Sending big hugs to O. M has missed 4 semesters, as you know. It is heart-breaking each time. And yes, it has sometimes been due to a bad doctor, which makes it feel even more unfair.
But that's life, unfortunately

. Poor, poor O.
Why does she think everything will turn around in a week or two? It took quite a while for her rectum/colon to get this bad, and it will take quite a while to heal too...I think the hospital is the safest place for her to be. She is probably dehydrated as well as anemic and IV fluids might help.
Another option to discuss with her might be EEN. Does that work for the rectum? I'm just wondering if the Tacro would be enough if she was on EEN, and if she could then avoid Pred and the antibiotic?
M has been on prophylactic antibiotics before and they honestly always make her miserable - they cause diarrhea, nausea, heartburn etc. Plus Pred itself is hard on the stomach and I'm sure Tacro is too...
That said, young adults are the absolute hardest to parent, because they technically can make their own decisions, but they don't always make the best decisions. Especially between 18-24...
Can her GI talk to her and explain why he is so concerned? And explain why he wants her to stay home?
The other thing we have done, to a get a VERY stubborn young adult to agree to an NJ tube? Bribe

...M says with a kitten (but she says a puppy is an acceptable option too).
The other thing that actually did work was having her psychologist explain the seriousness of the situation. Once she finally understood that they were genuinely concerned about her organs starting to shut down, she complied.
But the kitten helped
