High Temp is normal with Crohns?

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Feb 10, 2018
Please help,
My mom was diagnosed with Crohns Disease is November at age of 63. In the December she ended up in a hospital with fever of 103.4 that was lowered with strong antibiotics. During the hospital stay doctors only found low potassium and low hemoglobin that was controlled with blood transfusion twice and poassium(PO and IV) supplement. Since beginning of this month (Feb) mom is running fever of 101.3F (38.5C) in the evenings and last night she had 102.6F (39.2C) is temp related to Crohns? Doctors don't understand what is happening. Infection doctor did not find anything.
Please help. Due to this temp my mom is weak, always tired and sleepy before the issue started she was energized 63 year old. Thank you.
High temperature can occur with Crohn's disease if she is in a flare. I hope she feels better soon. If it is a flare they may have to do a colonoscopy /mri.
low grade fevers can be common when in a flare. A higher temperature such as you are reporting is a sign of something still not right - could be an infection hiding somewhere.....
When my mom was at a hospital in December her temp went up to 103.4 (She was at the hospital for 5 days) and after many tests done doctors did not know why my mom had a temp. She ended up with a temp of 104 a day after she was discharge. Looks like she has infection but we are clueless where. :shifty:

Is it normal to have 38.5 C with Crohns? My question was answered above. Thank you. My mom has appointment with ID doctor soon. Hoping that this time we will have better info.

Thank you for all the input.
I would be concerned about an infection. What test have been done? Has she had blood cultures, urine culture, chest xray, abdominal imaging ? Does she have abdominal pain or pain in another place?
Has she had a wbc scan? This is a whole body scan, take blood first, add isotope, reinject blood, and then scan. The scan shows any area that has a large amount of white blood cells gathered because the isotope attaches to wbc’s. Could indicate where infection is hiding.
Jelly loves Peanut butter: Yes, mom recently had normal WBC but she never had WBC scan. This is interesting. I will take a look at that. Thank you.
xmdmom: When my mom was in the hospital in December doctors did many tests. Only CT Scan with contrast showed nogules. Her Blood pressure droped to 73/43 and she recieved 6 Litters of liquid and later her hemoglobin droped to 6 (Very low). Her recent blood culture is okay. Hemoglobin is at 9.5 (lower then normal but better then in December), Vit D was low and other blood cultures was normal. For over a year her urine test was showing infection/small blood in the urine but it was so small.
Chest xray:Negative/Clean. Next week she is going for Echo of the abdomen and Chest CT with contrast to compare to he one done in December, My mom has very mild pain/discomfort in her stomach. What is killing her is temp, loosing weight of over 35lbs and weakness.
Sometimes people need to have several blood cultures before an occult infection is identified.

Why do her doctors think she is so anemic?

What did the doctors think was causing blood in her urine?

Has she had an ECHO of her heart? Bacterial endocarditis is a fairly common cause of fever of unknown origin and causes fatigue, anemia, weight loss and blood in urine. It can occur after a localized bacterial infection spreads in the blood and ends up in the heart. You can ask if they have ruled this out.

I hope the tests next week help doctors identify the cause of her fever, weight loss and fatigue and that she will soon be feeling better.

Sending healing thoughts her way.

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