omg, iIreally needed to read all of these. I can honestly say, for the most part, I feel your pain haha. Why do we have to deal with this disease, AND stupid people?!
Here's some of the comments I've gotten. Forgive me if this gets long, I know alot of idiots lol.
18 year old me, seeing a new gp. He was about 60 years old.
"You have these stomach problems because you are overweight."
(I'm 5'9" and at the time, weighed about 170 pounds)
He actually got down the on the ground, and demonstrated how to do a sit up.
Another gp I saw about 6 months ago because I was peeing and pooping blood.
"your urine sample had a good amount of blood in it. I see here that you don't get your period anymore due to birth control.. Well, some women just always pee blood. It's totally normal for them. You must be one of those women."
Yet another gp I saw a few years ago, after a colonoscopy that showed minor inflammation in my small bowel
"I see nothing in your test results to lead me to believe you are sick. I'm sending you to see a psychiatrist, because I think you are just depressed and making yourself sick"
My dad, quite recently. I couldn't hear him at first, so I thought he said something else. btw, I've lost about 40 pounds in two months, went from 160 pounds to about 120.
"you've gained weight"
me "are you ******* kidding me?!"
"um, no, you like a stick"
me "then how have I gained weight?!"
"I said GAIN SOME WEIGHT. you look gross. You look good, but still gross."
me "thanks dad, love you too"
I left, and he asked my boyfriend why he isn't feeding me. My boyfriend was kind of at a loss, and felt bad, and explained to my dad that I can't really eat anything but rice and broth. I guess they had a long conversation about how sick I am, and how sad it is to see me like this. blah blah blah
My little brother asks me, every time I see him, "So are you getting surgery?"
No, I'm taking medication to stop the inflammation and stop my immune system from attacking my body.
"Do I have crohn's? Sometimes I get a pain in my stomach"
"like, my lower stomach"
below your below button, right side, left side, where?
hahah tell mom to take you the doctor, I don't know what that is"
I've been best friends with meaghan for like, ten years. She knows I'm sick, but she's very.. dense. We were chatting on facebook after my hospital stay and when I told her I was diagnosed she typed back "don't make fun of me, but I'm totally bawling my eyes out right now. I love you, and I don't want you to not have a butthole anymore or whatever." She then googled crohn's, called me crying and asked if I had a "fist in my butt." She meant fistula. Oh god she's hilariously dumb.
My boyfriend's favourite joke is that he's gonna operate on me, and give me dog intestines. He often does this when I'm in the hospital, doped up on morphine, or at home, doped up on percocet. He thinks it's the funniest thing he's ever said.
I also get the generic "you don't look sick.." "are you anorexic? why aren't you eating?" "at least it's not cancer" " yeah my neighbours uncle has crohn's. He's fine, so I'm sure you will be too" "have you tried prayer?" "god I wish I had crohn's, I'm so fat" "I think you're over-reacting.. How can someone be in that much pain, for that long, and not know what's causing it?"
Sometimes I hate people.