I hate people!!

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May 4, 2009
Oh i am at the end of my tether!!
If any of you have read my other posts then you will know that at the moment i am going through a slight flare and I am finding it hard to concentrate on my exams because i am just so tired.
I rang my IBD nurse and she said she would write me a letter to give me considerations in exams. So this made me a bit happier and i emailed my tutor to simply ask him who i should give the letter to.
He replyed rly patronising saying it will make no difference and i need to contol my stress:
"I'm sorry if this appears to belittle the problems you are experiencing but you do need to try and find ways of coping with stress since you will have many more in the future because that's life."
I can't believe him! I just wanted help and he has made me feel so much worse. :(
i just want to see his face when he sees me fail or see me come out of the exams crying.
I still want to send the letter to the examiners so they can make the disicion if they should make consideration or not but i dont know how or what to do :(
I hate life right now! i just want to feel happy again
give me comfort and understanding pls!!
hm im sorry to hear that! i would kick that teacher...not really because then you would just get into trouble...but i had a note written a little while back for the same type of thing and i just gave the note to my principal and she emailed all my teachers explaining it and told the teachers if they had ne questions to email her or ask me. so maybe try giving your note to the principal and she/he will deal with any moody teachers for you. good luck i hope it all works out for you!
Thankyou Spoon :)
I actualy feel a bit bad getting so worked up about this as i have read what you are going through atm and i bet you would love to be feeling how i feel compared to what u do right now. Im just frustrated and tired. I want to be able to just concentrate on my health but right now i have to put my exams first, or i may not have much of a future.
I am definately going to give that letter to someone, as other people doing these exams arnt going through what i am going through and that isnt fair.
Im in a similar situation...

Ive messed up now and having meeting with parents + senior tutor on wednesday fun....

Hope you get through your stress and good luck in exams.

I finished school in 2005 but only by the grace of God. I tried to quit a few times but my principal kept telling me that if I quit I was letting them win. So that made me finish school. But on that note I did not go to school for 5 months I would go pick up my work and then take it back at the end of the week. I went from 92lbs to 165lbs in a matter of 2 months. I had kids that I started going to school with when I was 5 stop talking to me. They thought that they would get crohn's. People are you for real. I had run in after run in with teachers because I would be have to leave a 1 1/2 hour class about 4 times to go to the bathroom. Some didn't mind others didn't like what I had to say. And my poor principal got the worse of it cause I cussed that poor man everytime I got sent to his office. But I stood up that last day walked with the class that I pretty much hated by then. Walked over to the girl who gave me the most crap all year who had always been my bestfriend and knocked her out. I felt so much better I was on predisone at the time so had alot of heat behind it and anger. Don't worry when you get out of school you will hardely ever see them people again.

Oh I would give it to your principal and if still nothing get your parents to go to the BOE they will help you out. Also for college you can get aid through a rehab center they paid for mine because its considered a disability.
Does your school/college have an exams officer? That's the person the letter should go to if possible as they will be the one dealing with all the exam entries etc. I have submitted notes for the same situations.

I have just finished my A-Levels, it was a massive struggle and I am glad it's come to a close. I need time to look after me. I can understand your fears over your health but having to put education first at the moment, you are right though when you say these grades will help you in the future. Once you've got them, you can go anywhere and do anything with your life. Exams aren't forever, so just try to stick it out and do the best you can with all that you are going through. If you try your hardest that's all anyone can ask of you. :)

Good luck, take care. :) Xxx
I'm pretty sure that they *have* to take Crohn's into consideration so it *will* make a difference.

A letter from a GP or the Consultant may have more of an impact though. Nurse practitioners are great, but there are still people who just tune out when they hear 'Nurse'.
Ms Valentine
I'm sorry about your exams I'm even sorrier that you didn't go to sleep for your colonoscopy last time my doc had anesthesia there to put me down. Some people just don't go down that easily with the regular meds. Ask for anesthesia next time and you will definitely go out. I don't remember a thing.
Hi Valentine,

I'm not sure if you are high school or in college, or how the school systems differ in the UK, compared with the US... but in the US, most colleges have an office for students with disabilities. Where I went to college, they had all kinds of services like note-takers for when you are unable to attend classes, proctored exams, etc. The services were available for students with all kinds of disabilities, as long as there was a legitimate medical need. Does your school have a similar program? At the very least, you should talk with your principal (or equivalent administrative person). I imagine there are similar laws in the UK as in the US that require reasonable accommodations for persons with medical conditions. It sounds like this teacher is at minimum being very insensitive, and may even be depriving you of your right to an education.

