Humerous, Bad, Thoughtless ,or Unbelievable Comments

Crohn's Disease Forum

Help Support Crohn's Disease Forum:

I'm a freshman in college and I recently switched to a single room. Well when I lived with my roommate I tried to explain to her what Crohn's is and that I was having a flare up. I missed all of my classes that week and that friday she wanted me to watch her overnight (a high school student that was checking out the school) so she could go out drinking..... I told her I still wasn't feeling good and that my doctor wanted me to go home to get hooked up to an IV because I was dehydrated... Then she said "Are you serious??? You don't even look sick. UGH Whatever."


Sometimes I hate that you don't really LOOK that sick during a flare up...

You probably are so beautiful all the time that you can't tell when you're sick! I wish I were like that! I know, not funny!:ghug:
I'm a freshman in college and I recently switched to a single room. Well when I lived with my roommate I tried to explain to her what Crohn's is and that I was having a flare up. I missed all of my classes that week and that friday she wanted me to watch her overnight (a high school student that was checking out the school) so she could go out drinking..... I told her I still wasn't feeling good and that my doctor wanted me to go home to get hooked up to an IV because I was dehydrated... Then she said "Are you serious??? You don't even look sick. UGH Whatever."


Sometimes I hate that you don't really LOOK that sick during a flare up...

That really depends on the flare up intensity. You definitely do look sick when you get underweight, and malnourished and have trouble walking because of pain. I get looks all the time, looks of "oh my god he needs help". Makes me feel like a little child instead of a 29 year old adult.

I was lucky in that crohn's didn't bother me in college, I'm very thankful for that. But those years of silent crohn's added up to a disaster and I'm paying for those years of 'remission'.

Hope your crohn's gets better just sucks so bad that people cant understand
I'm so sorry that people especially family tend to try to think they know everything and really they know nothing about what we go through. Just keep that in mind the next time they try to tell you what is wrong with you
I love this thread, when I read these posts it makes me feel apart of something much bigger, where you all completely understand! I have had so many inconsiderate some funny and some down right ridiculous comments.

I remember I had an arthritis flare for the first time, it was horrendous it was in my ankle and I made my step dad drive me to my GP drop me off outside where I clung to a lamppost while he parked the car and brought me a wheel chair. When I finally saw the doctor and he'd finished prodding and poking me about I was full on crying trying not to wail (my foot is the size of a football) and he just goes, well I think maybe it's just in your head... Seems like you're imagining it! Thank god my step dad was there to set him straight of I may have punched him cos my arms were working fine lol. He gave me a letter to admit me to the hospital where I stayed for nearly two weeks and had 8 wks of pred fighting that off, even had an injection in my ankle and the **** thought I was imagining it!!

Another time if been in hospital for going on for weeks and I had one particular friend constantly ask me what id been up to, being the moody cow I am I eventually told her I'd spent that day sky diving followed by a lovely lunch out in the sunshine... She told me not to be sarcastic and to go make some havoc for the nurses..... I was moody about that for ages

One a&e doctor was examining me and told me off cos I admitted to having maybe a glass of wine once in a blue moon lol I could go on forever about doctors

I had one boss tell me if I had enclosed to her in the beginning that I had crohns she would never have hired me for my position! What a cheek!

I also once had a colleague tell me she knew when I was sick cos my face swelled up... No love that's just the prednisone...

I once shared with a friend that I had gone two weeks without eating and another friend went crazy at me like I was some dieting freak and I had to make him take a huge time out where I told him it was doctors orders! I don't choose to starve! Idiot!

It's hard there's all the people who don't understand and you can deal with because why should they, then there's the people who should understand like your parents best friends and partners but they are ignorant unless you look like you're flaring, and then I'm not sure which is worse the people who think you're a complete invalid! Lol

I'm so grateful you all understand and have some stories too, it's crazy how uneducated the world is....
I am so sorry you have had to go through all this on top of being sick. I am goingbthroughba ugly divorce and I understand what u went through. People don't realize how lucky they are to have there health and I think they take it for granted. In all itvmakes us stronger but it hurts like he'll to listen to the stupidity of others. Hank in there.
Novice I sort of had that arthritis doctor experience too. I had debilitating pain in my left heel of my foot and I went to the doctor and he looked at it and basically told me to leave. Nothing there, I'm making it up. I said I just want to know whats going on and how to get this right. He told me I don't need anything and sorry he needs to see other patients. He just watched me as I limped out the door. He probably thought I was a young drug seeker (23 at the time). I had to look up on my own why I was having such bad heel pain, I found out it may be a food allergy. I eliminated foods and found it was gluten causing it. No pain there anymore. If the doc told me it would have saved me a lot of time and money from the doctor visit. I wasted doctor visit money to pretty much be told to go away drug addict. Ive never been a pain med addict but boy he made me feel like I was.
Yeah I was 18 when it happened to me! But I didn't want drugs I wanted to be able to walk! Lol even crawling hurt because it was so swollen it was so heavy! It sucks that just because we're young they judge us like that, I don't know why some people choose to go into the medical field when they have zero people skills!
Oh dear, I'm old and being judged too. I swear I'm never telling a Dr. about my pain again. They make me feel like I'm a drug addict. And do you think anyone suggested any type of medication for my arthritis like pain in ALL extremities? Not a one. Hot bath soaks, my heating pad, and lots of tylenol. Oh, and I do find that elevating my legs for an hour or so does help too.
It's crazy in the UK I had no pain relief given to me ever,most I got was tramadol for a broken collar bone after moving to the US I was in agony, ended up hospitalized in the UK (was visiting home) where I had a morphine patch for 4 weeks oramorph tramadol and Tylenol. On my return to The US I was seeing the doctor to ask for some relief, I was going to ask for tramadol but before I could he prescribed me valium a d hydrocodone. At the time I was so grateful cos I knew the tramadol wouldn't do too much lol.
But now i look back I'm like how crazy I went years with NOTHING and the. In a matter of months was drugged up to my eye balls. Two different extremes....
Classic daft remark from my boss,we,ll get you a bigger van keep a pail in wise sometimes you wonder about them,get a battery of tests which say your inflamed,bleeding basically not a pretty picture,quote from gp it,ll go away,duh!!!
Oh dear, I'm old and being judged too. I swear I'm never telling a Dr. about my pain again. They make me feel like I'm a drug addict. And do you think anyone suggested any type of medication for my arthritis like pain in ALL extremities? Not a one. Hot bath soaks, my heating pad, and lots of tylenol. Oh, and I do find that elevating my legs for an hour or so does help too.

I agree I wish they hurt like us then maybe they will understand
Been having pain in my butt down my right leg, very painful and everyday now for weeks, stomach pain form belly button area and up after I eat for hours. Pain pills do help but what could it be. Catscan showed nothing and colonoscopy either. Now they want stool samples and then possibly pillcam. That would be a trip to city and 6-8 hrs stay till it goes thru me. I just went through a bunch of tests for my cancer screening after 3 and a half yrs. remission is now a word they will use. Thank God. But when can we just get on with our lives and feel good again?
I think we get on with our lives each and every day, the best we can. Sometimes we don't feel well at all, as we all know, but somehow each day goes by. For me, today was one of the best I've had in ages. Not only no tummy pain, but from somewhere came energy too. I don't understand it, and won't question it.
From co-worker replying to one of my Facebook messages I posted while I was in the hospital with a bad cellulitis in my foot/ankle. "I'll trade places! I'd love to just lay in bed watching TV all day and not have to do anything!"

Sure! Take it! Take your foot /ankle 2 times it's normal size and pain so bad you have to crawl on your knees to get anywhere because you can't walk! Go for it!

Same co worker commenting while me and one of my other coworkers talked about crohns( she also has crohns as well, so it's nice to actually work with someone who CAN relate) " If I had crohns, I'd milk it for all it's worth" meaning she would take advantage of anything, call in sick god knows how much, make others feel sorry for her and use it as an excuse to lay around doing nothing.

