Something special for my son

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Jan 25, 2017
Hello everyone, I'm not sure if this is the correct place to speak about this, so I apologize in advance. I thought it'd be the best place to start since everyone on this site can relate to these struggles.

My son suffers from a number of ailments. Crohn's disease, GERD, Ulcerative Colitis and Duodenal ulcers. In addition to those diagnosis he also has a number of psychological conditions, all of which have been diagnosed and documented. He has an extreme case of OCD, panic disorder, insomnia, PTSD, generalized anxiety disorder and agoraphobia.

When he was first diagnosed he went through a terrible ordeal, and as much as I hate to think about it or acknowledge it; all of his doctors and my husband and I thought that he was going to die. A priest even came into his hospital room to read last rites to him.

When he was hospitalized in Fletcher Allen of Vermont, the doctors there were completely stumped by his case. They said that they'd never seen such a bad case of Crohn's. They were so baffled by it that they wanted to make a study out of him. To do experiments on him and such. At that time he had lost a staggering 90 pounds in just month or two.
He's very thin.

It's taken a lot from him over the years. His college education, his career, 2 girlfriends and a fiancé. He's had to watch all the people he'd graduated highschool with move forward to have careers and families. It's cost him a number of opportunities.
He struggles constantly with it all.

This post is one I've wanted to make for a long time, but I was never sure if there'd be a point to it. He has been sick all of 2017 so far. Bed ridden and wasting away. Then, a couple weeks ago his dog, was killed by a car. He blames himself. At the time he was running a fever and vomiting and in no shape to do anything but try to rest. His dog got out of our gates backyard because a delivery man left it open. He got out a took off. We looked and looked for his dog for hours. We didn't want to worry my son so we didn't tell him he got out until that evening. After learning that his dog was missing, he got up and began to get dressed to go find him. Whenever our dogs get out he can always find them. We had to talk him out of heading outside in his current state. He had a fever of 103 and was in no shape to go out. The next morning we found out his dog was killed by a car.
It's not his fault.
But he said "if I wasn't sick I could've brought him back. He'd be alive if I hadn't been too sick to look for him".

He's had it really rough time although he remains quite stoic. He never asks for anything. I wanted to do something special for him. I want to give him just a little sunshine, because he deserves it, he's earned it. He needs something good to happen.
He's a very talented musician.
He's always wanted a Gibson ES-335. It's a very expensive guitar. He had saved money for it several times but was forced to use it for something else. (He was rear-ended by a drunk driver and had to use the money to buy another car. After that he saved again only to end up buying an engagement ring for a girl who ended up leaving him.)
As you can imagine he has become very discouraged.
I know that a guitar is a material thing and shouldn't matter. But I want him to have something good surprise him. To give him some encouragement.

I don't know how to go about this. I can't afford that guitar. So is there some sort of organization that donates things to the chronically ill?
How can I go about getting him this guitar? Do I ask for donations? I really don't know. Any help would be so very much appreciated.
I just want to give him something to brighten things up for him.

Thank you
You could also research programs that grant wishes to adults with serious illnesses. I hope he gets his guitar!
There are probably many programs out there, you may have someone chime in who has been able to get assistance in the past through a charitable organization.

I hope your son is getting doctors' care - sounds like whatever he may be on is not working for him.....
Perhaps ask Gibson directly, or get in contact with one of his favourite bands. I'm sure one of them would want to help out a fan in need of a little sunshine. I don't know if you have Freecycle where you are or something similar but you might luck out and find someone generous enough to donate on (sorry don't know how common that particular guitar is). I wish you luck x
What a heart-breaking story! In addition to the other suggestions,ie. Go Fund Me, etc., perhaps even contacting music stores where this guitar is sold. They may have some ideas. Or maybe a benefit concert in your community by some local, amateur musicians? I hope your son is under continuing care by a team of specialists. And I hope you see his condition improve soon.
Some music stores etc may even offer a payment plan. Many people can be more than understanding if you give them a chance. Starting a gofundme is also a start and you could get friends and family to donate and share the link with their friends (you won't be able to share the link on the forum however or request donations from forum members as it's against forum rules).

Good luck! I understand completely about wanting them to have something nice to brighten their day a little. My husband is bedridden and is mentally shot from the constant pain and depression so I do my best to try and make him happy by asking his family to purchase higher priced items for him that I know my family or myself can't afford. He's gotten two tablets before (he broke the first one I bought him with my Amazon Store card because he was carrying it while using his crutches and it slipped out of his hand, so the second one his mom bought with a case that has handles). He also got a new phone this Christmas because an app he enjoyed playing no longer supported tablets (I contacted his mom again for this bigger purchase). When someone is so down and sometimes even feeling suicidal you'll do anything to try and make them happy. I see that it is for sale on Amazon so you may want to look into an Amazon Store card and ask them about what the monthly payments might be.