How to not be stressed about having Crohn's Disease

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Feb 18, 2011
What is a good way to not think about my Crohns so much and to not be so stressed out all the time over this?
its really hard, i havent even figured it out yet, so i try the denial method, i watch alot of movies and tv to TRY take my mind off of it....
Gosh, that's a good question. You know, I was going to offer advice, but considering I haven't really figured out the answer to that one, I just wanted to chime in and say I feel ya brother.
i can only say what i do myself. i try to keep as busy as i can, at least on the good days. i still go thru depression periods. my best outlet is to just bitch about it, even if the other person doesnt have a clue. your doing better than me though, i didnt reach out to anyone for 2 yrs, guess i just didnt take this illness very seriously. i wish i could say it'll get better, i myself havent reached that point yet. take care.
I've mentioned this elsewhere on this site, but I take a no nonsense approach to it all. I've only had to deal with it for 4.5 years, so I'm still fairly new to diagnosis, but here's a few of my everyday ways of dealing with it:

-I don't sweat the small stuff. This means I take everything that happens to me and I put it in a category. I've decided which symptoms I can't live with and which ones I can. If I'm going to the bathroom a lot one day... ehhh not a huge deal. If I'm tired, its not the end of the world. However, if I can't eat... I have to go to the doc and figure it out (Prednisone, something). If I'm in pain, I deal with it... but not if it gets to a certain point.

-I'm currently doing pretty decent and have been for a year and a half. That means I have my days... still have some things that aren't where I want them, but I'm overall between 75%-90% feeling good. I've decided that those are percentages I can deal with.

- I don't let things stress me out as much as I used to. I just let it roll off of me. There's no use in stressing to me anymore, because it directly affects my condition. This also follows the "picking battles" mantra I follow. I decide if certain events or things are life ending or life threatening issues. If they aren't then I go to the next question and I ask myself if I can deal with the thing... if I can then I drop it. If I can't then I think of ways to fix it. If I can't deal with it and I can't fix it, then I seek help from others and put it on top of my priority list.

- Staying busy is a good idea... I feel a lot better on days I go to work than the days I have off.

- Get plenty of sleep. SLEEP SLEEP SLEEP. It's a beautiful thing. I sleep usually anywhere from 8-10 hours a night.

- Take those stupid vitamins and supplements :) I have struggled with taking my iron and folic acid pills, but honestly... I need them. And they make me feel better.

- Push yourself out of the house (if you are well enough) Its difficult, but being outside, or spending time with a family member or friends really takes that stale "stuck funk" out. Also, weather permitting, open the windows or the back door. Let the sunlight in. Don't let yourself get stuck in the dark and stuffy.

I dunno, I've had so many times where I finally thought "hey this is remission, maybe I'll do well now for a while" and the next week I'm in a full blown flare. I try to do as much as I can when I can. And I've realized Crohn's isn't the end of the world. Do I still have sad days? Yeah... but I let myself be sad and then I choose to be happy. I feel like a positive attitude has helped me to cope with everything. The major things to control are stress levels, nutrient intake, and sleep. All of these things help make a Crohn's patient happy :)
Right now im finding it a little bit difficult, hearing people talk about things that theyve been doing that i cant really, drinking, partying etc

However, whenever i feel low i always remind my self there are people worse off than me. I can still walk, have both arms and hands, i can still see and hear, it is depressing not knowing whats going on but i try not to think about it too much, also when things calm down and get under control, i'd like to think id be a stronger person for it.
Thanks so much everyone. Right now I don't have a job so I'm pretty much stuck in the house 24/7. I get out about every other day and help my grandma and my sister go clean houses. I try and watch what I eat and I don't eat chilli or spicy foods. I did gain my weight back, which the doctor said was good. I do get stressed out more than I should, but right now my family is staying with my grandma and that's not helping. My mom got sick and a while back and we lost our house... I try not to think about Crohns or my surgery or that it might happen again. I try to give all of my worries and everything to God, but it's very hard. I hope you have had a wonderful day and I really enjoy talking to you all. Thanks so much.
Oh, and I posted this in the wrong place yesterday, I didn't realize it at first.
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