Humira and Medications

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Aug 26, 2008
New Jersey
I don't know if anyone knows the answer to this, but I figure I'll ask. I called my doctor asking this, and it was one of the med students or residents that called back because it's a teaching hospital where I go, and he wasn't much help, just told me to call back.

Once I start Humira, do I continue taking my other medications, or stop them? I am currently on Colazal, 6MP, Rowasa enemas, Canasa, Folic Acid, Nexium, and VSL3. I was planning on staying on at least the Folic Acid and Nexium unless my doctor tells me otherwise.

I go in for my training next Thursday, but it's only a nurse visit and not a doctor's visit, but am hoping that the nurse can page the physician to answer this if I can't get a decent response from the doctor's office.
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As far as I know you stay on them. I was on pentasa before I started Humira, and I am still on it. I just recently added Imuran to that. Still, your doc is best to answer that, but there's no rush.
Okay, thanks. That's probably what I'll do. I'm planning on scheduling a follow up appointment with my doctor for middle to late November, so I can ask him then as well.
I don't have an answer but I think it's important to make sure. While some people stay on their former medications when starting Humira I think others stop for the fact that: if those medications weren't working and led to you trying Humira, then what's the point in continuing something that doesn't work. Of course, I would stay on the Nexium because that is a separate issue. You probably need your folic acid too. However, staying on 6MP doesn't make sense, unless it was working for you. Then again why would you be taking Humira if 6MP works. Am I making any sense or talking in circles. I do that!
It wouldn't make sense to use both 6MP and Humira because they both supress your immune system but then again so does remicade and methotrexate and I've read of people using those at the same time.

I can't see why folic acid and nexium would be a problem though.
I'm on Humira still, but my doc added pred and then Imuran. All 3 are immunosuppressors I think.
Thanks for your input everyone. I was able to speak to my doctor today over the phone, and he wants me to stay on them for the time being, then if Humira works, then start gradually coming off the 5 ASA treatments, being the Rowasa, Canasa, and Colazal. I'm planning on staying on the Nexium and Folic Acid since I need them for reflux and folate supplements.
My Butt Hurts said:
I'm on Humira still, but my doc added pred and then Imuran. All 3 are immunosuppressors I think.

Ditto here - I take all 3 also. Was on the Imuran first, then added the Humira.
