Humerous, Bad, Thoughtless ,or Unbelievable Comments

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Well, looks like you won that battle. What a witch! Is she normally thoughtless & just plain cruel or was it a momentary lapse into bitchiness? I don't know if I would have been able to forgive that comment even if she is normally a Mother Teresa clone.

My sister said something to me after I had tried so hard to get pregnant & just couldn't. Along the lines of well you are not a mother & never will be, so you don't have any idea what a mother will do for her children.

No way reaches the comment of your cousin but man it hurt!


That is pretty terrible. Its not that hard to imagine what a mother will do for her children. Besides it doesnt come naturally to everyone, some mothers do horrible things to their children. Infertility hurts really bad. Its harder to accept than crohns in some ways.

My cousin is a know it all, that likes to give unwarranted advice. She thinks that saying "no offense" beforehand makes it all ok.
You said it, girl! I had no problem accepting the Crohn's (I figured why not me) but not being able to achieve what teenagers all over the world were achieving, that was the pits!well, I fixed it...I adopted! Now I have a wonderful daughter and she has given me two beautiful granddaughters. Life is good!
"Well maybe you shouldnt have anymore children because you could die of crohn's and make them orphans." This was said in response to my infertility issues.

My sister said something to me after I had tried so hard to get pregnant & just couldn't. Along the lines of well you are not a mother & never will be, so you don't have any idea what a mother will do for her children.

Hells bells!!! Don't those two comments and all those from family members make the old saying ring true -

"You can choose your friends but not your relatives"!

Good on you all for rising above it. :thumright:

Dusty. :)
Hells bells!!! Don't those two comments and all those from family members make the old saying ring true -

"You can choose your friends but not your relatives"!

Good on you all for rising above it. :thumright:

Dusty. :)

You said it right Dusty! I'm so sorry about all the rude comments regarding fertility, families, babies, and health. I'll be the first to agree that I didn't pick my family. Except for my brother, and sometimes my mother, I don't like my family. I love them because they are my family, but I don't like their personalities. I'm having an especially hard time with one of my sisters and my father. I pray for strength to be loving and kind towards them. I am polite and civil towards them, but if they weren't my family, I wouldn't choose them as friends. One of my sisters said this when I was having a hard time getting pregnant, "Well maybe God doesn't want you to have children." I couldn't believe it! That sister has four children and thinks that she is mother of the year. It sickens me! She is so quick to judge others, and totally rules over her children with an iron fist, yet she cow tows to her jerk husband. I'm sorry! I have to rant, as these past few posts have reminded me of this. If I had been thinking at the time, I would has said something like, "Who made you a spokesperson for God?"
Ah, my sister isn't all bad though. She called me the next day all crying cause she hurt my feelings. She really, really didn't mean to hurt me. It just came out all wrong. I don't know what I would do without my sister especially. They have been the most important to me (next to my husband) and have stood by me when others would have run the other way. I just thought this particular incident illustrated how some one that really does care for us, that really does want the best for us can still hurt us by using our disease against us. I figure that comments such as well maybe god doesn't want you to have children, maybe he has a different plan for you (yes, I got that one too) are peoples way of trying to make sense of it. Of trying to give you comfort, in a strange way. One of my dear friends said I just don't know why god won't help you & Joe have a baby, you would make such terrific parents! I took it lime she meant it, she was trying to make sense of my strange body, not blame god for it or think that god was punishing me for something. I don't know, I just know that my sisters especially are always on my side...even if I'm wrong!
The God comments are really frustrating, as I dont think God chooses who has babies and who doesnt. If he chooses those things, he really sucks at it. Just like he doesnt choose who has crohns and who doesnt.

I think "God" is just there to give you strength to persevere. Like if you are in a boat stranded from shore, do you just sit and pray that God will save you, or do you start rowing to shore and ask for the strength to do it.
I couldn't have said it any better. Stupid things are said all the time. I'm sure God rolls his eyes at a lot of what is said and done for that matter.
I have to say personally I am a little tired of all the proud mummy/ lovely son poems on Facebook, oh and the comment that you don't know what worry is until you are a parent!
I haven't told anyone yet besides my own Mum that due to my health/health history I won't be having kids (one of the reasons rules out adoption also) :( I really don't like being told how inferior I am, when they've never had anything worse than a cold.

And the new Nurse that thought IBS and IBD were the same, also sent my Mum for the wrong blood tests so she's having to fast again this week!
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Yeah, I'm getting fed up of all the 'it's about time you had kids' comments. At the moment I'm undecided, but I'd like the decision to be made between me and my boyfriend, not people I work with, friends, other family members.
Those comments are tough to take, I agree. I also agree people (inluding in-laws!) need to keep their big fat noses out of other people's reproductive choices.
Then to be made to feel less than female if you choose not to have children is enough to make you nutso.
Once again, I agree with the statements above. I didn't adopt my son until I was 36, and didn't have my daughter until I was 37. My husband and I tried for many years without success. I was on the receiving end of many thoughtless comments.
My wife and I have been married for almost 16 years now. She just turned 50 and I will be 48. Because of her health we have not had children of our own. Also could not qualify to adopt. But we found our answer. We have been foster parents (long term) of 2special needs kids. Our first was Otoniel. He is 28 now and living in a group home with other special need folks. He lived in our home for 8 years and we still consider him to be our son. We now have Ashley. She is 19, but mentally challenged. Ashley has lived with us for over 2 years now. This has been a very rewarding experience, and my wife and I have been able to do this despite our medical issues.

When we first knew we could not have kids we were devastated. We had well meaning friends and family bugging us. Saying "you better have your kids now!" These comments were very hurtful to my wife, who has neurological problems. I was also dealing with Crohn's at the time (although I did not know it was Crohn's at the time). People can be so thoughtless at times.
I'm in for a fun night. I just went to the doc as I have been having major acute pain in three places. He gave me gastrosoothe and movicol - for constipation. I tok the meds and then read the info sheet that said not to take it if you have Crohns - hello?? why give it to me then. I have an appointment with my GI on Friday at 12. I will suck onpain meds until then, 2 days working fom home with no long travel and being closer to docs and hospital.
But we found our answer. We have been foster parents (long term) of 2special needs kids.