Needless to say, she is not my favorite person to work with. She is extremely lazy, a big time hypochondriac( if she has a headache you'd swear a brain tumor was growing) does her Job half ass , can be a know it all at times. Recently she had an EGD, she was whining because of the "prep” and heaven forbid they found mild reflux and a mild hiatal hernia. Doctors put her on a mild reflux meds( forgot name) and said nothing needed to be done about the hernia. My mom who's a nurse say that is a very common thing and not very often serious. But till this day she ( my coworker) swears that she cannot lift heavy things, and constantly moaning and groaning over it. And this was 6 + months ago! All it is her using it as an excuse to get out of doing work. Drives me crazy!!

I did have one bad Dr that we walked out on and never went back to him and sent a complaint to the hospital. This was a couple of years after I was diagnosed, I was really sick, I couldn't eat anything or drink anything. Even swallowing my own spit hurt. I got to the point I was spitting into a rag. That is when I still had spit to make because the end I was so dehydrated there was hardly any to make. So we went to this doctor, he was very rude. I was probably about 13 years old or a little younger at this time. He kept asking me all kinds of questions and I could tell he thought I was faking it. In the end he told my mom he wanted to to an EGD and a colonoscopy. Of course, since I had already had multiple of these test along with others all within just a few months, I got really upset and started crying. The Dr. Got mad looked at my mom and said " im going get some paperwork. Come get me when you get her under control" well the nurse came back a while later and handed my mom the date for the test and it wasn't till the next week! I had not eaten or drank a thing in over a week and he wanted to wait another week?! Turns out it was because he was going on vacation soon, and even though he had work a couple of days before that he wants to take off early so he can prepare. Sure everyone needs a vacation once in a while, but in my cases could not wait any longer, if anything he should have referred me to another doctor there that could have done it sooner! So my mom was fuming ( I was still to upset and to misurale feeling to pay attention to all the details) she threw the paper work at them, told them don't worry about it we will find another doctor to take care of my daughter and we walked out. We didn't even get out the hospital when they called my mom and wow! Suddenly they could do the test the very next day! Mom said " if you really cared about my daughters y'all would have scheduled her for then in the first place. We are switching doctors, I request all her medicle records to be faxed over to -new doctors name-( cant remember the name!) And I DARE y'all send me a bill for this" and she hung up on them. Lol! We went that day to another doctor and he did the EGD that SAME day( he didn't do a colonoscopy and since I had obviously not eaten or drank everything, I was easily prepped for the EGD) and found I had severe esophagitis. A good 6 inches of my esophagus was totally raw. He sent me home on a bunch of meds,and im lucky my moms a nurse anD works at that hospital they did the EGD at because instead of having to be admitted to get IV fluids, my mom started the IV at home and I had 2 bags of fluids. I remember laying in her bed hooked up watching TV relieved that I finally knows what was causing this pain and it's amazing how fast fluids can make you feel better. It's like my body was sucking it up as fast as it went in and was going "ahhhh" They did end up sending mom a bill, but after writing yet another complaint to the hospital administrator and stuff, they dropped it.

Thankfully, other than this one doctor I have had pretty good doctors. And my family is very supportive!

Ad a tip of advice for anyone who has suffered from esophagitis, do NOT drink orange juice while you are having that problem! I made that mistake and literally fell to the ground in pain. Luckily the meds healed it up fairly quick, unfortunately, it popped back up again just a couple of weeks after I got better and this time it was all in my throat.( first time it was around my mid esophagus, more n the chest area)
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My BF.....we need another woman because you can't take care of me good work, dinner ever night, ect.

My sister.....your lucky you never have to worry about being fat.

My first GI doc... First time meeting, your to pretty to be sick. Yes people I swear to god he said that.

BF's mother....if you would just eat better you'd never get sick again, so it's your own fault.
I have to put in my two cents: Gi diagnosed me with "gluten sensitivity" so went on gluten free diet. fast forward 2 1/2 years, he did a colonoscopy due to severe pain, diahrrea, etc. Couldn't get to small intestine past ileocoecal valve. Told me to go home and take more fiber and prilosec everyday b/c all I had was gastritis. Go to new dr. and diagnosed with stricture: 6 mths later had bowel resection. I wish I could give him a piece of my mind but I don't think he would even give a cra*. I love to warn as many people about him as I can. I do that everytime I get a chance.
Since leaving the hospital, I've watched a few videos about placing a feeding tube and it doesn't seem like a big deal, but in no way do they represent what happened to my son when they attempted to place his. They tried to force it and it hurt him really bad and he couldn't breath for like 30 seconds. Looked more like waterboarding, to me...

So, my son decided to drink his Peptamen instead and right after that, one of the doctors told him that he was GOING TO FAIL 95% OF KID DO. He may as well have called my son a P*ssy for not taking the tube. He went on about how my son would need surgery after surgery until there was nothing left. :(

Imagine being 16 and hearing from your doctor that you are going to be chopped up, little by little AND it's your own fault. Awful.
Since leaving the hospital, I've watched a few videos about placing a feeding tube and it doesn't seem like a big deal, but in no way do they represent what happened to my son when they attempted to place his. They tried to force it and it hurt him really bad and he couldn't breath for like 30 seconds. Looked more like waterboarding, to me...

So, my son decided to drink his Peptamen instead and right after that, one of the doctors told him that he was GOING TO FAIL 95% OF KID DO. He may as well have called my son a P*ssy for not taking the tube. He went on about how my son would need surgery after surgery until there was nothing left. :(

Imagine being 16 and hearing from your doctor that you are going to be chopped up, little by little AND it's your own fault. Awful.
I hope that man has no children.
Since leaving the hospital, I've watched a few videos about placing a feeding tube and it doesn't seem like a big deal, but in no way do they represent what happened to my son when they attempted to place his. They tried to force it and it hurt him really bad and he couldn't breath for like 30 seconds. Looked more like waterboarding, to me...

So, my son decided to drink his Peptamen instead and right after that, one of the doctors told him that he was GOING TO FAIL 95% OF KID DO. He may as well have called my son a P*ssy for not taking the tube. He went on about how my son would need surgery after surgery until there was nothing left. :(

Imagine being 16 and hearing from your doctor that you are going to be chopped up, little by little AND it's your own fault. Awful.

I think your son will be okay psychologically. 16 is about the age I started to realize these doctors were not so great as people and their only use to me was as a source of technical semi-expertise.

Honestly, as a lab scientist, If I could do my own biopsies and resections, I would... As well as a bunch of other things, but I don't have the millions of dollars in equipment, or the dexterity :yrolleyes:

But it still does not excuse the behavior.
So I know this isn't that bad, but at the same time it stupidly hurt me. I told, what I used to think were my best friends about my reversal op. (Anyway as one of them is in France au-pairing we've been thinking of going out to see her.) Anyway yesterday I got a few texts through from my friend asking me whether I wanted to go on a certain day blah blah blah. Which is a week after my reversal. When I texted her and said to her I wouldn't be able to go because of this, she replied with; 'Oh I just didn't think...' I know it sounds stupid. I know it's not their problem but it still stung me!!

Btw is it me, or do you genuinely find out who your true friends are when you've been ill for any period of time? I know the girl whose in France has never bothered to look up Crohn's. I would say that although we call each other 'best' friends, were not that at all, and my true friends are completely different people.

Oh and another thing people who say you're so strong/brave etc really irritate me. (Am I the only one here again?) Because I have no other option BUT to be strong and try and get through this. It wasn't an option. I couldn't decide not to go through the past 3 and a half years?!!? It just really irritates me.
I would say if they are not interested in finding out what's going on with you, or considering your limitations, they are not real friends. I can tell who my good friends are by how they treat me and my limitations. With my back problems - I actually had one 'friend' who told me, "If I had to live with the pain you live with, I'd just kill myself." I was literally speechless. I couldn't believe she'd basically said I should just off myself. (we are no longer friends). I have a great friend now, who has researched my conditions, texts me to ask how I'm doing, and we talk about diet and exercise all the time. Now that's a true friend. I consider her one of my very best friends, and that is why.
Hope it's ok to join in.......

