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I usually find it helpful to identify & understand the source of reference articles. This one is from the Institute for Responsible Technology (IRT) www.responsibletechnology.org
I agree with some of this, although nothing will convince me Bacillus Thuringiensis is safe for people with stomach illnesses based on it's mechanism of action in killing insects.Their "report" is terrible, three pages with almost no references to their sources. There are no government reports on how dangerous Glyphosate is, Infact, it is registered as a class III pesticide by the EPA, harmless in the doses you are likely to receive in food but dangerous if you say...chugged a bottle of it. There are no reports of "leaky gut" Stephanie Seneff is indeed a senior researcher at MIT but in computer science. She only has a bachelors in biophysics. Her "work" in biology has been in such applications as trying to prove a link between autism and glyphosate. The study they cite on glyphosate toxicity is inline with the EPA's findings, it has mild effects on human biology And the other is on the microbiome in chickens. There's more holes in this report than it allegedly puts in people. Seems like fear mongering to push more of the gluten free/anti-GMO fad. Note this site is also anti-vaccine, that should tell you about the caliber of people who wrote this.
Do you want to show me what you perceive to be sound evidence?Insects and humans are totally different. Things that kill humans may not kill insects and vice-versa.
You say nothing will convince you? Not even sound evidence?
Nope. For one, the wheat supply was pretty much the same all the way up to the 60s when Norman Borlaug came around. It's only recently something that has changed.We're been editing DNA since we first went from hunter-gatherers to farmers. Compare an ear of maize from five thousand years ago with one of today, a modern cow an ancestor from that long past aeon, even our companion animals - dogs are part of the same genetic engineering. This is nothing more than an extension than husbandry and plant breeding by other means.
There is no sound evidence. There is not one long term study on humans concerning GMO's, or glyphosate on humans. Try find one that is even one year long.
We are the test subjects. Welcome to the study.
Their "report" is terrible, three pages with almost no references to their sources. There are no government reports on how dangerous Glyphosate is, Infact, it is registered as a class III pesticide by the EPA, harmless in the doses you are likely to receive in food but dangerous if you say...chugged a bottle of it. There are no reports of "leaky gut" Stephanie Seneff is indeed a senior researcher at MIT but in computer science. She only has a bachelors in biophysics. Her "work" in biology has been in such applications as trying to prove a link between autism and glyphosate. The study they cite on glyphosate toxicity is inline with the EPA's findings, it has mild effects on human biology And the other is on the microbiome in chickens. There's more holes in this report than it allegedly puts in people. Seems like fear mongering to push more of the gluten free/anti-GMO fad. Note this site is also anti-vaccine, that should tell you about the caliber of people who wrote this.
So 282 million Americans have no issue with gluten. So what exactly is the problem? WE are the ones with the illness. WE have to adjust accordingly. More than 99% of the population has no problem, so why are the gluten makers all of a sudden so evil? It bothers you? don't eat it.
Sure, food processing has changed. You have every right to avoid it, but don't crucify them for something that is working just fine for nearly the entire population.
We also now have cellphones attached to our heads every second, maybe increasing migraines and brain tumors. Flat screen TV's that emit lights that keep us up all night, make us sleepy drivers and unproductive workers the next day. Should we rally against all the electronic makers?
Hunters/gatherers didn't have pills to prevent pregnancy either, but now women take them like water, perhaps driving up breast cancer and blood clots in young women. Where is the outrage there?
The world changes and advances. Some of these advances will adversely affect small populations whose genetics simply won't tolerate these changes. We need to suck it up and deal with it.
Hi MD, That's a tough 'pill' to choke down. No issue should be too staunch ~ leaving little room for research. Shocking that an MD would shut a door and finish with 'We need to suck it up, and deal with it' Many of us as patients are very familiar with that phrase. LOL.
Also, Americans - from a statistical point of view can no longer be considered 'small' due to obesity effecting the population as a mass. Hard not to wonder with an increase in all you have mentioned is 'obesity' a direct result of the above? How many illnesses are linked to obesity? Why are people, children etc, so much heavier, is it glutten, chemicals, environment, lack of exercise, poor diet, glandular, hormones, genetics that have morphed over the last generations? What is it?
You took the Zpack knowing the potential risks and benefits of the drug.
The general population has no such choice with GMO's. They are not labeled, and have never been consumed by humans before. I have problems both with the lack of long term studies for a plant that produces a pesticide, and is also put into the food chain without the consumers knowledge.
I believe people have a right to know what they are consuming. They also have a right not to consume anything they choose. That right is stripped when you do not have knowledge of what is in a product.
No offense, but you have no idea how many people this could be effecting.My statement was in response to someone calling all the GMO/Gluten folks "outrageous" and "how can they get away with it?"
Get away with what? something that is negatively impacting 0.06% of the population? Sure, research the issue, monitor it. But I still say at the end of the day we need to suck and it up deal with it- meaning it's not a problem for the vast majority. We are wired to have an issue with it. The onus is on US to do what's best for us. Not to preach how evil someone else is for doing something that is not impacting 282 million people.
Yea, I know. People can't care for themselves. Period. Get with reality, most people are only concerned with their pleasure appetites. Food, drink, and sex. That's it. Therefore, I think all this crap should be banned, because the consumer will not stray if given the choice. Doesn't matter how much self-responsbility you preach. Laisez Fair Capitalism DOES NOT belong in the food supply. If something is not 100% proven to be safe it shouldn't be in the food supply. Period.The same chemicals and food are all over Europe, the Mid-east and elsewhere, but obesity is nowhere near what it is here. I care for COUNTLESS obese patients in a major northeast city. Can we PLEASE stop looking to blame our problems on something or someone else? Do you know how many people bike and walk to work and play outside in other countries? Do you know how many 400 pound folks in the hospitals in the US have their families sneak big macs into their rooms? Do you know how many times I have seen people put Dr. Pepper or Coke into baby bottles?
Again, you have no idea how many people this could be effecting. The physiological effect on someone else could be totally different than it is on me. I get IBD, while someone else gets headaches, while someone else gets arthritis, or Ulcers, or IBS, etc. It could effect many different people in many different ways. I would also wager to say IBS and IBD incidence are under reported simply because of the embarrassing aspect of the disease.To me the current evidence is such. When it comes to gluten 99% + of people are not currently bothered by it. Will that change over time? maybe. Is it worth researching? sure. why not? But is that why you got IBD? I don't think that can be answered. Our energy is limited. You want to spend it on this issue- fine. Let me know how it turns out in 1, 5, 10, 20 years and how it impacts your disease.
Who is saying that? We're not talking about the Rothschilds here. This is about globalism. Making money. Pushing food onto people that hasn't been proven to be safe. Nobody is willingly making anyone sick. At the end of the day this is simply about what ALL things in the United States are about, MONEY.BTW- I avoid gluten. Why? because it often bothers me. But I am not lobbying my congressman to launch hearings into these evildoers all laughing behind closed doors purposely hiding knowledge that they know they making me sick. I still prescribe Zpacks all the time. Great drug. I had an unfortunate reaction. It happens.