I glad that you and your wife have found the peace that you were looking for. Foster children need loving parents, and I'm sure you and your wife are great parents. I got married when I was older, and so I did get a lot of, "When are you going to get married? Why aren't you married yet?" In my family you were a freak if you didn't get married by the age of 22. I was 32, so I was considered an old maid. Once I did get married people started in with, "When are you going to have children?" Even after our losses, people would continue to ask.
I think the rudeness that takes the cake is a comment that we received after adopting our son. Somebody in my church said, "I'm so happy for you and Scott. Are you going to continue to try for more children? You are strong. I don't know what I would do if I couldn't have any children of my own. Are you going to be okay if you can't have your own children?" Wow! That woman was probably shocked when I gave birth to our daughter 14 months after adopting our son. I would have been okay either way. My daughter was a special surprise. I love my pets, so I know loving a human baby, regardless of where he came from would be an even greater love. Some people!

Aura, I cannot believe that the doctor would prescribe something that had a warning for a Crohns patient. Simply unbelievable!
Well the colonoscopy prep that I had (moviprep) has a warning not to be taken by a Crohn's patient in an active flare. But it's all they provide at my hospital for some reason (at the time I didn't know there were alternatives).

As for the kids comments, I did snap at a work colleague once, and explained things in a less than rosy light. I don't think it ever occurred to people that a chronic illness might somehow influence big decisions like having children!
Ive got a boat load of these not all to do with crohns .......

My mother to me via phone a few days after my diagnoses and resection surgery:
Do they have dentist there? I know you need a few teeth worked on.

again my mother right after resection:
You think thats bad I've been stick at my stomach for two days.

I love her dearly but ...... LOL ....she gets to me so easily!!
Actually krbsmom, this can become a general post as we all receive rude, thoughtless, or even funny comments on a somewhat frequent basis. I love this post! What a great way to relieve stress and to laugh at ourselves and the comments. Let is all hang out!

I think my family (referring to my parents, brother, sisters) could be a walking comedy or tragedy depending on how you look at it. LOL!

My parents, a sister and a couple of her kids, and my brother stopped by over this long weekend. Presidents' Day is on Monday, and we all have that day off. Talk about the noise level in my house. When my sister is with my mom and the grandchildren are lurking about, I try to get my two cents in here and there. I am the quiet one of the bunch. My dad actually spoke with me which is surprising. He loves to disappear in the background, or sneak off to watch football or some other sport. I was even more surprised to find that while speaking with my dad, he didn't say anything sarcastic or cutting, and didn't try to scold me. He usually loves to point out things that I should being doing, or mistakes that I'm making as wife and mother. He also didn't mention my nephews who are the bright spot in his life as they love sports, play basketball, and loving fishing. He was talking with me, and playing with Elizabeth.

Here's where the humor comes in. My dad is familiar with CD and has been for a while. He must have had a brain fart because he asked, "How is your situation?" Oh gosh! What a way to put it! I burst out laughing and so did my sister and brother. He wanted to know what was so funny. I told him that Scott and I are guilty of watching the MTV show, "Jersey Shore." We must be some of the oldest people who watch that show. It's racy and rude, but it's somewhat entertaining. Anyway, I told dad that one of the guys on the show is called, "The Situation." Of course dad didn't get it. My sister's teenage sons watch, "Jersey Shore," and my brother is familiar with the show as well. After a good laugh, my sister brought up another funny memory. She remembered the year that daddy was saying the blessing on the food during one of the holidays. Dad must have lost his train of thought because he said, "And bless . . .(pause).. this family affair." My sister and I burst out laughing during the prayer. Even my mom said, "Why did you choose that phrase? " You got to find the humor in things, as laughter is supposed to be one of the best medicines. That's the first time that I've ever heard of Crohn's Disease referred to as, "The Situation."
AndiGirl, my mum had me when she was 36. Nothin' wrong with that! Hope you told all those thoughtless people to eff off :D

Humerous one from today - I've come home from Uni because I'm in a flare, and my my housemate called me to see how I was doing. I told him; not sure yet, no better no worse, my GI is giving it 2 weeks, if there's no improvement... I may be admitted to hospital... worse case scenario would be surgery (my first)...

A few hours later he calls me to bitch about one of our other housemates who accidentally unplugged the freezer and ruined the £30 worth of food he just put in there. I was thinking 'Yeah, you really have it rough' lol. I didn't mind though, he's just naturally a bit moronic haha. What counts is the first phone call I got from him :)
Thanks Ian! I'm sure your mom is terrific and you were worth the wait. That's what I plan on telling my kids.

I remember those days of being single and having roomates. I am wishing you a speedy recovery. Hang in there buddy!
Unbelievable! Last night I spoke to my Dad on Facebook chat. Who promptly explained that the reason he hasn't hardly been in touch for the past 10 years is because he doesn't like the way the illness makes me look. Charming... :(
Unbelievable! Last night I spoke to my Dad on Facebook chat. Who promptly explained that the reason he hasn't hardly been in touch for the past 10 years is because he doesn't like the way the illness makes me look. Charming... :(

Oh Heidi! That's terrible! Sometimes those that we love can hurt us the most. I'm suspecting that it probably hurts him to see how much you've been suffering and especially if you've lost a lot of weight.

When I was younger, I was chubby. I was never fat, but I was chubby. My mother is small framed, so I inherited my size from other members of my family. My sisters have never had weight problems and that greatly pleased our father. When I started filling out in high school, I was embarrassed because my hips widened and my chest really grew. I wanted to be like so many of the other girls, a small toothpick. My mother and father were both on me about my weight. I still remember a comment that my father said when I was 16 years-old. He said, "You better get married young while you can. You're going to be fat." I cried over that comment many times when I was much younger.

Well, I started getting sick towards the ending of high school, and it continued. I started dropping the weight, but my body added pain. Before I was married, there were times when my parents would have to run me to the ER. I sometimes wish I could say, "Well dad, you told me to get married young as I was going to be fat." I can't. He knows the pain that I've been through, and that I am not fat. I get the moon face from the prednisone, so in some ways I still feel fat, even though my body says otherwise.
Oh sweet, I am so sorry to hear what you have been through. Why is physical appearance made to be so important in our society? I just do not get it. What does it matter what someone looks like? Does it make them less worthy of being human just because they are bigger or smaller? I do not understand it. It makes me so sad. :(

I don't know whether or not your dad is going to feel guilty for saying the awful things he said to you, chick. I guess we'll never know, unless he tells you. But from what you've said, I doubt he'll accept that what he said was wrong. :thumbdown:

You've been left with a very low self-esteem and that is not fair. You are perfect, no matter what your appearance is, physical beauty is only skin deep. You look beautiful to me on your photo chick and I wish you felt you look beautiful as well. You've got beauty on both counts, inside and outside, so you beat your parents hands down on that score. :)

Big hugs chick, stay strong
Hugs back Heidi! Your sweet comments made my day. One thing that I noticed that all Crohns people need to be aware of is hating their body. I think a lot of that comes from feeling betrayed by our body. Most people develop Crohns in their youth or prime, and it seems to steal so many things that are precious or important to us: health, vitality, sometimes fertility, body shape (too thin, or the lovely Predinsone effects), being able to eat, and not having to have a back up plan when it comes to the restroom.