Yesterday my dad told me that we have the same choices...he is an alcoholic who has been sober for two years but threatened yesterday that he was going to start again and tried to say that his choice to drink was the same as mine to eat!!! Am I wrong to be angry? I don't see how it's the same, I mean it's vital to eat but not to drink alcohol especially if you've been told one more drink could kill and he thinks I can just choose not to eat!!!

I have another gripe, my wee sister and I have been diabetic for seventeen years but neither my dad or my big sister have ever been interested enough to know what it means for us and are for ever saying"oh I don't know what a hypo is or what a blood test result means etc,etc". All I can say is thank goodness for my wee sister and this forum:).........thanked for reading.
You are not wrong to be angry and have a right to your feelings. You and your sister just keep on being each other's strength and support. Hugs.
Thank you, my dad gets me also upset!! He has no consideration for any one, thinks only about himself. My wee sister and l have been poorly for the same length of time as having diabetes but he doesn't care and complains that we don't do anything for him even though we do what we can :( I do wish he would look beyond himself and see how we both struggle through daily pain and still manage to look after those we care for.
I have had the usual "you don't look ill" or "well you look good on it"
"Crohn's disease, My Friend has IBS but she is very ill "

"crohn's oh that's IBS you should eat more fibre and fruit and veg " ( my thought on that was yeah more fibre thats what I need because going to the toilet 30plus times per day just isn't enough)

but one of the most if not the most infuriating comments was from an on call GP , first what I need to explain is this occured before I was diagnosed and my then Gp would not listen to me and in time through reading my notes I found he thought it was all in my head which went on for 3 years, I was about 6 months pregnant at the time with my 4th child and I had been to the toilet yet again but to find there was alot of blood in the bowl and on the tissue and it was from my bowel , My hubby rang the Gp out of hours as it was a weekend a female Gp came to see me I explained what had happened to make me call and my other symptoms she asked , when I said I had diarrheaha how often when I said at present 15 times plus a day to which she looked at me and said " Oh I do not think so if you were going that often you would be very severly malnurished and you are certainly not that ( I was 6 months pregnant am 4ft 11 and slight ) she then said Dr Nameless has told me all about you don't worry ( she meant he had told her there was nothing wrong with me and it was in my head ) to which I told her to get out of my house , " I beg you pardon" she said so I repeated so she would fully understand that she should get out of my house before I put her out,
Makes me so angry when I hear things that GP's say!! I was ill for 6 months before being diagnosed, and it got to the point where I could barely eat. He ranged from saying things like; 'it's all in your head, go home and eat.' I wanted to eat so badly but couldn't idiot!
I now, 3 years down the line, had to have a section of bowel removed and have a temporary illeostomy.. when I saw him last he said; 'I had no idea it would ever get too this. It was obviously really bad!' Um.. thanks mate, but I believe I came to YOU for help before I was diagnosed..
I would say if they are not interested in finding out what's going on with you, or considering your limitations, they are not real friends. I can tell who my good friends are by how they treat me and my limitations. With my back problems - I actually had one 'friend' who told me,**** "If I had to live with the pain you live with, I'd just kill myself."**** I was literally speechless. I couldn't believe she'd basically said I should just off myself. (we are no longer friends). I have a great friend now, who has researched my conditions, texts me to ask how I'm doing, and we talk about diet and exercise all the time. Now that's a true friend. I consider her one of my very best friends, and that is why.

There were probably other signs that friend wasn't a very good one - but I've gotten that comment and they were trying to complement how well I deal with my pain. Not very well - but it's the intention and not the words right?
Abby - you are correct, it was not intended in a supportive way. She said and did other things which were selfish and not supportive as well. I have had other friends tell me they don't know how I do it, complimenting my strength, but she was not that way. I don't miss her!

Lynda - it's so much worse when it's family that isn't supportive. Unfortunately alcoholics tend to not be very empathetic! My father is also an alcoholic and I don't have contact with him anymore. He lives in his own little world and doesn't really think of others. At least you have your sister and you can support each other! I have a sister-in-law who knows I'm lactose intolerant. One year she insisted I come to her children's birthday party on a Friday evening even though she knew I had to work three 12-hour shifts that weekend, so I made sure to show up. Then she served lasagna and pizza! My husband was so furious. We left and he took me out to dinner. I guess it just goes to show that even family can be insensitive and cruel.
Hope it's ok to join in.......

Yesterday my dad told me that we have the same choices...he is an alcoholic who has been sober for two years but threatened yesterday that he was going to start again and tried to say that his choice to drink was the same as mine to eat!!! Am I wrong to be angry? I don't see how it's the same, I mean it's vital to eat but not to drink alcohol especially if you've been told one more drink could kill and he thinks I can just choose not to eat!!!

I have another gripe, my wee sister and I have been diabetic for seventeen years but neither my dad or my big sister have ever been interested enough to know what it means for us and are for ever saying"oh I don't know what a hypo is or what a blood test result means etc,etc". All I can say is thank goodness for my wee sister and this forum:).........thanked for reading.

Alcoholics and all addicts are the most selfish and self oriented people in the world. They only care how things affect them and how they are suffering by giving up their terrible habit. They use every excuse in the world why they should be allowed to imbibe on their destructive behaviors. They make me sick to the stomach. I know all about it. I lived with my 1st husband who was a drunk and druggie for 20 yrs. and finally got the courage to kick him out after he hit my daughter. he committed suicide after 6 months because he got 3 more dui's during that time and didn't want to go to jail. He didn't care about how it would affect his children who became addicts after that ordeal. SELFISH!!!!
My dad surpassed himself today!! I drove 120 mile round trip to visit him and to have an mri, when I got there he quizzed my about how I caught crohns.......before I could really answer he said he wished he hasn't given me all those bottles of wine, I didn't catch on at first but when he kept on about I realized what he meant and he was actually accusing me of drinking myself sick!!! He's been accusing me of being an alcoholic, anorexic for years if you could see me you would know he was wrong. I got so upset today, makes me wonder why I bother?

I do agree addicts are very selfish, my dad won't admit to being addicted but if I was as he's trying to make out then it wouldn't be just him! Thank you for your kind words it definitely helps to know I can talk to someone about it, it gets so overwhelming at times.

Cindy my wee so sister has similar troubles, her son has a peanut allergy but her mother in law keeps buying him peanut sweets! I just don't understand people at times??

Yet again this forum and you guys are amazing thank you so much.
So crazy, family members without brains! :ybatty:

My dad is an alcoholic as well, and doesn't think he is - but he chooses drink over everything else, to the point where he just lives in a homeless shelter. He was living with my Grandma for a few years, and would steal money from her and buy liquor with it and lie to everyone. Her health declined and he moved away, now she has passed and he just lives on the streets. It's really sad but I decided to cut ties with him, it's too hard on me to have to try to support him and see what he does to himself and everyone else around him.
I can definitely appreciate that, if dad does start to drink again then I will stop contact too, it's just to hard to cope with him cos he is a nasty drinker. He has lost all the friends he had when mum was alive but now no-one goes near him and I don't blame them.
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My sister in law, at a family dinner last Sunday, looked at me and said ” You look like you are on steroids!”

I had no idea how to respond to this, so I said yes, the chubby cheeks just won't go away. (I have been off prednisone for over a year.)
My sister in law, at a family dinner last Sunday, looked at me and said ” You look like you are on steroids!”

I had no idea how to respond to this, so I said yes, the chubby cheeks just won't go away. (I have been off prednisone for over a year.)

We should start a private thread for us chubbies to talk about these useless comments.They think everyone with IBD should be pencil thin.:ymad:
If only our pencils came with erasers, we could get rid of all of these rude people!!

