Green smoothies?

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Apr 19, 2011
green smoothies?

Hi, I was diagnosed with crohn's about 14 years ago. I consider it mild, but I get very depressed about having to run to the bathroom a lot. I'm trying to find ways to get out of the depression. I've started drinking green smoothies to see if I would get more vitamins, minerals, and energy but of course all the vegetables and fruit isn't easy on the digestion. Has anyone tried drinking green smoothies daily? Green smoothies are a way to get your LEAFY greens (spinach, chard, brocolli, etc) into your diet by combining them with fruits.

thanks for input,
yes, look up phytonutrient shakes/smoothies - they use to work for me a long time ago but find them difficult now. Now I just stick to banana/peanut butter shakes and other variants...
not sure what you are able to tolerate so these may not work for can also omit items and add items..
I've started drinking green smoothies to see if I would get more vitamins, minerals, and energy but of course all the vegetables and fruit isn't easy on the digestion. Has anyone tried drinking green smoothies daily?

Yes. I drink them daily.

But you need to start off S.L.O.W.L.Y. and increase over time. If I have a break and then re-start, the first few days of smoothies always gets me running to the loo. But then as I get use to them, I can drink more and more. I drank 3 litres of green smoothie yesterday with no problems.

The secret is to thoroughly blend the greens until they are literally silky smooth (i.e.) completely and absolutely broken down. And this will depend on how powerful your blender is.

If you are having trouble with smoothies, then I suggest juicing. You still get vitamins, minerals, and energy from the vegetables you are juicing, but obviously no fibre.

If I am a bit flary in the mornings, a carrot juice will always settle me down. It will actually stop me from running to the loo. It has been an absolutely magic lifesaver for me on many an occasion.

My very favourite green smoothie of all time is:

Coconut water from a Thai young white drinking coconut – very good for bowel issues
Ripe red papaya – very good for bowel issues
Ripe soft banana – very good for bowel issues
Baby spinach leaf – thoroughly blended to silky smooth consistently first, before fruit is added to blender.

I am also taking a powder supplement called pure L-Glutamine. Tablespoon in a glass of water 30 mins before a smoothie or eating. I find it very healing for my bowel.
Coconut water from a Thai young white drinking coconut – very good for bowel issues

I am under the care of a naturopath for Ulcerative Colitis. She is encouraging me to drink as much coconut water as possible because she said:

Fresh coconut water contains electrolytes. People with UC & C are very low in electrolytes, as they are lost through bowel movements like diarrhea, and also through vomit, sweat, urine and breathing. You need to replenish the electrolytes but again, people with UC & C often have problems absorbing much needed nutrients.

If you are going to try this, there are two main rules to follow, the first one being vital:

ONLY ever use fresh water from an actual coconut that you open yourself or is opened in front of you. NEVER use processed water from a bottle or can, as the all important electrolytes are often lost during the bottling process.

Only use the water from green or white coconuts. Once they get brown and husky, they are too old. Get organic if you can, but this is only possible if you live in a coconut growing country.

I really have improved in leaps and bounds since I started seeing this new naturopath. I now feel so well, I sometimes forget that I have UC. She also told me how good ripe red papaya and ripe yellow paw paw are for UC & C, and I have found them both so extraordinarily soothing, that I now eat them every day when in season, normally in the form of a smoothie.
Thank you for your advice. I was going to give up on the green smoothies, but I'm going to try again slowly. I think the vitamins and minerals will be helpful.
Hi, If you are interested we produce green smoothies for retail. We can ship and also supply in bulk. Click the link in the signature to see our site. We have some video testimonials of some celeb enjoying our drink. Minne Driver loved it.
I love the smoothies and they do seem to help I have banana,manuke honey,almonds walnuts,lots of spinach,apple,pear,vanilla extract,kiwi fruit and a little bit of real cinnamon not the cinnamon you buy in the super market.

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