My father is another story altogether. He was raised in the very traditional, old fashioned way: the wife should stay home bare foot and pregnant; father is the bread-winner and the one to make the major decisions; wife should primp and look good for her husband; and father knows best. He was good to mom and us kids, but he definitely had strong opinions and loved to lay the law down with us. My brother got along with him because he was a boy and they had things in common. My sisters were the good girls, so he would leave them alone for the most part. I was the little girl with the strong personality, hard head, who could be stubborn. Daddy and I butt heads many times.

My husband noticed the dynamics in my family and he gave me some of the best advice. He said, "Your parents are old, my mom is old; they are set in their ways. Nothing will change their attitudes or minds. Just let them rant. Kill them with kindness." I've tried and it works most of the time. I love playing this game with my dad because I think he secretly likes to spar with me. When he starts in with his comments, I'll say something like, "I know I was a rotten kid daddy, but I'm the most like you." I do look like him, so what can he say. Or I'll give him a surprise hug, and then that really gets him by surprise. I still slip up and get hurt or say something snarky. Believe me, I wish I could change him. That John Wayne, old fashioned, men don't cry, and are strong attitude can be very hard to deal with at times. He's a product of his generation. I have to cut him some slack as he grew up on a fishing boat with his father who was a captain of the boat. Hard work, rough water, smelly environment, not to mention all the crude and rude fisherman. Only the tough survived that environment. My dad gets a kick out of that show, "The Deadliest Catch," because that was similar to what he grew doing. They weren't crab fishermen, but they did fish for salmon and halibut. Grandpa didn't cut anyone slack, especially his own sons.

I was thinking about how you could respond to your father, whom I know you love and want to stay in touch with. You could call him and talk with him. If he gives you a comment about how look from the Crohns, you can say, "Well dad, I may look different, but I'm still here waiting to spend some time with the dad that I love. The disease doesn't change anything on the inside. I miss you." I'm sure that you will touch his heart. The hugs worked with my father of steel. He'll always be cantankerous, but I don't need to get hurt over his bluntness. Good luck, Heidi. Thanks for listening to me ramble on. Hugs to you.
I enjoyed Reading your email Andigirl. Yes I know the exact generation you mean. I think my dad is part of the generation after that, he's a bit of a wuss to be honest, doesn't seem to know how to handle strong emotions, both in himself and other people, but is certainly very bad at hiding them when he feels them. I've never even seen him angry, because I just don't think he's got it in him to have such strong emotions. His emotional spectrum is a fraction of most people's and when it starts reaching its limit, he just runs away. Does that make any sense?

I think your advice is sound, my dad's problem is he's been running away from me for 10 years and he no longer has a clue who I am. He's just not spoken to me about anything concerning my health, and now it appears he's ready to face it, but he certainly didn't approach it in the most tactile way. I think I'll just let him do the talking, he's got to face it, unless he wants to be a stranger to me for the rest of our lives. It'll be truly wonderful to have my dad back though :)

But your dad sounds like a kind of text book father from his generation. I absolutely know what you mean when you say the John Wayne kind of persona, its a great way to be in certain situations. I think he'd protect his own and be a hard worker, but when it comes to problems and emotions, he just does not understand. I guess he doesn't really know how to respond, although unlike my dad, rather than running away, he stands up to it but says the wrong things. :ymad:

Dear me! Dad's can be a pain can't they? I count myself very lucky I have the most incredible mum in the world. I don't know what I'd have done without her, I'm blessed to have her.
It sounds like you have a wonderful husband who clearly loves you to pieces, its wonderful to be loved like that I think, and it makes all the difference, because one thing we don't need is stress! :yrolleyes:

You take care chick, and you can email me anytime! :)
Big Hugs
You take care chick, and you can email me anytime! :)
Big Hugs

Likewise Heidi! I will be sending sweet thoughts and prayers that you and your father reunite and that your relationship flourishes. I will still continue to work on my daddy.

One of my really close guy friends (this was before I was married) said something that I have to stop and remember every now and then. He said, "We honestly don't know what you women want anymore. You are all so confusing."

My friend is a year older than I am, so our fathers are close in age, the same generation. He said, "Guys in our fathers generation wore the pants; had to be strong; couldn't cry; and were expected to provide a wonderful living for his wife and kids. Talk about pressure! No wonder they act the way that they do. Then the women wanted to be treated equally. They wanted to enter the work force, and they didn't want men to patronize them. To top it off, they wanted men to be more sensitive to their needs and emotions. So men started to change and some women didn't like having share in the cost of living. They decided that they really would rather stay home with the kids. They started going after the wrong men because nice guys were wimpy and creeped them out. They wanted to be treated like a lady again. No wonder men are the way they are! We don't know what you women want. It's been going on since the beginning of time." I had a good long laugh because in many ways it is true.
Thank you Andigirl for your lovely kind words, I really hope my relationship with dad gets better, it'll be wonderful to have him in my life again. I wish you the same with your parents, they love you to pieces, but set in their ways I think, but they obviously do love you to pieces, even when they are insensitive and it hurts you. They will always love you and a part of me thinks they only say insensitive things because they think, somehow hearing that might help you (it won't, of course) in some way. I hope you can be strong and remember to love yourself, for what you truly are, special and beautiful. :kiss:

Sometimes I wish I was a man. The vast majority of men, seem less emotionally fragile than women, but the disadvantages of them being like that is that their partners, daughters and wives can often think they are insensitive. Your friend is right, I bet men really don't know how to deal with women anymore, we are so different to them. With changing times and women becoming more independent and working like guys, as you say, it REALLY confuses them. But it probably has been the same since the beginning of time. :yrolleyes:

Maybe the reason men are so different has its advantages as well, it wouldn't do to have a world full of women would it? I wouldn't even like to imagine it, my dad is a pain at times, but he has a sense of humor that could crack me up even if I were on the verge of tears.

Its an interesting discussion though! Men and women and the differences and changing times, wow, you could write a whole library on that subject! :eek2:

You take care chick and big hugs!
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I love this thread and I will add mines.

