I am shocked and bemused by the epidemic proportion of Crohns/UC/IBD conditions hitting our population. I can only see the correlations to the hormone enhanced dairies, gmos, pesticides, and genetically gluten enhanced grains. Not to mention all the chemical fillers. I can only do so much as one individuals, but as a community, we need to organize and get the GMO labeling for starts. An ORGANIC DRIVE is necessary or millions more will suffer. There are enough suffers believing they have a disease. A source of majority of modern western diseases are self-inflicted. We have so much pollution, irritants, and contamination in almost everything. Any biologist that is studying bees or some other endangers species goes back to this contamination and shows the link to health disorders in populations, but humanity doesn't do the same thing? That 2 year studies on GMO corn that produced all those cancer ridden rats wasn't a fluke. You think honey bees colonies collapse because of natural forces and not man-made causes? We are canaries in the coal mine and we need to help others not suffer like we had to. If you haven't already, read my guide on how to beat IBD.
I can only get the word out so much. There is so much to do to stop all this suffering I am powerless to stop. Capitalists which include big pharma and the medical industry are "capitalizing" on an unnatural, man-made epidemic that is sweeping the western the world. Our micro flora and fauna are under attack, but they are saying it is our IMMUNE SYSTEM. Guess what, you immune system isn't the problem, but what big business is doing to the food supply. If you want to save others, please push for GMO labeling and ORGANIC standards. We shouldn't have to feed ourselves poison because we have no choice. Anyway, I have to get back to my work, but I will keep lurking and trying to save as many of you as I can. Educate yourselves and realizes that if someone is making money off you, their agendas are not pure. Good luck.
I can only get the word out so much. There is so much to do to stop all this suffering I am powerless to stop. Capitalists which include big pharma and the medical industry are "capitalizing" on an unnatural, man-made epidemic that is sweeping the western the world. Our micro flora and fauna are under attack, but they are saying it is our IMMUNE SYSTEM. Guess what, you immune system isn't the problem, but what big business is doing to the food supply. If you want to save others, please push for GMO labeling and ORGANIC standards. We shouldn't have to feed ourselves poison because we have no choice. Anyway, I have to get back to my work, but I will keep lurking and trying to save as many of you as I can. Educate yourselves and realizes that if someone is making money off you, their agendas are not pure. Good luck.