Hi..my name is Jessica and im 20 years old. I was diagnosed with Crohns 3 years ago, 2 weeks before christmas. At the time of my diagnosis, I had staff infections in my eyes, rheumatoid artheritis, and extreme abdominal and muscle pain. I had trouble breathing and could barely walk the 20 steps it took to get to the bathroom. Because of my extremem symptoms, it was decided by my family that I would be home hospitalized and receive schooling from my kitchen. I feel like thats when my life ended. MY daily routine was to wake up, NOT eat breakfast (or anything bc of nausea) take my 17 pills, do school work for an hour, then sleep. I guess you could say I became extremely depressed and secluded. This feeling of helplessness caused my to rebel, so I moved out as soon as I was 18 and didnt speak to my mother for almost 1.5 years. I slummed around the city of louisville looking for cheap thrills because i thought that would make me feel like a normal human being again. I completely stopped all my infusions and medications. School became too stressful and money became an issue, so I stopped going. I lived out of people basements and lost all respect and love for myself. In my head, it was my fault I got sick, and because of my sickness, my family fell apart. Today, im still not taking any medication and have yet to talk to anyone about the traumatic experiences i've been through and probably wouldn't know what to say anyway. I know i've let this disease get the better of me, I just don't know how to get up now. If anyone has any advice or has been through something similar, please comment. Its taken me three years to seek help about these issues, but im ready and open to making my life all it can be, with or without this dx.
Thank you for your time
Thank you for your time