I had a surgery recenty and even it was fine the result is not what I was expecting (a complete remision).

My surgeon came during my stay in the hospital and as if he were Jim Carrey in a movie he said "let me guess, you are still in pain"

After surgery I visited another surgeon of the team, and explained some disconfort I have.
Surgeon-The disconfort is subjetive. It is just a feeling you have.
Are you eating well?
Surgeon-Do you poo?
Surgeon-This means the surgery was a great success.

And after that I saw the Gastroenterologist. I also explained that I was expecting more about the surgery, he said:
"what else you want? do you want to be superman?"

:rof: Better laught than cry.
Oh my goodness, Braveheart! I am a teacher, and I'm ashamed to say that I think our school nurse has truly learned to be empathetic whereas most of the doctors that I've been to have yet to accomplish even a fraction of that. I love your comparison to Jim Carrey.

*My school nurse basically said, "When a student has a complaint, no matter how silly or trivial it may seem, I have to respect that they feel pain. I am not supposed to judge their pain, as I cannot possibly understand it." WOW!
Last night one of my long time girlfriends called me. We must have chatted for a couple of hours on the phone. We both needed a pity party. She does not have Crohns and is in pretty good health overall. However, she is going through a divorce. The thought of being single again is very scary to her. I did my best to remind her that I was 32 when I got married, so I was single a long time. I tried to lighten the mood by jokingly saying that I was the freak in my family. My sisters were 18 and 19 when they got married, and my brother was 24. I was the old maid. LOL! She doesn't have children and it's by choice. She and I come from a very similar background. Our parents are all from the old school. She was really bummed so I told her what my parents jokingly said to me years ago. They told me that they were going to find me a mail order husband. Believe me, that wasn't funny then, but it is now. I was a serial dater, but just didn't meet the right one. I had pressure from everybody, including friends who were trying to set me up with: friends of friends, a brother, some nice guy that they worked with, even ex-boyfriends. I became very comfortable with the idea of being single when I hit 30. Wouldn't you know that I met the one when I was 31. LOL!

My friend confided in my something that had her worried. She told me that her older sister was like me, she didn't get married until she was 32. Of course her parents were nagging her constantly about getting out and meeting people. Around the 29/30 age range she noticed that several guys that worked for her dad were asking her out. Their father is a mechanic and has his own shop. Older Sis thought this was very weird and found out that her father was offering overtime to his workers if they would take his daughter out on dates. I grew up with those girls, spent the night at their house. I know the parents. I was shocked that their father would do that. It upset Older Sis for quite a while, and yes, like me she eventually found the right one on her own.

My friend and I had been in touch off and on throughout the years, but she got married much younger than I, and was always busy with her hubby. Now that it's her to turn to be single, she is worried. I guess her older sister really raised cane with their dad, so I doubt he will meddle in another similar situation. I tried to convince her that her dad probably wouldn't try anything like that again, but that doesn't mean that I wouldn't try to set her up. Of course I added, "Hey, I'm just joking! Cheer up!"

I think this scenario fits nicely under, "Unbelievable!"
OMG! I can't believe a father would do such a thing! That is totally unbelievable! At least now you both have the right men in your lives, there is someone for everyone :)
One of my friends made a comment that I love to use to this day. She said, "There's a lid for every pot." Being single can be lonely, but it isn't the worst thing out there. Sadly I know several women who are in terrible marriages. I tell my young friends and my nieces, "Don't be in a hurry. You have your whole life to be an adult. Marriage is supposed to be a life long (or eternal) commitment." A fun way to think of it is, "He's out looking for you also."
The person you chose to spend your life with is suppose to be your best friend, to stand beside you, to share memories with. They are there because you love them unconditionly no matter what life throws at you and they do the same in return. A life without drama, selfishness and pain.
They are suppose to be someone that you enjoy waking up to every morning, can't wait to see when you come home, someone who lights up your every day and puts a smile on your face when you walk into a room they are in. They are the one person that knows every feeling that you experiance and knows what to say at that special moment.
In return you are the same to them without asking for anything in return. two that becomes one without losing your own identity.
I have been blessed for 33 years with that one person that still gives me butterflies every day.
I couldn't have put in any better, Greg. Your wife is lucky to have such a thoughtful husband. I love to hear about long marriages. I'm going on seven years, but that's because I got married later.
Great thread

When I returned to work after I was first diagnosed and had been away from work for 4 1/2 months a work colleague said to me " my husband has what you have and he just breathes through the pain " :ymad:

I hadn't told her what my condition was so I don't know what she thinks I have!
That was lovely. I have been married for 26 years and I can say my husband is my one true soul mate. The butterflies you speak of still flutter...even when he can't find his socks!
When I returned to work after I was first diagnosed and had been away from work for 4 1/2 months a work colleague said to me " my husband has what you have and he just breathes through the pain " :ymad:

I hadn't told her what my condition was so I don't know what she thinks I have!

I would disagree with that woman. I've been through flare-ups and labor. It's just my opinion, but breathing did nothing to relieve the pain for either one. Time was the only thing that worked, and some good pain meds.
Yeah, breathing is one thing and its important to oxygenate the brain, but it certainly doesn't do much to dispel pain. I breath all day long, but I'm still in pain!

Had a great one from Mum last night (who sometimes can't grasp it's not about not wanting to it's about can't). Supposed to be going out tonight but i've had to cancel. She apparently hasn't had "anything" for months and can't wait any longer to bring home a takeaway. Horribly insensitive, she can eat anything she damn wants, she should try 6 months of bread, crackers, biscuits, crisps, cheese, sandwich meat and crispy potatoes, and see if she still "hasn't had anything".
I would disagree with that woman. I've been through flare-ups and labor. It's just my opinion, but breathing did nothing to relieve the pain for either one. Time was the only thing that worked, and some good pain meds.

Thanks :)
I think she may have thought I had IBS or something else and, I gather, I get IBS as well now :rolleyes: Although my OH doctor thinks that what my GP considers some IBS is just the radiating effects of the IBD so I'm not sure.
Most of my pain is low down in my colon and that's definitely the UC.
Thanks :)
I think she may have thought I had IBS or something else and, I gather, I get IBS as well now :rolleyes: Although my OH doctor thinks that what my GP considers some IBS is just the radiating effects of the IBD so I'm not sure.
Most of my pain is low down in my colon and that's definitely the UC.