As it was my sister, I can't quite wish to erase her away, but Doug has been very patient with my large dysfunctional family. I would like to take an eraser to half (at least) of all they say, though, myself. Doug is the opposite of them, he was too polite to post that comment (since I participate in this forum also) until I encouraged him to do so.
We should start a private thread for us chubbies to talk about these useless comments.They think everyone with IBD should be pencil thin.:ymad:

Even those of us who are just supporters, like spouses, parents, etc. of IBDers, get frustrated with the stupid and know-it-all comments people make. I will never know what it is like to be in Doug's shoes, but I'm close enough to see that people don't have a clue what it is like to have crohn's. I also know that with my IBS, I tend to eat things that won't cause me problems, and aren't necessarily condusive to a thin figure.
It can go both ways, as well. I was at a family function recently, and had brought my food with me as I knew I wouldn't be able to eat what was there. My sister-in-law's mother said, "All this good food here and you're on a diet? As thin as you are?" Sheesh. I know I'm thin but I work hard to maintain my weight and I certainly am not dieting to lose weight! I'd love to have eaten some of the great foods that were there. Waiters give me funny looks when I order plain baked potatoes, ask for foods with no butter or oil, or order chicken breast. I wish they could all understand I'm not dieting! I know that I'm a small person and thin and don't need to lose weight.
OK, I know this is supposed to be about insensitive Crohn's comments but I really havent gotten any and wanted to share.

I just got my 4th comment (albeit in 10 years) asking if I were pregnant when i most certainly am not. And 3 of them were WOMEN!
mish - that is like the biggest no-no! Asking anyone if she is pregnant unless she says so first is taboo! And very insensitive. I'm sorry to hear it happened again. When will people learn?
OK, I know this is supposed to be about insensitive Crohn's comments but I really havent gotten any and wanted to share.

I just got my 4th comment (albeit in 10 years) asking if I were pregnant when i most certainly am not. And 3 of them were WOMEN!

That is so bad, I don't know how people can be so insensitive!! Oh it makes me mad. Hugs to you from a kinder person. :ghug::ghug:
All my GP, after 9 months of fatigue, diarrhea and blood

on the likelihood of Crohn's: "people with Crohn's can't get out of bed, they're in so much pain. I'm sure you're fine"

on what she'll tell the GI: "I'll just tell them I have a healthy young lady with some high levels"

keep in mind that those "levels" included an elevated sed rate, and a fecal calprotectin of 1788
sounds like a crock. I have had crohns for probably longer than your gp has been a gp. I have not ever not been able to get out of bed. Hopefully your GI will think of you as a patient instead of a girl. Good luck. :beerchug:
VetGirl, sounds like you need a new GP. what happens if you get RA? Oh, you are just sore because you exercised too much. . .
"it could be appendicitis"..... this, from an A&E doctor after i'd explained that I'd had surgery in 1986 to remove all my large intestine.

I was told it was appendicitis, I told them it was my Crohn's, but I was told that I didn't have Crohn's as it was not on my NEW hospital records. Less than 3 weeks later I had a hemicolectomy.

Some medical people really just do not know what they are saying.:lol:
My then-wife, calling from the airport, where I thought she was leaving on a business trip: "I'm moving back to LA". This was 8 months after my symptoms began, and 4 days after going with me on my 1st visit with my 2nd GI doc & hearing him say I might have Crohn's or a tumor. The divorce papers arrived 1 week later.

We had written our own marriage vows. Stupid me, left out the part about "better or worse".

It's truly amazing how insensitive the people we encounter at all levels in our lives can be sometimes. Having a partner who stands by you must really make a huge difference in being able to stand all the other nitwits.

To this I say: Better off without her. Reading this 2 years later, I hope you have found someone who can be your rock, More so than that woman who ran in fear of what she couldn't understand.

I have been lucky enough to get support from my girlfriends, but you can never mistake that look given by someone who just doesn't get it. as for remarks.... well I could fill pages for every section of the spectrum, what bugs me the most however; are the remarks when someone see's me go to grab something to eat, or eating ANYTHING.

Them: Should you be eating that?
That one person you wish you could strangle: Oh great; We won't see you the rest of the day. (at work)
Me(In response to the first remark): Gee, I dunno. I've only had Crohn's for 7 Years, I wonder if I know what will drop me to the floor. . .
Me(In response to the latter): a chuckle. *STUFFS FACE, goes back for seconds. . . makes sure they see, and make sure I don't step away from the counter the entire day* :rof:

I have dealt with arrogance, accepting, and of course mocking. I have endured sharper criticism than the stabbing feeling all throughout my torso region and I have been told that my disease doesn't exist (by some of those that are closest to me). I have faced more than I care to admit, or even care to remember... Though David, I still have to say you've got me beat. I am So terribly sorry for what happened to you. That has always been one of my biggest fears.

With the above being mentioned, I'm sure its safe to say everyone here has encountered just about the same. It's easy to mock what you can't understand, and its even easier (or should be) for us to laugh at their ignorance. Sure, there are some things people can say that may hit home or that we take to heart.. But If You are anything like me; I KNOW you are the toughest people there is. Upon reading THIS thread, I decided to sign up to the forum, and I would like to thank you guys for sharing.. Know that i'll be doing more of it myself :)

As for my coping: Some days, the Crohn's wins.. but for the most part i keep a smile on my face and my guard up; ready for anything. I respond to sarcastic remarks with quick wit and a sharp tongue dressed as a joke. I Will leave off with One last statement, 'cause I think its my favorite.

First day of work at my current job (3 years ago): Me to my boss and co workers: I will let you know now, that I have Crohn's disease. Do you know what it is, or would you like me to explain?
boss: Yeah, I know what that is.
Me: Cool, so you know what you're in for? if that changes let me know.
Boss (1 week later): You know... you should have told me what your disease entails.... you're here for 6 hours and you've been to the bathroom 3 times at 10 minutes a clip... that puts a strain on the other guys.
Me: You told me you knew what Crohn's Was! If you can't handle it, if i can't work out, I understand.. But you told me you knew what it was; Why should I have had to explain when you feigned knowledge of a topic you obviously know nothing about?
Welcome, Familiar. It is a little sad that there are so many insensitive people out there.

I did have a funny encounter yesterday at the pharmacy, one that I enjoyed.... here goes:
I had gotten the filled prescription (Vicoden) and the pharmacist came to the counter and interrupted the cashier: "Sorry, but the computer just popped up a warning that you have liver failure? Do you have any liver issues?"
Me: "What? Um, no, I don't have anything wrong with my liver."
Pharmacist: "How about kidneys? Any renal failure?"
Me: "Nope. I have cancer, and IBS, but no liver or kidney failure."
Pharmcist (laughs heartily): "So there's nothing wrong with you."
I laughed pretty hard at that. I love when people aren't uncomfortable when I mention my medical problems and can see the humor in them. This guy really got it.
This thread helps so much! I was diagnosed last year (in my mid-forties). My best friend kept saying "I don't understand how you could get this" and then repeatedly "it's just your nerves". I tried explaining what Crohn's IS - she is not a stupid person after all - and how much it hurt that she kept saying that, and now the person who was closer to me than a sister isn't talking to me when I need her most. While it still really hurts, it helps a lot to know that I'm not alone. Thank you all for sharing!
I had a breakup with my best friend of 20+ years when I needed her most as well (not over Crohn's) so I understand the pain/loss you are going through. Hang in there.
I can't remember if I told this story already so forgive me if I am repeating myself but this thread popped up again on my email and made me think of it...

A few years back I had a friend who was giving me a hard time about not going to church. I told her that I was having a bad flare of my Crohn's and that I felt terrible enough...but I just have to make sure I can always be near a bathroom and with so much gas it was just difficult to sit in one place for an hour. Not to mention the drive there and back. She told me that it was just an excuse not to go. Seriously? Who would use that as an excuse. Its embarrassing to let someone know you are incontinent. Now the kicker...she is a NURSE!