Good luck!
Thanks everyone for your comments. I have decided now to give in the letter to the exams office.

Pretty Kitty- We call it college but I believe it is the equivelent of your high school. For ages 17-18 inbetween School and University :)

NatalieMT said:
If you try your hardest that's all anyone can ask of you. :)

Funny you should say this as I was talking to my another teacher today, my psychology teacher. He was great, talking to me about how I feel about everything. Made me realise that alot of my thoughts and attitudes were/are causing me unnesesery (cant spell!) grief. For example I said to him: 'if I wasn't ill i would be able to work harder' He said 'but you are ill, you can't change that, you know you are working as hard as you can and that is all you can do' Which is so true. He also said that I wnt be able to change my attitudes over night, and that there will be times where I feel bad about things again, but that is to be expected. It was hard not to burst into tears infront of him! Since I havnt rly spoken to him one to one like that before and it was quite a personal thing we were talking about. But i didnt cry thank God!
Hi Miss Valentine,

Do your best that is all anyone expects of you. Well anyone who matters. Although we tend to expect more of ourselves ??!!
I went through a similar situation when I was your age. Although I had an illness and there was not acceptance or support that there is today. What I do recognioze today is that it is amazing that I even graduated from High School. Teh same for you. Crohns is not for weak people. It is for strong people like you and I and everyone else on this board.
I am praying that somehow I can return to College or maybe University. I think it may be too late for me. Even if it takes me many years. But I need support. Something I didn't have before and don't have enough of today. Thanks to all those who share that there is a disability office and supoport. that is something I need to take advantage of.
fromthegut, thanks for your comments. I have done 5 exams now and have three to go. If i get into uni the support that i can get there is rly good. i am in the process for applying for a Disabled Students Allowence, which enables you to get all the special help that you need. I also have an en suite room reserved for me. At college however they do not seem to have a clue how to help me. Apart from my psychology teacher who was nice. but anyways ita almost over now :)
wo000 ALMOST DONE!!! good for you have you been doing good so far? do you think you passes them all? i finished all my exams and got my grades and i even passes my french exam which i was sure i was gonna fail so im happy! hope you are too! good l uck with the last of your exams YOU CAN DO IT!!!lol
hehe thanks Spoon :D
Im glad u did well in your exams! well done!
I dont feel like they have gone as well as i haved liked but i dont think any of them have been disasters so fingers crossed!
I only have three left now, weds, thurs and sat. so in a week today they will be all over!!
I just can't wait for them to be over! I dont want to think about results yet as they r ages away, end of Aug so i can have a few months not having to think about it!
well thats nice i will make all the wishes i can for you to pass them all! (i do the 11:11 wishes^-^ they accually work a lot of the times. its something ive done for years now^-^.
well its a thing that i dont even remember when i learned it. at 11:11 am or pm your supposed to make a wish and it will come true because that is the only time when all 4 spaces on a clock can b the same all 1's. because there cant b like 22:22 unless ur doing military time or something. but if you wish for the same thing at 11:11 am and pm its supposed to come trye no matter what. but you cant tell ne 1, like a birthday wish. see its corny but i still have fun doing it^-^
I am sorry for your situation

Please focus on your exams for which I wish you the best of luck - I am sure you will do well

As to your tutor just remember that one day your tutor will catch stomach flu and will then feel your pain - and will complain too. I am not meaning this in a nasty way

It sadly is these times my wife understands more of what I go through

Funny old world we live in

Best of British
Aaah ok thts kinda cute!
I was thinking, coz u r in america and i am in UK, if we both did it, it wouldn't be at the same time!
cog- thankyou for your good wishes :D
I just cant wait for them to be over!
WOOO00000T!! go holly finishing her exams!!!!!! lol most def glad theyre over you can get some much deserved relaxation now^.^ but you will have to tell me how you did when you get your results!! im sure you did fine tho!<(^.^<)(>^.^)>
xX_LittleMissValentine_Xx said:
For example I said to him: 'if I wasn't ill i would be able to work harder' He said 'but you are ill, you can't change that, you know you are working as hard as you can and that is all you can do' Which is so true.

It IS true. And it's tough. I know how it is, it makes you feel like you've wasted part of your life. I feel that way about last year. I had SO many sick days off work, and then this year I was made redundant (the redundancy was unrelated to the sickness, though). I keep wishing I could have been at work for those days where I was sick because I loved that job and I really, really miss it.

I guess Crohn's people do tend to kick themselves more often. :) But I try not to do that too much now. I do expect a lot of myself, but at the same time, I think we're in enough pain without adding to it ourselves!

Good that your exams are over now, hope you get good news back when results day arrives :)

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