IBS is the catch all, when they can't pin down the problem ... it becomes IBS. It is the Crohn's that causes my pain and problems.
"IBS" I have to admit, that so called diagnosis really p***** me off. :mad2:

What exactly is IBS? Its a bunch of symptoms that point to something else, which the doctors can't be bothered to find the underlying causes of.. It isn't even a condition in its own right.
"IBS" I have to admit, that so called diagnosis really p***** me off. :mad2:

What exactly is IBS? Its a bunch of symptoms that point to something else, which the doctors can't be bothered to find the underlying causes of.. It isn't even a condition in its own right.

Amen! I agree 100%! I'm so sick of hearing that term. My stupid former doctor couldn't lose the term even after I was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease. He said, "I believe you have both IBS and Crohn's Disease." That made me mad because the symptoms are almost identical, except the labs and scopes show otherwise on CD. I have always thought that people with IBS have some underlying condition that is making their digestion a living hell, but the doctors just haven't found the right answer. Normal digestion should not hurt.
Current medical thinking is that you can have both but I really disagree. If CD causes symptoms like mouth ulcers, joint pain, then even when there is no active inflammation in your bowels then it's not that likely your bm's will be 100% normal.

To have CD in the first place means an abnormality there, it does not get cured with treatment, thus it will always be there, possibly causing problems.
Those are very good points re IBS
I was led to believe that IBS was a recognised illness brought about by an individual's reaction to diet and/or stress that varies from person to person, as here :
There is fairly high confidence that there is little connection between poor diet and Ulcerative Colitis/Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). This should not be confused with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) - caused almost entirely by a poor diet high in processed foods and low in dietary fibre.

I think you're probably right though and it's a 'catch all' for people with such problems that they can't label. Which is very interesting when I read info on diet for Ulcerative Colitis and the article stresses that this is only for UC and not non-UC conditions

So when they tell me I may now be getting IBS on top of my IBD/UC I can't possibly treat both at the same time :confused:

This probably belongs elsewhere, I'm just a bit confused really and NHS 'consultants' aren't great at giving you time
I am beginning to think of IBS as an addictive drug to most doctors. They have to label people with it. It must be present even when other valid digestive disorders are present. They just can't give it up!
Comment I've had :

My husband ; don't think about your belly an it won't hurt.

My mum : try eating more fruit an fiber .

My mum: you look awful ! THANKS !!

My gp : I think you should try some talking therapys .

A nurse in A and E : your constipated or have colic and laughed in my face !!
Later on diagnosed with gallstones and acute pancreatitis after 7 trips to hospital !

My gi : ( I told him I was taking 14 or more immodium a day ) well stick with the immodium, what do u expect me to do I haven't got a magic wand in my pocket!

Gi again: fine have an endoscopy but it won't show anything.

Gi again: you have inflammation in your stomach because you smoke !

Gi again ( when in hospital this sept after ct scan) you have crohns disease or a set of golf clubs ! WTF ??

He is still my gi and my gp is still the same!
I know there's alot more but I'll keep it short for now lol
Jen XX
I really hope I don't offend anyone here! and I know when people say this they mean well BUT I hate it when someone says this to me in relation to both my children having CD:

"God must have chosen you because he knew you would be able to handle it".

That's all very well but I wish I could have been asked first 'cause I reckon I would have said no thanks. :shifty-t:

Dusty. :)
Oh yeah. Yup, me too, Dusty. I was told for years by my family that God chose you for a reason. Now, my sisters, brothers never said that, cousins, aunts, uncles did....until I lost it at a family picnic one year. Needless to say, the subject was never raised again.
I grew up in a religious family, so I've heard similar things. I don't blame God in any way, and I believe in him with every fiber of my being. I do get offended when people say things like that. It's almost as though they have taken it upon themselves to be a spokesperson for God. My sister often says rude things like that. I think in her own way she really believes that she is being kind and supportive. SMACK!
Te-he! Andi, sometimes I visualize doing just that to people. SMACK! But then the good me holds my hand down & the bad me goes "shoulda' slapped her!":ybiggrin:
My friend asked a holistic doctor what could cause Crohn's and she exclaimed that dogs are the main cause of the disease. I was like, why isn't my whole family sick then?Or anyone else who has a dog?
Te-he! Andi, sometimes I visualize doing just that to people. SMACK! But then the good me holds my hand down & the bad me goes "shoulda' slapped her!":ybiggrin:

My sister and I had it out quite a few times when we were much younger, especially when we were both little girls sharing the same room. We just don't gel. I have been praying to develop more love towards her. She's my flesh and blood, and she really isn't a bad person. I love her kids and her for that matter, but she is more than I can bear at times. She is just not my type. She has to be right. I don't do anything right in her eyes. She is so hung up on appearances too. I think she feels sorry for me and my family because we have to stick to a budget and I don't have the money to plop down for regular facials, manicures, and designer clothes.

I must have been thinking about this post because last night in my dream she was bad mouthing me in the worst way. I had it up to there, reached out and slapped her across the face as hard as I could. She started bawling. We were adults in the dream, but I remember being afraid of getting in trouble with my dad for hitting her. I woke up a little bit later and kind of quietly chuckled at the dream. Weird!

The comment about the dogs and CD is totally unbelievable! I guess most of the world would be suffering from CD if that were true. Weirder!:rof:
My boyfriend just text me "how could the prednisone not be working? you're getting mood swings and cravings, so it obvisously still has effects"

SERIOUSLY! are you that dumb? Oh the meds are not releiving my pain but i'm taking them and i'm still getting side effects, how strange? If meds give me side effects then they must be working... URGH
Good ones, Amber and Tummytroubles! Here's a funny one that happened while I was teaching. I had to go to the bathroom quite urgently. I was in luck because there is a bathroom in my classroom, and the children were singing the National Anthem, so they couldn't hear me. No sooner had I come out, then I had to run back in again. Cara, who was my precocious little blondie looked at me and said, "Sometimes it takes more than once to get it all out."
Here is a couple for you.
After being in a hospital for 3 days with nothing by mouth for those days and abdomen looking like I am pregnant, go in for an endoscopy and colonoscopy only to come out and have the doctor patt me on the head and say "You are normal, we are sending you home." WTH

Another, and this is from someone that I love, says to me "You aren't like the others online, because you aren't dwindling away, I would have to tie your hands behind your back to keep you from food." See now why I can't talk to him about this anymore. He didn't even call me today after my test to see how it went. Just not talking to him about my disease anymore and trying to hide how I feel now. Otherwise, could lose him.
Absolutely priceless!!! (and sometime more than 10 or 20 times) :blush:

That's what I thought. What a mature attitude. LOL!

