Crohns can cause inflammation of the eyes
Especially is gut inflammation is not under control which sounds to be the case for your son
Every child with crohns has to see an ophthalmologist - eye MD(not optometrist )
They will screen for iritis ,uvetis and epi- scleritis
Yes allergies can cause eyes to be red
But an ophthalmologist needs to rule out the more serious things
You need an eye specialist
there is also sicca syndrome (dry nose,mouth and eyes )
Ds and dh (no ibd) have sicca syndrome
They both have severe allergies -so eye drops for allergies
He and dh also have limbal vernal keratoconjuntivitis - another inflammation condition which can need steriod drops
In addition if Ds has epi scleritis when his crohns is not under control - that requires steriod drops
when flaring
my point is Red Dry eyes even in the same person can be from a variety of reason
And most of the time drugs are not to blame
please have your child see an ophthalmologist MD