Further Financial Burden

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Dec 20, 2009
Hi guys. I'm not a regular here but just thought I'd voice my opinion here, since it seems to be the only place where I can.

I am 19, a student, hence unemployed for the most part of the year, I have to look after my expenses as a young person living away from home and all that jazz, while trying not to financially burden my parents. That sounds like the life of a normal student alright, but whats my problem? Last November I was diagnosed with Crohn's, we all know what that feels like to some extent. Not only have I been put in the stressful position of trying to deal with (physically and emotionally) this new thing that has taken over me, by the powers of "fate" or "god" or whatever else you want to call it, but I also have to pay for meds, steroids, every month, which are in no way cheap, and as my doctor tells me I might have to stay on the potentially toxic pentasa for the rest of my life. Yada yada yada, we all know that stuff...

My problem here is, that when I try to "officially belong" to an organisation (like the ECCO or NACC) whose members have exactly the same diagnosis as mine, and which i should already technically belong to without any further costs, I am faced with paying another 100 quid annually, just to receive some lousy newsletter and update emails or one or 2 magazines a year. And apparently my contribution to these organisations would also go towards informing others of my condition. Well excuse me but I think this is really arrogant, and I strongly believe this should be the Govenment's job, or maybe it should be added to the list of responsibilities of the WHO. Excuse my angry and disrespectful tone but I really dont think i should be paying money just to belong to an organisation which i should readily belong to as ive been "blessed" with this condition. My point here is that these organisations should be funded by the governments or the EU, because the government should be looking after its citizens no matter how bad or good their health is! Otherwise its discrimination! For the record, I can afford to pay that registration fee, but I am not going to do it, because the principle behind it is wrong and im not going to pay any more additional money for something I did not chose to have!

Thank you for reading, I really needed that rant.
You have a reason to vent. We have and the US has a CCFC.ca the US is CCFA.com they are a non-profit organization put together by a group of concerned parents in the 70's. We help with funding by volunteers and fundraisers. What kind of organization makes you pay to belong to a disease is beyond me. We are not forced to pay anything, and the rewards are awareness and updates of research, trials and community fund raising.

You are stressed and I can see why. Dont make sense to me!
Does joining either of this organizations have any benefit? You can get the same feeling of community on this site, and for free, as you already know. I'm sure they probably use the funding for research, etc. but if you don't want to join, then don't spend the money.
uab grad student said:
Does joining either of this organizations have any benefit? You can get the same feeling of community on this site, and for free, as you already know. I'm sure they probably use the funding for research, etc. but if you don't want to join, then don't spend the money.

Well the benefits are that you get to physically meet people in the same situation as yours, make friends and take part in some sort of meetings that they organise.I see your point but its not about not wanting to join, its about the principle behind it if you do want to join. What if someone couldnt even pay for their meds, wouldnt it be even more stressful not to be able to belong to an orgsnisation because you cant pay for that either?
I agree with Jettalady
I here ya ve. Why should you have to pay, meds are expensive enough. I couldn't do it and I'm not even a student and I work 40 hrs a week. This year I have paid out almost $9000. inout of pocket expense and I can imagine how hard it is on you.
That's why I'm here, to get and give support to friends.
Suprised you have to pay for prescription. I know if you are a full time student in uk + N Ireland you dont have to.

With the NHS (national health service) we pay £7.20 for each prescription, no matter what it is. If you are needing a prescription every month then you can get a yearly prescription which works out cheaper
Umm.. Just wondering if you have been given some duff info? I joined the NACC and it only cost me £12 for the year, and that was while I was working

totally get your point about paying to be in a club you are already a member of simply by having the disease. However, I did feel the price was reasonable for the wealth of information they sent me and for the regular magazines and a
research updates. I believe for students there is a concession.

In an ideal world it would be free! Hell, in an ideal world so much would be different, we wouldn't have crohns for a start!

I know every penny counts, but personally, I felt that these pennies were worth it - a quid a month, and a LOT of expertise at your finger tips, benefits, research, fundraisers, local groups...

Lishyloo x

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