Margie, the ignorance and thoughtlessness that people demonstrate when it comes to IBD never ceases to amaze me. Here's a hug!:hug:
Andi thanks so much for starting this. As a mom of 2 sons with CD. My oldest was DXed in college & now my youngest 12 just last fall was DX also. It amazes me what people have said! At church no less an adult male said to my son "What did you do eat the whole Turkey" it was a few days after Thanksgiving & he was on prednisone for 2 months . I'm just thankful I wasn't there when it was said! A footnote to this that's good is that same Sunday 3 nurses from our Parish asked why he was on prednisone ..... They knew without being TOLD something was wrong.
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This isn't really a comment, but a few weeks ago I was just diagnosed with CD and put on a medication that makes me go to the bathroom alot. In one of my classes, I go to the bathroom maybe twice everyday. My teacher asked what's wrong with me and when I told him my story...he laughed :/
MomofIBD's and Pikehigh2012, you have a hug coming your way. Thoughtless!!! You can bet that if the shoe was on the other foot, and it was one of their loved ones, it wouldn't be so funny. I do understand asthma and Crohn's Disease. I am not familiar with many others, but I can truthfully say, that when people tell me about an ailment or other disease, I never find it funny or act disrespectful toward them. I wish IBD sufferers received that same respect. I'll get off my soapbox now. Hugs! :)
The worst i had was when i was told by 4 seperate doctors, over a few weeks, GP's and A&E doctors......
"You have indigestion, take some gaviscon"
For thier information i had 3 strictures causing abdominal blockages! The person to finally LISTEN to me was a nurse at the university health centre. After feeling my tummy she confiirmed straight away that i had a sizeable 'mass' in my stomach and advised me to go to A&E. This time i did, but made sure it was in my home county with doctors that knew me!!
vickyoddsocks I can really empathize with you on that score. I've seen countless doctors over the and was told the same by ever single one of them:

"What do you expect from your body? You aren't eating, its bound to be malfunctioning."

No mention of the fact that I was the only so called "Anorexic" patient who was desperate to eat but couldn't since I suffered from excruciating pain, chronic constipation, horrific water retention and a host of other unbearable symptoms. Also the longer I forced food down my neck, the worse the symptoms got, not better as the doctors promised.
I am still on the road to a diagnosis but here are a couple things that others have said to me so far.

When I came back to work after taking a sick leave for two weeks, I AGAIN had to leave work sick.
Boss: What's wrong with you? I thought you went to the doctor.
Me: I did! This isn't like a flu, its not just going to go away!
Boss: Can't you just take a pill?
Me: Rolls eyes and walks away frustrated

In the emergency room
Nurse: What's the problem?
Me: I'm having abdominal pain and blood in my stool
Nurse: Are you sure its not your period?
Me: :ywow:
The best one I have:

My then 4 year old, now 8: in the restroom at a department store, and again it is one of my had to make it to the bathroom or die moments and she says out loud with a bathroom full of people "Mommy you said you had to pee pee but your Poooooooooooooooooooooooooopin Again!" in her sweetest little girl voice. just thought I would stay in there all day! Had to laugh though she was so cute.
Oooh. I like this thread.

My GI guy, after I explained to him my newfounded, eyewatering cramps. "Oh that's normal. Everyone experiences cramps to some degree"... Apparently, wanting to perform my own colostomy doesn't constitute an abnormal amount of pain.

My mother: "My biggest concern is your weight"... I don't care about my weight. I care about how I can't do anything, because I'm always in bed, sick.

An idiot friend: "hey what's up? Still sick?" Yes. I'm still sick. I apologize. :voodoo:

Many of the obese people in my life: "I wish I had your Crohn's. I'd never have to worry about what I eat, or my weight!" (ignorance, at it's best.) :crab:
I got told by my fiance's grandad "you're face has gone really fat , you look like a boy"
and his other grandad said "are you better yet , what is it ? do you just eat too much" What the hell am i marrying into ??? lol :)
This isn't a bad comment, but a cute one from my 4 yr old granddaughter.

" Grandpa, lay down on the floor and I'll rub your belly. That's what I do when my belly hurts and then I go potty."
Oh, thank you all for a much, much needed chuckle!!! So many comments, so little room... This forum is great! I love reading all the posts, won't bore you w/any quirky comments I've gotten over the years, b/c most are already posted.
Keep 'em coming... they won't cure the Crohns but they surely make for a good post!
:) Jan
Pasobutt... that pic is so adorable!!! I am such a Grammawannabe!
omg, iIreally needed to read all of these. I can honestly say, for the most part, I feel your pain haha. Why do we have to deal with this disease, AND stupid people?!
Here's some of the comments I've gotten. Forgive me if this gets long, I know alot of idiots lol.

18 year old me, seeing a new gp. He was about 60 years old.
"You have these stomach problems because you are overweight."
(I'm 5'9" and at the time, weighed about 170 pounds)
He actually got down the on the ground, and demonstrated how to do a sit up.

Another gp I saw about 6 months ago because I was peeing and pooping blood.
"your urine sample had a good amount of blood in it. I see here that you don't get your period anymore due to birth control.. Well, some women just always pee blood. It's totally normal for them. You must be one of those women."

Yet another gp I saw a few years ago, after a colonoscopy that showed minor inflammation in my small bowel
"I see nothing in your test results to lead me to believe you are sick. I'm sending you to see a psychiatrist, because I think you are just depressed and making yourself sick"

My dad, quite recently. I couldn't hear him at first, so I thought he said something else. btw, I've lost about 40 pounds in two months, went from 160 pounds to about 120.
"you've gained weight"
me "are you ******* kidding me?!"
"um, no, you like a stick"
me "then how have I gained weight?!"
"I said GAIN SOME WEIGHT. you look gross. You look good, but still gross."
me "thanks dad, love you too"
I left, and he asked my boyfriend why he isn't feeding me. My boyfriend was kind of at a loss, and felt bad, and explained to my dad that I can't really eat anything but rice and broth. I guess they had a long conversation about how sick I am, and how sad it is to see me like this. blah blah blah

My little brother asks me, every time I see him, "So are you getting surgery?"
No, I'm taking medication to stop the inflammation and stop my immune system from attacking my body.
"Do I have crohn's? Sometimes I get a pain in my stomach"
"like, my lower stomach"
below your below button, right side, left side, where?
hahah tell mom to take you the doctor, I don't know what that is"

I've been best friends with meaghan for like, ten years. She knows I'm sick, but she's very.. dense. We were chatting on facebook after my hospital stay and when I told her I was diagnosed she typed back "don't make fun of me, but I'm totally bawling my eyes out right now. I love you, and I don't want you to not have a butthole anymore or whatever." She then googled crohn's, called me crying and asked if I had a "fist in my butt." She meant fistula. Oh god she's hilariously dumb.

