I have pretty high CRP (75) and I'm scared to death about it. I'm not actually scared about my Crohn's, but about the high risk of getting cardiovascular disese because of CRP.
Does anyone actually have some information on this? What does it do to your heart? Does it make it weak or something? I've had a tonne of health anxiety during the past year (especially about my heart) and I was just "getting over it" and now this has come along.
I've had about 5 ECGs in 2009, a chest x-ray and regular full blood counts + liver function tests. Latest (Tues. 29th) full blood count is fine except anemia (hemoglobin is 12). This is an improvement to my previous 11.6, which was also an improvement on 10.8, before that was 10.4. Albumin is also a little low (33), but my albumin has been around 30-35 for months.
I wasn't having regular CRP checks, though, so I have no idea how long this has been high for. I don't take any meds right now, I just take some natural anti inflammatories (which are obviously not working anymore!) and some fiber to help diarrhea.
When I saw my gastro specialist on Dec 29th he said I probably have anemia of chronic disease. Chronic inflammation causes the liver to release proteins which stop the body releasing iron, or something. He said chronic inflammation also causes decreased albumin synthesis and that my low hemoglobin and low albumin are likely a result of inflammation and not bleeding or malabsorption, since my iron (ferritin), folate and B12 levels are all fine. He thinks it's not malabsorption because I have put on nearly 2 stone since my last visit (3 months).
I'm going off track here anyway, what's the deal with this high CRP level? I am seriously worrying about it. The weird thing is, I am in no pain and only minimal discomfort. I am able to put on weight at my leisure right now depending on how much I want to eat, don't seem to be suffering any malabsorption yet my CRP is through the roof.
Could there be something else causing the CRP? I'm thinking something like an abcess? I have a swelling in my rectum right now, I don't know if it is an abcess but it's quite painful and pretty large and oddly shaped. Maybe 1.5 inches long, and mayb 3/4 of an inch wide. My GP said it's likely not an abcess because my white cells are not elevated, and said "swellings" of that nature are normal for Crohn's patients. What else could it be? Could it be causing high CRP?
Thoughts and opinions welcomed
*edit* also, I don't know what unit of measurement my CRP was done with, but is there more than one? I keep seeing places quoting different measurements. Apparently more than 3 is "high"?! I am 75?!
I have pretty high CRP (75) and I'm scared to death about it. I'm not actually scared about my Crohn's, but about the high risk of getting cardiovascular disese because of CRP.
Does anyone actually have some information on this? What does it do to your heart? Does it make it weak or something? I've had a tonne of health anxiety during the past year (especially about my heart) and I was just "getting over it" and now this has come along.
I've had about 5 ECGs in 2009, a chest x-ray and regular full blood counts + liver function tests. Latest (Tues. 29th) full blood count is fine except anemia (hemoglobin is 12). This is an improvement to my previous 11.6, which was also an improvement on 10.8, before that was 10.4. Albumin is also a little low (33), but my albumin has been around 30-35 for months.
I wasn't having regular CRP checks, though, so I have no idea how long this has been high for. I don't take any meds right now, I just take some natural anti inflammatories (which are obviously not working anymore!) and some fiber to help diarrhea.
When I saw my gastro specialist on Dec 29th he said I probably have anemia of chronic disease. Chronic inflammation causes the liver to release proteins which stop the body releasing iron, or something. He said chronic inflammation also causes decreased albumin synthesis and that my low hemoglobin and low albumin are likely a result of inflammation and not bleeding or malabsorption, since my iron (ferritin), folate and B12 levels are all fine. He thinks it's not malabsorption because I have put on nearly 2 stone since my last visit (3 months).
I'm going off track here anyway, what's the deal with this high CRP level? I am seriously worrying about it. The weird thing is, I am in no pain and only minimal discomfort. I am able to put on weight at my leisure right now depending on how much I want to eat, don't seem to be suffering any malabsorption yet my CRP is through the roof.
Could there be something else causing the CRP? I'm thinking something like an abcess? I have a swelling in my rectum right now, I don't know if it is an abcess but it's quite painful and pretty large and oddly shaped. Maybe 1.5 inches long, and mayb 3/4 of an inch wide. My GP said it's likely not an abcess because my white cells are not elevated, and said "swellings" of that nature are normal for Crohn's patients. What else could it be? Could it be causing high CRP?
Thoughts and opinions welcomed
*edit* also, I don't know what unit of measurement my CRP was done with, but is there more than one? I keep seeing places quoting different measurements. Apparently more than 3 is "high"?! I am 75?!
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