People just don't understand. There are commercials on now in the states that show people that look healthy and needing a bathroom. Its for a drug. I am thrilled. This brings attention to this disease. People in commercial look healthy and normal...but have cramps and have to run to bathroom. One is in an airport even. That is me. Always checking for nearest bathroom. Anyhow...just felt like venting.
An UTC Dr- Hands me some deep breathing and relaxations pamphlets, Try to de-stress your life, maybe these will help. ( I had lost 15 pounds that week, and was so severly dehydrated and sick I had passed out)

Husband's friend after he found out my diagnosis: Oh man! You got a "lemon" can you take her back and get your money back?
har har har

Endo nurse: "you're awfully young, why in the world do you need a colonoscopy?"
-ummm, look at my chart under CROHN'S maybe?
People just don't understand. There are commercials on now in the states that show people that look healthy and needing a bathroom. Its for a drug. I am thrilled. This brings attention to this disease. People in commercial look healthy and normal...but have cramps and have to run to bathroom. One is in an airport even. That is me. Always checking for nearest bathroom. Anyhow...just felt like venting.

In Massachusetts we have Ally's law that says businesses have to allow bathroom use for medical conditions. (Or its in process)
i have a friend who ever since she went with me this summer on the Crohn's and Colitis birthright trip, seems to think she has her own serious case of tummy issues. She has been complaining non-stop about her stomach hurting but no other symptoms and complaints only happen around certain people. She does workouts just fine, and seems to feel fine when she wants to. She has seen multiple doctors, had bloodwork, ultrasounds, and an MRI and all have been normal. Her latest thing is that she thinks she is gluten intolerance even though testing came back negative for celiacs. Pretty sure she is attention seeking as this only started when I was having a flare. She may have IBS or something so I don't want to say she is a faker, but me along with most other people who have spent time around her lately are pretty sure it is all for show. So frustrating to someone who has a legit issue, and so tired of hearing about it constantly from her so I've been avoiding spending time with her. How would you all deal with this situation?
I got put on Prednisone a few weeks ago now and the first thing my surgeon said to me was "I have to put you on steroids, but not the ones that the cyclists use." I thought that was pretty funny considering I hardly know the guy yet and I was so not expecting a crack like that!

Mum before I was diagnosed - "It's because you don't wash your hands after using the toilet." -Excuse me, that's disgusting, yes I do wash my hands.

Dad before and now sometimes - "Your only doing it to yourself" yes of course, just like everybody else with Crohns.

Nurse in Surgical ward - "I have IBS, you just have to learn to live with it there's no tests we can do" -when I asked for more tests to gee I don't know, get an actual diagnosis. Which I now have, and it's not IBS, just like I tried to tell them.
When I was 21, I went to a GI doctor and granted, my symptoms were not as many or as bad as they are now, but I was told, "oh, it's just IBS. You just need to learn to live with it" :ybatty:

When I was with my ex-husband and we would go out for dinner or a friend's house and I would get sick with diarrhea and cramping told me that it was because I "have no self control". He also told me when I wasn't feeling well one day, "Ugh, you never feel well and when are you NOT tired?" This was all before diagnosis.

The day of my colonoscopy last week the nurse in pre-op, after having me sign the consents, etc. came back to start my IV and asked my name and date of birth and then went, "You're too young to be having this done!" I didn't say anything because I was in a mood already that morning, but should have said, "I know, I just had nothing better to do today so figured I'd sign up for a cheap thrill." Uuuugh.

My brother tells me a lot of "think positive" stuff, but I know he is trying to show he cares so I let it slide. My father has Crohn's and has for the last 30 years so I don't get any insensitive commentary from my family for the most part.
It is horrible when people comment on Crohn's and even worse when people say thing to your face about it :ymad:

Family member of mine said to me "ewwww what are you doing in our family with that disease"

Another family member of mine said this to me when I came out of the bathroom "look out!! don't go in there she stunk out the bathroom"

Another family member replied to that and said "OMG! Quick!! everyone evacuate the house!!"

A colleague of mine shouted this to everyone including my boss "look there is a diseased person wondering around the yard, if you smell something around here then you know who it is" after that everyone laughed at me :cry:

A nurse said this to me when I was just about to go in for a colonoscopy "you look too young to be having this done, what did you do buy this disease from somewhere" :ymad:

The other nurse beside her laughed and said "yeah come on tell me where you got it from so I can tell your doctor your not sick your just lying about to get the attention" I said to her "I'm not lying I was diagnosed when I was 3 look it up on the chart" after I said that I threw up over the side of the bed just as they were about too wheel me in for the colonoscopy :lol: the best bit was they had to clean it up :rof: :rof: :rof:

My doctor said this to me "your not sick enough to be here so get out" :eek:

My other doctor said "I'm am sorry you look and feel horrible but I'm afraid that there is nothing I can do about it" Grrrrrrrrr "why did you become a doctor then, maybe you should go back to medical school or find something else to do!!"

A friend of mine said this to my boyfriend "why are you with that girl doesn't she scare everyone away with the horrible smell that 'floats' around her"
So he then said " your right she scares my friends away anytime that I'm with her I have to dump her right now!!

So he then said to me "I'm sorry to have to say this but your dumped because you make a smell everywhere you go and you spend to long in the toilet and I was just using you"
So I said " you are an ******* anyway, you kept on complaining and for the record I can't help the smell when I have Crohn's disease AND if you don't know what it is the go and look it up on the internet OH wait I forgot you told me you don't know how to use a computer but you sure as hell know how to use people" :ymad:
I'd rather smell like an ******* than be one. Seriously - these people are jerks. Are you guys talking about smells from passing gas or from colostomy bags? I am so worried about smells coming from a colostomy bag (which I don't have yet but know i will one day) - so just checking. The coworker that embarrassed you (HorseLover) - that is harassment. Witnesses and all! As for Ally's Law - I have to find out how to get one of those cards. I know many still won't let you use the bathroom and by the time you explain the law - it might be too late. However, it would be nice to have and I would certainly report everyone and fine them! Do you know how I get a card? It was on my short list of things to do before year end. THANK YOU for reminding me! So many insensitive people in the world. I did have a doctor in the ER (for an accident with a grill - not for CD) say - boy you look good for someone so sick. I took that as a compliment. He sat on the bed and was very nice to me. I have to say it did scare me because I didn't realize just how bad CD was! I feel good other than pooping 20 times a day and being tired. Its become my "normal". Ahhh this is my favorite thread!
I am so worried about smells coming from a colostomy bag (which I don't have yet but know i will one day) - so just checking.

My father has one from his resection from colorectal cancer and after he got used to what foods would and wouldn't cause excess gas and keeping that in check, the only time we smelled anything was when he had to dump his bag. When I worked in the hospital, sometimes we would smell a patient with a colostomy because they were having trouble keeping a seal especially if it had just been placed and was brand new to them, but again, other than that just dumping or burping the bag if there was a lot of gas (so the same scenarios you would have an odor without a colostomy bag). I don't know what smells anyone is talking about but that's just my experience as a bystander.
I don't know if anyone else had this but I used to have red card/note that I had to give to a teacher when I needed to go to the bathroom during class well I remember someone shouting something across the classroom just as I was about to leave to go "hey look everyone that girl has wet herself that's why she has that note because she can't control herself" :cry: I don't have one of those anymore as this was at least 2 years ago and I still remember it!!
HorseLover - have you asked your doctor about it? I am just thinking out loud here. Maybe because you haven't been able to pass gas - the toxins are coming out of your pores? I wonder if there are some homeopathic ways to resolve that. Or help with it. I would start drinking a lot of water. Maybe with lemon? I know ginger is supposed to help with digestion...If I have some time soon I will try to Google. Maybe we should start a new thread? I am really interested in this topic because I am always worried about smells when I am at work. I spray stuff around my office all the time. Thank GOD I have my own office and a supply closet. I go in there sometimes just to fart and then come out. One day my boss came in and went in to get a pen right afterwards. I was horrified. He didn't come out gagging though...hahaha...oh brother! This disease really sucks. But its ours and we have to figure out how to help each other. So tonight - if someone doesn't do it sooner - I will start a thread.
HorseLover - have you asked your doctor about it? I am just thinking out loud here. Maybe because you haven't been able to pass gas - the toxins are coming out of your pores? I wonder if there are some homeopathic ways to resolve that. Or help with it. I would start drinking a lot of water. Maybe with lemon? I know ginger is supposed to help with digestion...If I have some time soon I will try to Google. Maybe we should start a new thread? I am really interested in this topic because I am always worried about smells when I am at work. I spray stuff around my office all the time. Thank GOD I have my own office and a supply closet. I go in there sometimes just to fart and then come out. One day my boss came in and went in to get a pen right afterwards. I was horrified. He didn't come out gagging though...hahaha...oh brother! This disease really sucks. But its ours and we have to figure out how to help each other. So tonight - if someone doesn't do it sooner - I will start a thread.