My boyfriend's favourite joke is that he's gonna operate on me, and give me dog intestines. He often does this when I'm in the hospital, doped up on morphine, or at home, doped up on percocet. He thinks it's the funniest thing he's ever said.

I also get the generic "you don't look sick.." "are you anorexic? why aren't you eating?" "at least it's not cancer" " yeah my neighbours uncle has crohn's. He's fine, so I'm sure you will be too" "have you tried prayer?" "god I wish I had crohn's, I'm so fat" "I think you're over-reacting.. How can someone be in that much pain, for that long, and not know what's causing it?"

Sometimes I hate people.
25 times, those stories are incredible, I am lost for words at these people, unbelievable!

The other day I met up with a so called friend I've known for about 1 and half years. He's a counselor in his day job and is well aware of the fact that I have wrongly diagnosed Anorexic. Still, you'd think he'd show tact wouldn't you? Especially since he IS a counselor and works with mentally ill patients.

He asked me quite directly about the pain and tummy trouble I get when I eat so I explained it made it almost impossible to eat. He stood there, looked me in the eyes and said:
"Its ALL your fault. You're doing this to yourself, and frankly its pathetic. You've ruined your own body and now you're paying the price." Nice counselor!
He also thought it was funny and laughed at the diet I have to eat, which is boring, bland and very unappetizing, but it causes minimum symptoms for me.
"I wouldn't eat that food if I was starving in the desert, it looks disgusting and bland, why don't you get a life and stop faffing around?." Nasty man. I don't think I'll bother seeing him again.
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Hows this for ignorant doctors? During my most recent flare I was in the worst pain I have ever been in since I have had CD. I was terrified something was seriously wrong, as I was already taking 30 mg of Oxycontin and it wasn't even coming close to relieving the pain. I even took another one and it STILL didn't help. Went to the ER. After doing it taking 3 tries to get an IV in me (one site was hideously bruised for almost 3 weeks!) and taking some bloodwork (no xrays!)The ER dr sent me home with a diagnosis of "abdominal pain and NARCOTIC DEPENDENCE" and told me that he didn't know what was wrong with me, to go see my dr. 3 days later I was being taken by ambulance to a hospital in a bigger city because I was so sick. narcotic dependence my ass. Yup I'm just a junkie looking for a fix even though it says CROHN'S DISEASE all over my chart!!! *******!!! I'm still pissed at that dr!
OMG Heidi! What a dou**e! Sounds like HE needs the couselling-anger issues anyone??! I have heard that exact same tired old story more times than I can count-"you are anorexic, just eat something, blah blah blah..." Remove that toxic "friend"-you deserve better.

@Mandy you poor thing-that is aweful!!!! You should report that doctor-he totally ignored your chart and went with his own preconceived idea-and you paid dearly for it!He needs to go before some other person suffers, for sure.
oh yeah, didn't you know? we're all just doing this to ourselves and most of us are addicted to drugs. honestly, people can be so ridiculous.

I went to the pharmacy to get some gravol before my appointment at the hospital. Here, they have to document it everytime you buy gravol, because some people abuse it. I'm waiting in line at the pharmacy, and the lady in front of me was an obvious (recovering) junkie. She was there getting her methadone dose for the day, and it was clear that the pharmacist knew her. they were joking around, talking and having a grand old time while I try to stable myself on my jelly legs and hold on to the shelves for dear life. Once it was my turn, I ask for a 10 pack of generic gravol. She looks at me, and asks what for. I tell her, I have crohn's disease and I have a prescription for percocet, which makes me feel very ill. She then tells me I shouldn't be taking the percocet. Well thanks doctor, I'll get right on that. I ask for the gravol again. She asks how often I take it. AS NEEDED OMG, sounding like a 14 year old. She tells me she has to document it because "some people abuse it" as she looks me up and down like I'm going whip out a boxcutter and slice her up. I toss my health care card at her, make a remark about how ironic it is that she just chatted with a methadone patient like they were best friends, but has a problem giving me gravol even though I have a known medical condition. She glares, puts the gravol on the counter, and tells me to pay at the front. I tell her to remove whatever stick-like object she has in her rectum, and offer her a consult with my GI dr to fix any perforations said stick may have caused.

@25- LOVE your response to that pharmacist!!! AWESOME! I wish I had the balls to say something like that but I am very bad at sticking up for myself!

@jeanette- yeah I really want to call the hospital I went to and see what I can do about getting the narcotic dependence diagnosis taken off my medical records, but I'm not sure how or if I even can.
About 2 years after I was diagnosed I ended up back in the hospital because of a blockage. I couldn't keep anything down, was in a lot of pain and the only reason I went in was because my wife threatened to call my older (BIG) brother again.
My GI came in to see me and he had an intern with him. Doc checked things out and said he was scheduling both a colonoscopy and endoscopy for the next morning and then they left the room. 5-10 minutes later the intern comes back in with paperwork for me to fill out. As I'm filling them out he says " You know you have Crohns and you will always have pain like this and you really need to learn to live with the pain."
That set my sweet, quiet wife right off. By the time she got done with him, he was back-pedaling out of the room. Janis then went looking for Doc and when she found him she explained what was said. Never seen the intern again.
Like most off us here, when we were first diagnosed, we tend to not want to seem like a pain or complainer. So we tend to wait until its almost to late. That was me back then. Never again, sorta.
Big brother is always watching over you! I know mine still looks out for me. Health should be our priority, but sadly, sometimes we let it take a back seat to other things.
My mother-in-law about why my wife and I don't have enough money. You just spend to much money on things you really don't need! :mad2::voodoo::eek: Let's see.... Mortgage, Groceries, Clothing, Gas for the car, .... and .... Oh yes..... Medical expenses for myself and my wife. (I have Crohn's, She has neurological problems.) I am paying the hospital $300.00 a month to pay off my surgery co-pay (guess I really did not need surgery for crohn's!) Sandy is paying a $300.00 month co-pay for Provigil. When she doesn't take it she doesn't function that day (Sandy doesn't need to be able to function, she can just sleep all day, every day). I guess we don't need to put the money into my medical flex plan that was used to pay for Sandy's oral surgery last August - another $300.00/month. My Asacol is costing us over $100/month in co-pays. Plus other various meds the both of us are on. Our total out of pocket medical has been over $1,100.00 a month for the last year, but I guess we did not need to take on any of those expenses.
I'd send her a copy of the medical bills and tell her to put up or shut up. Perhaps she needs it waved in front of her to get the picture?

