Hello is it all in my mind

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Jan 7, 2016
Hello my name is Lesley I'm 41 years old and I'm waiting to go for the camera up the bum. How did you get diagnosed. Since I was 15 I've had back pain, joint pain, abdominal pain. I've had years of being fobbed off by Docters. At the age of 31 I had 2 parts of my bowel removed as it perforated into my body, I was very ill. Then a few years later got an infection from my coil and lost my tubes. In that op they discovered my bowel had sticky stuff stuck to my organs. Last year I was rushed in with a bowel infection. I have a fatty liver, I'm exhausted, I'm in pain. I have been poorly all Xmas and I'm now hopefully getting noticed by the NHS in the UK. I feel like I'm letting everyone down as me and my partner run a business and Im just to poorly to work today. I feel like no one believes how poorly I feel. No one wants to listen, I'm just suppose to keep plodding on when I'm in so much pain 😢😢😢xx
You came to a good support system here. Do you have Crohn's Disease or Ulcerative Colitis? Welcome.
I think I have Crohn's, both Docters who done my operations have came to the result of Crohn's. I was told to not take ibuprofen. My last hospital trip they said they would send me for camera. That was a year ago so I've been back and forth all year with problems. They said I was lost in the system so are sending me soon 😊
I think I have Crohn's, both Docters who done my operations have came to the result of Crohn's. I was told to not take ibuprofen. My last hospital trip they said they would send me for camera. That was a year ago so I've been back and forth all year with problems. They said I was lost in the system so are sending me soon 😊 it doesn't help with the pain though or managing being ill at the moment. They just gave me pain killers.
I think I have Crohn's, both Docters who done my operations have came to the result of Crohn's. I was told to not take ibuprofen. My last hospital trip they said they would send me for camera. That was a year ago so I've been back and forth all year with problems. They said I was lost in the system so are sending me soon 😊 it doesn't help with the pain though or managing being ill at the moment. They just gave me pain killers.
Thank you for your warm welcome. It's nice to chat with people who are going through the same thing. Its awful when your in constant pain and no one understands :)
Hi and welcome.

Sorry you're feeling so poorly.
A colonoscopy with biopsies is the gold standard for diagnosis.
I hope you get some answers quickly.
Sending you my support.