Major download ahead... horrible, awful, terrible day.
DS was determined to drink the contrast for the MRE today and convinced me to let him try. He absolutely HATES NG tubes so he was pretty motivated. His NG tube experience has been... less than ideal. He needed 800 cc and only managed 400 before hitting the wall. He was hysterical for the NG. Crying. Screaming. They had a really hard time getting it in place. I was watching the x-ray thingy and it just wasn't working. Even the dr was getting frustrated. Twenty minutes later it was "good enough" and they pumped in the 800cc. Yup, full dose because all the stuff he drank had expired or whatever it is barium does. During this whole thing he threw up at least four times. His shirt was soaked and I didn't think to bring any other clothes. The chills kicked in and he couldn't stop shaking even with all the warm blankets.
After getting pumped full, he could hardly move. He was in the zone. No communication with planet earth. Totally checked out. They had to wheelchair him the the MRE. He did well until the glucagon. More vomiting. So much so they were concerned he might not have enough left. I've never prayed so hard in my life. Then he had to use the bathroom for diarrhea. There went another five gallons. All the while we also needed to take breaks to wipe the drainage from his bottom.
We were at the hospital for five hours. He left covered in vomit, dehydrated, nauseous, and a thousand times more miserable than when we got there. I seriously thought about having him admitted. And my little guy came home to an empty house. I thought we'd be home by then and didn't arrange for a babysitter.
Home now and he's a mess. Totally nauseous, wiped out. I'm trying to get him to drink to flush out some of the crap, but he can't even tolerate water.
I kept my brave mom face on all day, but I'm about to burst. The Hubster won't be home for another hour. Hate, hate, hate this stupid disease. To top it off, the MRE is only going to bring bad news.
Okay, done downloading