I am just so tired of being tired

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Jun 17, 2010
Gads. I used to be such a busy person. I never sat down, and I didn't even know what was on television. Now, not only do I know what is on in the evenings, but I know the story line of the stupid programs. I hate it!

I MISS my house being clean. I MISS making great meals in the evenings. I MISS being able to go shopping on the weekend. I MISS my life.

There I said it.

I just want to feel better some times. Just one day a week would be okay with me. But the fatigue just saps all of my energy and keeps me from enjoying things. I don't even like going out for dinner on Friday night because that means I have to leave the house and go somewhere and I am too darn tired and just want to sleep.

There are evenings where I watch the clock, waiting for the time when I think I should go to bed. 7:30 seems way to early. Plus, all the good shows are on at 9:00 - but if I stay up that late, then I am so tired the next day I can hardly get out of bed.

Part of my fatigue is the stupid Fibromyalgia, but the doctor told me I most likely have that because of the Crohn's. Yay for me.

Thanks for listening. There isn't much to say about it, I just had to rant.
Awwwww (((((((((((((((((( Sunflower )))))))))))) ..... not sure what else I can say or do for you...sometimes just need to put feelings into words..... and that's OK.... I like reading... :) lol

*Silver goes and finds Sunflower's special blankie to tuck her in for a nap....*

btw...I am having agood day....so if ya'd like to send me your laundry...I'll wash it up for you...... LOL! :ybiggrin:

PS. My "rant" used to always be the same... "I am so flippin sick and tired of being so flippin sick and tired!!" ..... I still have lots of those days.......Next time I have one YOU can find MY blankie for me.... lol ;)
Thanks Silver! I will. The blankie made me feel better.

Just putting frustrations into words helps a lot. And, knowing that others are having similar troubles, too.

I am so glad I found this forum. I just finished reading "You might be a Chronie if..." and it really cheered me up. You get used to being the "only one" and forget that others really DO feel what you feel at times.
Sunflower I know how you feel! I am also tired of being sick and tired! I used to be in the school's marching band playing my trumpet! I also used to play an hour of tennis before I ever got tired and walking four or five miles was nothing! Now I can't do any of that :(

That thread also cheered me up since I've been having issues of feeling like no one understands, but I've had great support on the forum from Silver and everyone else who are just great and absolutely do know what we're going through :)
Sunflower, I can totally relate. I am feeling much better now, but there for a while, I was just blah all the time. I hope you feel better soon and I am glad you got to vent. Sometimes that helps the most. :) Big hugs!
i deff hear ya on that one! im sorry you are feeling these emotions. i am also extremely tired but find if i go to bed too early i cant get out of bed the next morning! i certainly miss those days where you can enjoy yourself, pig out, and do what you wanna do! i hope you get some relief soon.
I think that the lack of relief is what gets me down the most. It seems that if my Crohn's isn't flaring, I have a sinus infection. Then it is my Fibromyalgia. Not to mention my diabetes.

Have you ever tried to eat healthy for diabetes AND Crohn's? It is like an oxymoron. LOL! I have always told my friends that if it is not good for me, it won't bother my Crohn's. And if it tastes good, it is bad for my Diabetes. Hmm
Hiya Sunflower

I suffer with TATT (tired all the time) and it's no fun! I've been bombing about non stop for 5 years since dx, and I can't get over this recent flare up, it's knocked the stuffing outa me!
hope you feel better soon, we just gotta go with the flow!
take care
Have you ever tried a Lyme treatment to see how you would respond to it?

I purposely did not ask if you were tested for Lyme, because the tests are notoriously unreliable, but how you respond to treatment is a far more reliable indicator of the disease.

Lyme Disease is often misdiagnosed as Fibromyalgia and that is why I am asking that question.

Fatigue is often associated with inflammation. If you can reduce the inflammation, you will probably find that your energy will also return to a degree.

To do a simple home Lyme test, buy the natural anitbiotic Cat's Claw or one the Nutramedix product called Samento or Cumanda.

If you respond with flu like symptoms or even worse symptoms, you almost certainly have Lyme Disease. Most pathogens do not cause a Herxheimer reaction, but Lyme does. By killing some of the bacteria, you can fairly accurately diagnose the disease yourself.

Interesting Dan. I know I was tested for Lyme a few years ago. I was also tested for Mono and a host of other nasty things. It would be interesting to try that. I also have to wonder if my sinus infection hasn't become permanent again. It happened a few years ago, and I got so used to feeling horrible that I didn't realize I was sick as much as I was. I have several things to think about now. Thanks everyone!

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