It is always good to help each other out so yeah starting a new thread is a good idea. I have the same problem with having to spray deodorant every where I have been, when I am at work I live in a caravan so I am always spraying stuff every where in the caravan only because I share it with a friend who works there too and yeah when our boss comes in to check the caravan I make sure it smells nice she walked in on me out of the blue and said "oh god what is that dreadful smell" so I had too pretend that it wasn't me only because if I tell her that I have Crohn's she won't believe me and just laugh at me :(, also I carry a bottle of deodorant in my bag every where I go, it is really embarrassing when I know I smell and I have too spray it when I'm in town with my friend only because everyone looks at me :(.
And on the regards to asking my doctor about it yes I have and all he said was "it's probably you just imagining things so I wouldn't worry about" :cry: so I said to him "why would people be looking at me and in some cases people move away from, SO if I'm imagining it how do you explain that then!!!" He just looked at me and had nothing to say so I just walked out slammed the door behind me and left him to think about it.
Next appointment I would not spray and tell him to take a whiff then if he is not believing you! UGH! I told my boss i had CD only because I was running to the bathroom so much...I didn't want him to think I was in there sniffing cocaine or anything! I am almost sorry I did. Not because he has been mean to me but I just know when insurance renewals come up I know I cost the company a lot of $ in premiums. His brother died of colon cancer so he is not a complete ass.
i have a friend who ever since she went with me this summer on the Crohn's and Colitis birthright trip, seems to think she has her own serious case of tummy issues. She has been complaining non-stop about her stomach hurting but no other symptoms and complaints only happen around certain people. She does workouts just fine, and seems to feel fine when she wants to. She has seen multiple doctors, had bloodwork, ultrasounds, and an MRI and all have been normal. Her latest thing is that she thinks she is gluten intolerance even though testing came back negative for celiacs. Pretty sure she is attention seeking as this only started when I was having a flare. She may have IBS or something so I don't want to say she is a faker, but me along with most other people who have spent time around her lately are pretty sure it is all for show. So frustrating to someone who has a legit issue, and so tired of hearing about it constantly from her so I've been avoiding spending time with her. How would you all deal with this situation?

I know some people who act this way... and it is frustrating but you've got to bite your tongue and be there for a friend you know? but if she starts to over do it, just stop and look at her, and say "how often do i complain about my stomach? if you want help i'm happy to give some advice but lets keep our problems out of our time hanging out."
or something along those lines.. i dunno put your own twist on it and make sure the message gets through to her. It bothers me when people will cry wolf, but then again, i'm almost positive i've had the disease for 5 years before i was actually diagnosed, and my doctor couldn't tell what was wrong with me at first. overall, be there for your friend and their discomfort. maybe help her change her diet a bit and see if she feels better. If it really gets under your skin, just take her in smaller doses ( like you have been :p)
It is horrible when people comment on Crohn's and even worse when people say thing to your face about it :ymad:

Family member of mine said to me "ewwww what are you doing in our family with that disease"

Another family member of mine said this to me when I came out of the bathroom "look out!! don't go in there she stunk out the bathroom"

Another family member replied to that and said "OMG! Quick!! everyone evacuate the house!!"

A colleague of mine shouted this to everyone including my boss "look there is a diseased person wondering around the yard, if you smell something around here then you know who it is" after that everyone laughed at me :cry:

A nurse said this to me when I was just about to go in for a colonoscopy "you look too young to be having this done, what did you do buy this disease from somewhere" :ymad:

The other nurse beside her laughed and said "yeah come on tell me where you got it from so I can tell your doctor your not sick your just lying about to get the attention" I said to her "I'm not lying I was diagnosed when I was 3 look it up on the chart" after I said that I threw up over the side of the bed just as they were about too wheel me in for the colonoscopy :lol: the best bit was they had to clean it up :rof: :rof: :rof:

My doctor said this to me "your not sick enough to be here so get out" :eek:

My other doctor said "I'm am sorry you look and feel horrible but I'm afraid that there is nothing I can do about it" Grrrrrrrrr "why did you become a doctor then, maybe you should go back to medical school or find something else to do!!"

A friend of mine said this to my boyfriend "why are you with that girl doesn't she scare everyone away with the horrible smell that 'floats' around her"
So he then said " your right she scares my friends away anytime that I'm with her I have to dump her right now!!

So he then said to me "I'm sorry to have to say this but your dumped because you make a smell everywhere you go and you spend to long in the toilet and I was just using you"
So I said " you are an ******* anyway, you kept on complaining and for the record I can't help the smell when I have Crohn's disease AND if you don't know what it is the go and look it up on the internet OH wait I forgot you told me you don't know how to use a computer but you sure as hell know how to use people" :ymad:

i tend to make those comments myself now, just because they are a part of my life and i can't help but laugh about how people are when it comes to the life we live. I constantly get bombarded about my trips to the bathroom, so i started calling it my office, and that i need to fill out paperwork / write a fax / so on and so forth. but me and my manager and boss have a running joke when i was debating getting a tattoo, my boss suggested i get the charmin bear with a roll of toilet paper starting on my back and running over my shoulder with a quote that says " i never run out" though something like that may have bugged me at one point, i laughed heartily when he said it, simply because i know it wasn't malicious. and those who make those malicious comments don't deserve my anger because their ignorance wouldn't understand the vocabulary. lol :rof:
If i ever face someone who complains to me after i step out of the restroom, i have a lecture planned and almost memorized. . . i honestly can't wait for the day if it ever comes ... lol! but keep smiling, and no matter what don't show anyone that their comments get to you.
I got put on Prednisone a few weeks ago now and the first thing my surgeon said to me was "I have to put you on steroids, but not the ones that the cyclists use." I thought that was pretty funny considering I hardly know the guy yet and I was so not expecting a crack like that!

Mum before I was diagnosed - "It's because you don't wash your hands after using the toilet." -Excuse me, that's disgusting, yes I do wash my hands.

Dad before and now sometimes - "Your only doing it to yourself" yes of course, just like everybody else with Crohns.

Nurse in Surgical ward - "I have IBS, you just have to learn to live with it there's no tests we can do" -when I asked for more tests to gee I don't know, get an actual diagnosis. Which I now have, and it's not IBS, just like I tried to tell them.