Either that or she needs to MYOB!

I also get the generic "you don't look sick.." "are you anorexic? why aren't you eating?" "at least it's not cancer" " yeah my neighbours uncle has crohn's. He's fine, so I'm sure you will be too" "have you tried prayer?" "god I wish I had crohn's, I'm so fat" "I think you're over-reacting.. How can someone be in that much pain, for that long, and not know what's causing it?"

Ya I here these same generic crap all the time
Hi Doug! Boy can I relate! My mother-in-law thinks that I'm a big spender too. She isn't nice to me at all about it either. I had to remind her about: mortgage payments, car payment, health insurance, child support (my husband was married before), utility bills, food and diapers (we have two babies- I'm a working mom, so I don't have time for cloth), and tithing! Not to mention, I have been wearing the same clothes for about 5 or 6 years. Scott and I haven't had a date night since I don't know when.
Some people can't see past the end of their noses!

Yesterday a very awkward situation happened at my mates house. EVERYONE thinks we're an item and it is very largely rumored we have a relationship, but we aren't, since he's not the right guy for me. Still, it has reached his mum's ears that I am pregnant with her son's baby. So when I saw her yesterday she kept staring at my extremely distended tummy and frowning. It made me really self conscious! In the end I became rather fed up of being stared at like that and I joked
"Ouch! Its kicking!"
"So you are pregnant then?" Without even waiting for an answer she started having a go at her son for being a disgrace!
Its incredible the effect rumors can have, but it was quite funny to have a little joke about it too! ;)
That is the worst, Heidi! You never ask a woman that unless you are certain. One of my close friends has diabetes and she gains all her weight in her lower abdomen. She was asked that so many times by so many people. She started making a joke about it. She would say, "It looks like I'm 7 months pregnant." People can be so thoughtless and mean!
Ugh. I don't know how many times I've been asked if I was pregnant. Even when I was like, 15! Excuse me, but I'm not an idiot. No offense to those who have had children at a young age, but that's not me.
I have an overweight aunt, who asks me if I'm pregnant every single time she sees me. She knows how I feel about teen pregnancy, but she always asks anyways.
My stomach is constantly so distended that it really does look like I'm about 5 months pregnant. It's not my fault that I eat an apple and I balloon up like Rosie O'Donnell! Last time I saw her, she asked my mom if I had a drug problem, because I had lost so much weight. My mom told her, very bluntly, that I have a disease that causes me to lose weight, and not everyone is like her daughter, who is morbidly obese, has had three open heart surgeries due to her weight, and had a child at 16. Go mom!
People are so rude and thoughtless! I am a little over weight now. The Predinsone, "moon face," makes me look heavier than I really am. I used to be heavier though. I was never asked if I was pregnant because I carrying my weight fairly evenly, though mainly in my lower stomach, butt, and thighs. I had people remark about my weight fairly often though. Like it's anyone's business!
That makes me so upset, what the heck has one person's weight got to do with anyone else? Screw them, they are so pathetic they spend more time looking at others and judging them, rather than living their own lives! We should feel sorry for them, very sad people
First time I was admitted to the hospital

ER triage nurse. "well your BP is low so you have bought yourself a bag of fluids, but you will have to wait we are full at the min and it will take us a good 2 hours to get to you."
Ok what part about bleeding out my (#*#*( hole did you not understand!!!!
Didn't she look good when they found me passed out the bathroom with a big GI bleed.

Admitted to the floor. Floor nurse. "I think you just have a stomach bug." Me: "No I have CD I know the difference." Nurse: "No it's just a little bug."
Again did't I prove her wrong when she had to empty my bedside camode full of bloody stool. ME "I guess all stomach bugs look that way...whats your profesional opinion?"
Yep she didn't say antying more to me.

I should point out that I ended up workin in that hosp and the ER nurse was not there, and the floor nurse didn't talk to me. Hummmmm wonder why?
Totally Unbelievable,
The moron GI doctor that told me about 3 weeks ago that I was overweight, out of shape, old and lazy took blood work, and his office called me yesterday after I didn't show up for the appointment at his office last week, and says to me yesterday that they were calling me about my blood work. She said that my Liver Enzymes are still elevated and that he wants me to have it checked in another 4 weeks. I have had this blood work every couple of months over the past couple of years and it has been the same and still they do nothing to find out why it is elevated. You would think that he would do something. Just shows me he really is totally ignorant. He didn't even suggest that I come back to the office just that after I have this test done once again that they will go from there. Whatever....I am so fed up with these doctors here in MI. I was up most of the night in serious pain and vomiting again last night. I am just learning to deal with it, however, I did have to take a pain pill, of which I only have two left now and I have to call my regular doctor to see if she will refill it again, but I doubt that she will, especially since she never wanted me on them to begin with and has already refilled it twice for me.
Hi Doug! Boy can I relate! My mother-in-law thinks that I'm a big spender too. She isn't nice to me at all about it either. I had to remind her about: mortgage payments, car payment, health insurance, child support (my husband was married before), utility bills, food and diapers (we have two babies- I'm a working mom, so I don't have time for cloth), and tithing! Not to mention, I have been wearing the same clothes for about 5 or 6 years. Scott and I haven't had a date night since I don't know when.

Sandy and I have not had a real date night in ages either. And yes, I forgot tithing!
She said that my Liver Enzymes are still elevated and that he wants me to have it checked in another 4 weeks. I have had this blood work every couple of months over the past couple of years and it has been the same and still they do nothing to find out why it is elevated.

This would be so frustrating. That said, my understanding (I am not a physician) is that in many cases a wait and see approach is taken for elevated liver enzymes. The frequent checking means to the physician that s/he is being careful, because s/he will intervene if the enzymes get into a danger zone. It means something different to the person waiting and wondering what's going on, though.
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One of the most frustrating things I keep hearing from "well meaning" individuals....

"It could be worse, you could be me, I'm currently [insert some ridiculously small thing here - 2 examples = in the middle of breaking up with my girlfriend of 3 months ("now THAT's pain!" apparently [whilst I was lying in a hospital bed with a bowel obstruction I might add]) and the other example - "I'm currently sat opposite a client watching them fill out 8 pages of forms" - Oh you POOR POOR thing, yes that IS so much worse than agony, bed rest and medication, diarrhoea etc etc]. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

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