor I felt comfortable with.
Antibiotics although very necessary are not likely to heal the abscess without the abscess being drained.
Are there plans to do this? Where is the abscess it internal or external?
It's likely true that flying with an abscess is not an optimal situation...the docs are giving good advice
I find sometimes when flying transatlantic (Toronto-London) I get a lot of abdominal gas and know if I had an abscess in there would never fly until it was better.
Best to wait till you are better before considering the flight...better safe than sorry. You may get better before its time to fly.
You also might find it difficult to get travel insurance.
Feel better soon
Thank you! I'm trying to ask the doctor if I can fly if it were to be drained since if I have a catheter in place, it would stabilize the pressure. Unfortunately he walked out of the room before I could ask him, so I have to wait until Monday since he won't be here over the weekend. I'd like to try and be proactive about my treatment, but it can be disheartening when you're stuck with a doctor that doesn't listen.
Sorry to hear that.
Is there any sign of your discharge from the hospital back to your family doctor?
If not then why don't you speak with the head nurse and ask her to let the doc concerned know you have questions for him/her on Monday
Actually nurses can write your question in your progress chart which doctors usually read prior to making Ward rounds.
Some doctors can be so insensitive to patient needs.
If you will be going home soon then you can ask your family doctor about this and any other issues.
Weekends can feel so long in hospital but Monday will soon be here
Feel better
Thank you! I'm trying to ask the doctor if I can fly if it were to be drained since if I have a catheter in place, it would stabilize the pressure. Unfortunately he walked out of the room before I could ask him, so I have to wait until Monday since he won't be here over the weekend. I'd like to try and be proactive about my treatment, but it can be disheartening when you're stuck with a doctor that doesn't listen.
I am sorry.
My husband is a pilot and said no you shouldn't fly if you have any abscess as it could cause an emergency in the air. However, if it's altitude/pressure that concerns you, he also said commercial flights are pressurized. I wouldn't miss a chance to go to LONDON!!! See if you can get it drained. Good Luck and Hugs!

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