Lolololol that's amazing. . . my mom didn't believe that i had crohn's disease even after the multitude of testing and GI dr visits every 2 weeks. she told me i was faking and that i just didn't want to go to school when i was in some vicious amount of pain. to this day she still asks me if i'm going to eat dinner with them when she makes something that will send me into the hospital (loaded with cheese / dairy... steak. god i miss steak.)

i was just put on prednisone too, and i wasn't happy about the idea of steroids... how do you feel after being on them?
I know some people who act this way... and it is frustrating but you've got to bite your tongue and be there for a friend you know? but if she starts to over do it, just stop and look at her, and say "how often do i complain about my stomach? if you want help i'm happy to give some advice but lets keep our problems out of our time hanging out."
or something along those lines.. i dunno put your own twist on it and make sure the message gets through to her. It bothers me when people will cry wolf, but then again, i'm almost positive i've had the disease for 5 years before i was actually diagnosed, and my doctor couldn't tell what was wrong with me at first. overall, be there for your friend and their discomfort. maybe help her change her diet a bit and see if she feels better. If it really gets under your skin, just take her in smaller doses ( like you have been :p)

I do as well -I've got a sister-in-law who is always talking about what's wrong with her. She blames her weight on her thyroid. She developed back problems similar to mine a few years ago and asked for my input and then told me that I was wrong about what I was telling her. Then after I started having headaches two years ago, she started to have them too (I did notice that now that I've been diagnosed with a brain tumor she doesn't have the headaches anymore :D). I'm just waiting to hear when she starts having "problems" eating and has food intolerances too. Although I'm not sure she'd be ready to give up food for her complaints......
I went to the Child assesment unit with bad stomach aches in the same place they always are (ileum) and my doctor said "sounds like indigestion" and he sent me home.

Turns out I have a stricture. Huh.
Ki3, reminds me of when I was a child. I'd often have stomachaches and occasionally my parents would take me to the doctor. Every time they'd just tell me I was probably constipated and send me home.
Sometimes I feel I know more than my doctors, which is worrying as they have been studying for like 10x longer than me.
It just goes to show how we all know our own bodies. The good doctors are the ones who listen to us because they understand that we have a knowledge base that will help them help us.
Lolololol that's amazing. . . my mom didn't believe that i had crohn's disease even after the multitude of testing and GI dr visits every 2 weeks. she told me i was faking and that i just didn't want to go to school when i was in some vicious amount of pain. to this day she still asks me if i'm going to eat dinner with them when she makes something that will send me into the hospital (loaded with cheese / dairy... steak. god i miss steak.)

i was just put on prednisone too, and i wasn't happy about the idea of steroids... how do you feel after being on them?

My mother believes me now out of having no choice but to, but she doesn't get it and asks me the exact same things around dinner time! My dad is good though, he understands that there's things I can't eat and is always checking first, before he adds anything in. Canola oil (and therefore vegetable oil) is a huge no no for me, so he's always checking before he adds anything in to food that he wants me to eat with him :)

I wasn't happy about it either but so far so good, I'm on my 3rd week now and I can tell when i've eaten something I shouldn't have but it's more uncomfortable and a little nauseous for the most part rather than omg take me to the hospital and vomiting everywhere. I've had none of the side effects, no moon face or anything. Only food cravings I've had have been sushi, and I've still lost weight while on the prednisone even though I've been able to eat slightly better (I can eat noodle canteen sometimes!!!). I've got another 2 weeks to go on them, honestly now I'm scared to come off them because I know they're working and I'm worried about whats going to happen when I'm off it. In the last 3 weeks I think I've been up sick all night in excruciating pain twice, and that's utterly amazing in my eyes.
Comment from nurse in the hospital when I was being admitted to have my operation - 'get off the bed, it's for the patient, no you can't have tea, it's for the patients ' *goes to give my mum or Dad a drink, then they tell her I AM the patient since she ignored me * ' oh really, but you can't be that sick, are you sure you need this op.. You look too young and pretty to be sick '

General comment from everyone that finds out I'm sick - 'oh that's horrible! How do you live like that, I wouldn't be able to do that, you poor thing ... Shouldn't you be in bed if you don't feel well ' yeah, 1) you have no idea how 'horrible' it is, 2) negativity never gets anyone anywhere 3) if everyone with crohns stayed in bed every time we're in pain or feeling icky, most of us would spend at least half of our lives in bed.
Best comments from some of my colleagues and friends about my disease:

'Isn't that just a weird strain of IBS?' - pretty much EVERYONE.

'You're making it up, my dad's a doctor and I've never heard him mention it.' - the dad is a HEART surgeon so of course he wouldn't.

'How many times have you been to the loo today? I'm keeping tabs!' - This one, at least, is said in good humour, the colleague concerned counts my loo visits because for some reason we both find it hilarious. Don't ask, I work with some seriously weird people.

'Sounds to me suspiciously like an excuse for you to just eat junk food.' - This one was from a colleague who asked me why I always go for white bread in the canteen at work. I can't eat much fibre because it makes Mr Crohn's very unhappy, so I told him this, and the above comment was his reply. I then lost it slightly and went on a rage about how I wasn't eating 'junk food' by choice, but by necessity, and if he didn't think I was telling the truth he could keep his damn nose out of my life. And I manage to eat quite healthily, I think, considering the no-fibre thing.

And this is my personal favourite:
'Does this mean I can now call you an old crone?' - This, from a very good friend. He made me laugh so much with that little play on words that it actually hurt me. We were both very sick at the same time - he'd broken his leg and I was recovering from a huge flare - so we texted and FB'd each other constantly. When I finally got the diagnosis of crohn's, that was his reply. Love it, love him.
Sunione... Can you smack him over the cheek bone and when the bruise appears tell him it's not a real bruise? :p

I'm on my very last dose of Prednisone tomorrow (5mg) and I'm feeling worse now than I was before I got put on it, this started in the 20mg week. My bf said to me the other day "are you sure you can eat that?" "no, but i'm gonna find out about 20 minutes after it passes through my lips." He wasn't being mean or anything, he just cares a whole lot and doesn't like seeing me writhing in pain and rushing to the bathroom every 10 minutes, just the tone in which he said it was thoughtless.

"It's all in your head, we're sending you home with these meds" (46 pills per day) said by the head surgeon in the surgery dept at my local hospital... Excuse me, one, I didn't want to be here in the first place for 3 days on a drip, nil by mouth. Jokes, just thought I'd get myself in and have a gastroendoscopy for the fun of it.
Two, if it's all in my head then why are you sending me home with all these meds that are meant to mask symptoms and help with pain etc, isn't that a little counter productive to what you just said?? this was in august, I've been diagnosed now.
Oh I like this thread! It makes me feel so much better that I'm not the only one dealing with these comments!......I can't resist adding to's my list.....

Random doctor: it's most definitely a cold, try some throat sweets

Random doctor (who was fully aware I couldn't take iron tablets): I know you can't take iron tablets, but take them anyway, otherwise you won't be able to have babies when you're older and then you'll be sorry

Friend number 1: I wish I had crohns so I could be skinny too! You've lost loads of weight, well done!
Friend number 2: yeah but if I was pooping all day I'd be that skinny too but I have to diet instead

My college lecturer asked me why I had missed so much time, I explained I had recently been diagnosed with a serious chronic illness called Crohn's disease that seriously affects your intestines so she said 'okay, il just write down tummy troubles then'.

On the day of a big test at the hospital, my (now ex) boyfriend insisted on taking me and being there for me, I was pretty grateful. Then on the day, he dropped me off at the hospital and said that he was going to have to leave me there and shoot off cause his handbrake had gone on his car and he wanted to get it fixed......leaving me standing alone in the hospital in a white gown!

Taxi driver: I don't get why you're tired all the time, you're only part time, you ought try work my hours then you'll know what tired is.

Numerous people at work: must be hard just lying in bed all the time doing nothing....sounds like hard work.....not. Or.....why waste your time being part time, you're so young, you'll be fine full time.

Friend: yeah I know what you're going through, sometimes I feel a bit off when I eat cheese

I'm sure the majority of these comments are all said without meaning to be as offensive as I take them, but boy, there are a lot of these comments made. I have a truck load more, I'm enjoying reading everybody else's! So nice to know I am not alone :) thanks everyone.
My sister after I told her my joints are all swollen and really stiff and sore, and I have to wait until the New year to see anyone about it.. 'oh yeah, my shoulders been a bit sore and I have to wait a few weeks for physio, so I know what you're going through' .. Really..

Also, I never know what to say when people just say 'oh I'm sorry to hear that ' when they obviously have no idea of the meaning of what you've just said and therefore they don't know what they are sorry for.. or the ones that say they understand when they clearly don't..
different random friends: "Oh, I couldn't just 'give up' _____ (whatever food we're talking about, usually pizza!). I'd just eat it anyway.

