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Nov 7, 2006
Hi Everyone,

This is my first post. I am so pleased to have found this forum which was brought to my attention through a Health Talk on line letter. Before reading someone's reply who is already a member here, I had no idea this place existed. It is SO good just to know there are others out here to talk to when a question or a flare arises.

I was finally diagnosed with Crohn's & Colitis in 1997, after approximately two years of going doctor to doctor..emergency room to emergency room. I was treated for the flu, gastritis, everything but Crohn's.

When I finally ended up in the hospital I was very dehydrated, had lost 35 pounds in two months, and had to be given blood transfusions due to blood loss.
I was on Prednisone for about a year, then Entocort, and now finally for the past several years have been able to keep a handle on things with Asacol, Gravol, Tylenol for pain, Imodium, and Zoloft for the depression that developed a couple of years ago.

I find that the biggest change for me was the loss of control of my life..it still is. By loss of control I mean,...spur of the moment outings, trips, and dining out. Being able to plan ahead for a special occasion or vacation, and wondering when the time comes will I be able to go. Just going shopping I find myself scanning the room for the nearest washroom...'just in case.'

I do try to remain as upbeat as possible..fortunately I make friends easily and I have found, people do understand when you explain to them about your disease.

Is there life after Crohn's? You wanna believe it!!

I'm hoping to hear from some of you. :)

Take care,
Nancy Lee
Welcome to the forum. Of course their is a life after Crohn's. Right now I am feeling awesome and am in remmision. Thanks for sharing your story.

Best of luck

Any questions then just ask.
Sounds silly-- but I know where every bathroom is in the local grocery stores, coffee houses, you name it, I know their bathroom. Makes you feel safe/secure knowing where to go, "just in case" and of course there are a lot of those cases.

Thanks for sharing your story.
Welcome fellow Ontarian Nancy Lee!

Thank you for sharing your story with us.You seem to have a good personality which helps you meet others easily, so "the life after Crohn's" will be just as great if not greater than a lot of people find it. In fact, I would say that the fact that I am affected by Crohn's Disease causes 0 concern to anyone I meet, and they only learn about it if I bring it up.

P.S. I am really glad that Health Talk wrote about this place, as it means a lot to me. I am glad you were able to join us and hope others will be able to also!
Hello Every one

Hi Nancy Lee.
Glad to have another ontarion person on the form.You dan look at my story under My Story.There is life after Crohns. Sometimes I feel that way alotbut;you cant give up. you have to keep fighting and fighting then one day you will be out of remission for a while at least. My dr. told me last month that there is a new drug out.(Oct 2006) I cant remember the name. AS soon as it comes to Canada he will let me no.Because ive been on just about every drug out there for Cronnies. Im at the point where he wants to do surgury again. This time with the illostomy. I say no way it is only a 50to 50 chance.. That would mean I still have fissures, loss of sight on left eye, need surgury soon on right eye,bad bad leg and arm spasams. So in my case it isnt worth it. I will just hope and pray for that miricle drug some day soon i hope.

Canadian YAH:voodoo: :eek2:
I know what you all mean about knowing every r.room. I live an hour away from the city. It's not like I can run home quickly or anything. I've learned which places have the good r.rooms and where they are located. I don't eat before or during trips to town. And a month ago, we went to Disneyland! I knew quite a few locations already, and a friend who is a Disneyland fanatic pointed out a few more I didn't know. Had total fun though! Didn't eat much all day, but it was worth it!

Welcome Nancy Lee! This is a great place with lots of expertise, comedy, research, and friendship. We're all in this together! We hope to hear more from you.
Aloha Nancy & welcome to the forum! Hope you'll take your shoes off, get comfy & stay awhile.

One of the nice things about living in Hawaii: beach park restrooms. Sure, you'll get sand on the bottoms of your shoes, but they're always there & remakably clean, considering how much traffic they get. And, unless you're on the freeway, there's always one very nearby. I prefer fast food places or grocery stores, but availability is ususally the deciding factor & nine times out of ten it's a beach park that's closest.

Looking forward to seeing you around often!

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