I'm in a very similar situation to what you describe. I've been off work 8 months now sick. Check to pred problems, hair failling out, pain, sickness, fever, pooping issues etc... My mum still doesn't accept that it's not IBS (my initial diagnosis before my UC was confirmed a few years ago). So I predictably yell that it's not the same as IBD and that I'm so much worse than she's imagining. How about 80 days in hospital during 2012--you'd think that might indicate I was sick to her too, but no. Mind you, she only came once to visit me while I was there so I guess she never saw how sick I really was. She's hospital phobic, she called me lots but never actually saw me at my worst, so maybe that's why she just cant get her head around it. My Dad's not much better, he thinks I gave myself the disease by not eating well. I can't win. It's hard not having family who understand my disease even though there are other auto-immuners in my family.