Um, no you wouldn't, not if you felt what I feel when I eat it. Two days of agony is not worth any tasting of food!

"You sure are getting skinny, you should probably try to eat more."
"I do eat, and when I have no appetite or feel sick it's pretty difficult to make myself eat."
"Well, you should just force it down anyway.":ybatty:
My favorite is... I made another appointment to see my pc about my constant diarrhea and nausea. My doc, who insisted I had IBS went home sick. So I saw...

New doc glances through my chart. "And why are you here today?"

Me, "My diarrhea has become very bad and I am nauseated all the time."

He studies me then says, "What do you do for a living?"

"Ah, I'm a writer."

With a knowledgeable nod he says, "I see. You are a sensitive person."

"I guess so."

"I'll be right back."

Several minutes later he comes back into the office. "This is an easy fix. You are gluten intolerant."

And with that he shuffled me out the door, new diet in hand.
Sorry everyone has had such stupid people in their lives but I did get some laughs reading about them.

My all time favorite stupid thing was an email that used to show up at least once a year on several lists I am on. Purportedly from a nurse but never with any citations this email was about the evil effects of sugar. One teaspoon of sugar is so bad for you that it would completely mess up your immune system and lower your immune response. @#$%^&*!! My husband was having all these side effects from prednisone and I could have just handed him the damn sugar bowl!

My next favorite is the people who correct me when I talk about adjusting recipes to be low fiber for my husband and daughter. "You mean high fiber, don't you?"
A good one from my bf.

He is rather frustrated at certain doctors at my GP practice who refuse to help (I must say that's a minority, most are lovely, and my GI is very attentive and really does his best in a system on its knees ) and my endocrine, who ignored the issue I was referred for, prescribed me some non existent meds and then ignored me and my GI.

Yesterday, I got some requests through for stool samples in the post.

His response ' ohh you should get a big sling shot, like the one on Madagascar, and just fling it at the bad doctors, they can send it to your GI.. ' or 'just leave it on the windowsill and hope no one thinks it's toothpaste' ... I stopped being bothered about the sunny hand written note (written as if the nurse was asking me for a bag of sweets. ) and started imagining the interesting consultations I would have if he was present when doctors messed me around :p .
He does have a very crude sense of humor at times and can always manage to make me laugh, which is awesome dealing with crohns, I'm never embarrassed around him. :)
Friend - "You should come up north with us for new years"
Me - "If your implying that I should come up and party and go on an alcohol bender, no thanks"
Friend - "But why not?"
me - "Since when have I been a partyer, and since when have I ever drunk? Plus I get sick badly at night."
Friend - "That's alright, just drink more so you have a reason to be sick."
Me - "I'm sorry, I don't have a reason to be sick? And you know I don't drink."
Friend - "Then you can sober drive"
me - "I can't sober drive from the bathroom."

this particular person just DOES NOT get it. I swear, a banana has more IQ points than her, and that's being polite.
A few weeks ago she told me she would love to swap weights with me because I can lose weight so easily, and she didn't seem to understand my (extremely accurate) description of how I lose weight so fast, then she finally seemed to get it.... Only to say the same thing to me last week.

The other day I got "Hey, howr you."
"I'm ok, I guess"
"Oh, is your Crohns being a b***h again today?"
do I need to answer that? She watched me struggle at a graduation dinner the other night where I couldn't eat a damn thing they served up, she watched me struggle to stay awake during the whole thing, and then leave very quietly in a lot of pain afterwards. My crohns is not " being a b***h today", it is " being a b***h" every day of my life right now.

I have been mentally punching her in the face while thinking of many different verbal comebacks ever since then. And have not talked to her since.
He does have a very crude sense of humor at times and can always manage to make me laugh, which is awesome dealing with crohns, I'm never embarrassed around him. :)

now THAT is a real partner. Cheers to you both. My husband is the same way and honestly I think I would be punching out random strangers if it wasn't for his ridiculous sense of humor.

You guys know how, when you've politely declined some random food item because it will basically make your intestines explode, there's always someone there who has the balls (and lack of brains) to say, "oh, a LITTLE bit of it won't hurt!" My mother-in-law was trying to push onions on me at a party, which would have made for a lovely evening doubled over in the toilet, saying, "oh, just have a TEENY TINY bite, it's so good," to which my husband commented that she should have a TEENY TINY mouthful of glass shards because what could it hurt?

oh, and I had an ex who wouldn't even visit me in the hospital because he felt that sick people are "gross." way to behave after 5 years together! after I dumped him it occurred to me that IBD is chronic, but being a giant ********* is terminal and completely untreatable, so I definitely win there.

I can't believe how many stories people have on here about the brilliant weight remarks - "oh I'd love to have crohn's and lose weight," or even better, "well at least you aren't thin, so you can't be that unwell." yes, I'm sure you'd LOVE to bleed nonstop from your butt and be scared of food because it feels like volcanic rock if you could lose that stubborn last 5 pounds, tee hee! Oh, and thanks for your concern, I'm impressed that you can diagnose my intestinal health just by glancing at my waistline, are you a magical wizard?
The weight thing and appearance are the toughest! Yesterday someone asked me how I was doing with my cancer (fairly well right now, stable) and mentioned that I looked so good, it was hard to believe I was sick. I must be at the cusp of figure perfection right now or something - undressed I look a little bony (I can see my hip bones and ribs, and chest bones). dressed I just look fit and thin I guess. Since I look thin and have all my hair and all, I guess I look pretty healthy..... one of my sisters-in-law said that one to me recently. We were talking about all the things I can't eat anymore, and how it's hard to keep weight on (I've lost about five pounds in the last month, putting me underweight) and she said, "Well, at least you look good!"
I had to drag myself up 2 flights of stairs to the Work and Income building to go to a seminar about my sickness benefit... I dragged myself up the stairs and to reception where I promptly had to grab hold of a wall to stop myself collapsing, I was breathing incredibly hard (and struggling to do so) when a security guard asked if I was ok and where I was meant to be. I told him what I was there for and that yes I was ok I just needed a minute to get my breath back, because I was extremely tired from my disease. He promptly backed away saying "Don't give me your bugs, I can't afford any days off work!" Dude seriously? I'm not contagious! For all he knows I could have just had debilitating Asthma!! :ybatty:
I would have punched him one, but I was too busy trying to grip the wall and get my breath back so I didn't end up flat on my face on the floor, and he was a security guard, probably not a good look.
I caught up with an old schoolmate while I was standing there like I was, she was really nice, helped me over to a seat and asked if I was ok and if she could do anything... The last time she saw me I was happy, fit and healthy, and now i'm a mess, and she was genuinely concerned and not judgemental unlike the security guard.
There's someone at my work who comes into the staffroom every day, without fail, when I'm on lunch and comments that I don't eat much - if I only eat a bit of a sandwich she launches into a lecture about waste.

The other day she came in and noted that I'd been off sick for a while. Fed up with her constant remarks, I said, "Yes, I have a chronic medical condition that means I have problems with my digestion. Sometimes it makes me so exhausted and gives me so much pain that I can't get out of bed."

Her reply? "Well, maybe you should eat a proper meal, then you'd feel better!"

I just had to laugh...
Weatherwax...Karma is going to bite her in the butt and very hard one day...its so hard to hear this stuff where you work though...hopefully your other co-workers are supportive.
My manager:

Three days after discharge from hospital, I was so poorly my GI honestly didn't think i would survive. My manager rings "So you out of Hospital now, so you must be well enough for work. So we will see you back next Monday" (6 Days post discharge) me "wtf?" Her "well your not in hospital i really cant see the problem"

A few weeks later during a home visit.
"With all the sympathy in the world we must consider the business need, we are having to turn business down because of you"
"Your fatigued because you are not doing anything"
"I was under the impression you had Remicade and you should be 100% fit your just making excuses"

I must point out the women is a Nurse! Needless to say I resigned this week, else I think I may have been arrested"