Ive had my ileostomy for over 5 yrs now and at first, being a girl and being into the latest fashion trends, I was nervous that I wouldnt be able to wear what I normally liked to wear. Well I got over that real quick. At first, I thought if I wore skinny jeans or a tight dress, people would see a little bulge and wonder what the heck it was. But then I realized, I was the only one wondering about it and I was the only one who noticed it. It wasnt as a big of a deal as I was making it. Really, no one is going to notice it (unless its completely full), except you! So start by wearing something your comfy in, like sweat pants or something, then when you feel a little better, go back to the jeans.I promise, no one will suspect a thing. And you dont have to change it all the time. Only if its getting puffy. I change mine about 2 times a day, and thats enough. Good luck and if you have any more questions Id be happy to help!