No, I didn't ask him those questions about the wound smell. I think I was too focused on holding her hand or rather breathing through my own pain from her squeezing my hand

. Then I got distracted with learning how to pack the wound etc. Honestly though that smell would knock you out BUT now….no smell really. IDK if it is because we are changing the dressing and rinsing the cavity out daily or what. But today, she took her shower and used the shower head to clean the cavity out. By the time she got on the bed for me to change her dressing there was a thick, milky white to yellowish fluid coming out. It was there when I pulled the dressing out also. But the stuff we are packing the cavity with is made to help prevent infection so if this is infection fluid then maybe this padding is addressing it?
Upper abdo pain is stable. She says it is a 4 but O's 4 is like other people's 6-8. I did happen to ask if it was related to the PVT and he said not likely. I don't think he has researched PVT as much as me

. She is still on Eloquis. They were taking her off for the OR and putting her back on. She saw vascular doc and he actually said 3 months on Eloquis and no need for a repeat CT scan. I am not comfortable with that given she had these and had zero symptoms. So how are we going to know if they are gone or not?
Drainage culture…do you hear me screaming? The last culture she had was with her original surgeon and it came back with all kinds of bacteria BUT they didn't try to grow anything to identify which one it is. They did for all the others, just not that one. Then fill in guy never cultured. Not even in the OR.
I told O to send him a quick text to ask if this exudate we are seeing is normal. She says, it is probably from the packing material. The silver nitrate is probably causing it. I tried to explain if she wants to leave Friday or Saturday best to run it by him now so if he wants to culture it or even just look, he could do it tomorrow (his surgery day) but you know 23 year olds. They know it all. I am sure it is probably fine, especially since she feels fine and smell is greatly reduced but you know 50 something year old know better…we have been around long enough to know if you don't say anything it will be something and if you do it will be nothing.