I have accepted living my life with crohn's

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Dec 22, 2011
Hi! My name is Amelia. I have been suffering from Crohn’s since I have been about 9 years old but wasn't diagnosed until I was 18. I was diagnosed in May , married and turned 19 in June then had 10 inches resected in August. This was in 2004. Today I am 26 and on a boat load of medication and have been recently diagnosed with fibromyalgia to go along with my crohn's, extreme IBS, and gastritis. I constantly feel like I have been hit by a bus. The body aches, feverish and cramps consume me. My doctor took me off my anti rejection med immuran for 6 weeks to see if that was why I always feel like I am going to throw up. Needless to say last week he put me back on immuran along with prednisone. My crohn's is active again like it has been a quite a few times since my resection. I just threw up blood yesterday. I am a single mother of two beautiful daughters, Riley who is 9 and Presley who is 6. Suffering from a chronic illness and being a single mother is difficult but I decided to not let that be what defines me. I have been enrolled in school at Kalamazoo Valley Community College for about a year and I half now. When I first returned to college after a significant few year break I was scared to say the least. I wasn’t sure if school was something I could conquer while dealing with my other battles in life. It turns out that my fear is what pushed me. I am currently on academic honors and have completed 38 credits so far. I am now the role model I have always wanted to be for my daughters. Showing them that no matter what obstacles get thrown in the way, with the right support you can accomplish anything.
I do owe credit to my family and my teachers for getting me to where I am at. My family has believed in me and stood behind me when things got tuff. My teachers at Kalamazoo Valley Community College have made my college experience worth every penny. I truly love my school. It gives you every opportunity to succeed and will help students every step of the way if they need it. KVCC has become part of my family and when I complete my degree I will honored to say that I earned it from Kalamazoo Valley Community College.
I push forward the best that I can but it is hard produce energy from nothing. I have good days and bad days. The bad seem to out weigh the good and this has also contributed to my weight gain in pounds. My doc says, "If you are maintaining a good weight then I'm happy" well... I'm not! Not only do have debilitating diseases, I hate my body because of it. Im not even 5ft so every pound counts and the heavier I am the more miserable my life is.
My meds have appetite enhancers, any suggestions??
Hello and welcome Amelia.

First of all, congratulations on being so wonderful as a student, as an individual, and as a mother! You are quite an inspiration.

Second of all, if you are taking appetite enhancing drugs, like many of us are, I would suggest stocking your cupboards with low fat foods. If you can handle veggies, cucumbers and celery can be eaten all day with no worries of gaining weight. I usually have to make sure my veggies are cooked.

Check out our diet forum for some other ideas. http://www.crohnsforum.com/forumdisplay.php?f=17

I'm glad you found us here. Again, welcome and I hope you stick around and share your optimism.
Thank you. I noticed that you are from Ogden... My sister just graduated from the University of Utah as a PA and lives in Salt Lake. She had quite a few friends in her program from Ogden. It's a small world :)
A Western/eastern doctor told me long ago (in early stages of my diagnosis) that food is the most overlooked drug there is out there. She said it can be more dangerous and have more side effects than prescription meds and suggested I focused on what I was putting in my body to determine why bad health was resulting. Boy was she right! I did not think I ate poorly as compared to others I know, but I was doing so. I eliminated beverages that were not "pure" and instead drink water, herbal teas or red wine. Perhaps logging what you eat and your symptoms can help you determine things to avoid. Feel better!
Thank you. I noticed that you are from Ogden... My sister just graduated from the University of Utah as a PA and lives in Salt Lake. She had quite a few friends in her program from Ogden. It's a small world :)

Yes, small world. :)

I have some teacher friends that are from Michigan, too.
Hi Amelia and welcome! You sure are a great example and role model for your daughters. You should be very proud of yourself.

I really hope the pred and Imuran can get your Crohn's under control soon. Hang in there!!
I have been told mixed messages when it comes to food. No matter what I put in my stomach hates it. I have tried the brat diet and added food and my doctor tells me "eat what you can tolerate"... well if I did that I'd never eat! My parents are quite the nutritionists to I know whats healthy but no matter how careful I watch my diet my belly seems to still hate me and I keep gaining weight. Not sure what else I can do. Exercise is overrated but not like you would think. If I exert myself for exercise then I wouldn't be able to do anything else. the fatigue is intense.
When you are ill, the only exercise you will need is walking. Begin small and work your way up to longer walks. The point is to get your blood circulating, so the body can heal. That type of exercise will suffice for now. Get at least 30 min a day and that will help you heal and get better rest.

When I had an allergy test and it determine my allergies, I was asking WHAT I could eat, since SOOOO many foods were listed of me having a reaction to...bottom line, I ignore all grains, meats (initially, but can now tolerate red meat now and then, as well as some chicken), corn, dairy, bread, flours, soy, etc...the list goes on. However, when I have been in the throws of a bad cycle, it seemed like broth was the most tolerable for me to give my belly a rest for a few days until I was able to get foods again. The only thing I drink is water and some herbal teas that I will drink either warm or cool. I try to eat more hot food, since cold can cause spasms or cramping in the past. When I had the trouble like you seem to, I began using digestive enzymes with EVERY meal and took probiotics religiously. It seemed like it was forever for me to see a difference, but it was truly only a week or less. Make sure you are taking vitamins and whatever nutrients you need, but keep plugging away. I use Bikram "wind removing pose" daily and that seems to keep my stomach in line as well as belly rubs. Make sure you are not anemic, as that may be a fatigue factor. feel better.