Ileostomy - is it Noisy?

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Nov 3, 2010
Hi folks,

I may soon be getting one - a permanent one. Just wondering how much noise it makes and how you cope with it? i.e. in meetings? Or in a silent room. What does it sound like when gas passes?

Also, do they give you a choice of having it on left or right side, or do they decide?

And finally, men out there, do you manage to wear a belt comfortably (with shirt tucked in?)

Thanks all

It sounds just like a fart. Sometimes louder, sometimes softer...and you can't control them! lol I just put my hand over Oscar and that muffles the sound. Or if I'm in an exam in a silent room I just cover him my hand and cough, just to be You should know too, that the first 3 months will be the worst, then it should slow down for you.

Ileostomies are on the right, you don't get a choice about that unless for some reason your stoma can't be placed there. I have a colostomy and it's on my left. Just happens to be where your guts are...

I'm not a guy, but I wear jeans and belts with shirts tucked in no problem. My stoma is just below my waistband so it's not getting cut off by the pants. When you go to get your stoma placed, wear a pair of pants that you normally wear and see where it will be best to place your stoma. I didn't get a choice as my surgery was an emergency, but I lucked out and they placed it pretty well for me.

Hope this has been helpful...good luck to you!!
I've been surprised at how quiet Bilbo usually is! (knock wood) When I had my temp 8 years ago, I remember it being much louder. Now it's usually my guts making noise as I digest, not necessarily Bilbo burping and farting. Even then, my gut is much, much quieter than it was before my surgery when I was really diseased.

Good luck! - Amy
I have an ileostomy, but on the left side. Cause they removed my sigmoid. Stan was noisy at first all right. But only when necessary to cause embarassment. (in meetings) Now in meetings just to torture him I keep my hand over him at all times. I have to show him who is boss!!! After the first couple of months they get a bit quieter...unless you eat refried beans etc which cause gas. In which case they will fart happily all day regardless of what you do. And is a fart! One today rattled the windows I kid you not! The bag can be used as a flotation device in emergencies, so always look on the bright side!!! :ytongue:

Once they are settled in and happy in their snug enclave, stomas can be happy and quiet. I suggest watching your diet to remove gassy foods for the first bit to keep them quiet and happy. They are like babies to begin with. After a bit they settle down and we get to know one another.

Shut up Stan!!!! (I had KFC AND refried beans folks....what an idiot!):kissgrits:
When I returned to work, I tried dressing like I did in the past. With tucked in shirt and belt, but it did not work out. My output is too thick and I was constantly trying to push it down past my belt. Eventually, all the pancaking around my stoma caused blowouts. I tried a belt where the bag is worn sideways, but that caused the same pancaking.

If you can get your ostomy placed below your belt line, that is a different story.
My work is casual enough that I can get away with my shirt untucked now, and bag hidden under my shirt with the tail folded back into my beltline.

I have not had too much problem in the office with noise. The first few meetings were nerve wracking, but now I'm pretty confident I can keep things quiet. I keep my hands folded on my stomach -(I hope it looks natural). In that position, I can apply constant pressure to my stoma, muffling any untimely noises. Plus, I was just thinking the other day that it is not so noisy in general anymore. Sure, sometimes there is a loud one, but it's mostly under control. And I know that mornings are my most noisy time.
Hi folks,

I may soon be getting one - a permanent one. Just wondering how much noise it makes and how you cope with it? i.e. in meetings? Or in a silent room. What does it sound like when gas passes?

Also, do they give you a choice of having it on left or right side, or do they decide?

And finally, men out there, do you manage to wear a belt comfortably (with shirt tucked in?)

Thanks all


I have had one for a month which was unplanned but is temporary. Within the first week mine had made pretty much all the noises it has ever made. So otherwise i would therefore guess that passing wind is not audible in my case.

Again mine was emergency so i neither had the choice of which side or vertical positioning. Due to the position of my stoma along the SB the surgeon informed me it was the highest up the waist that he has ever placed a stoma.

Unfortunately it is right on my 'belt line' and to date i've tried a belt once and its useless trying to either go below or above! But they tell me that if it is planned they work around where you would normally wear belts etc
Thanks! A stoma nurse told me that if you put vaseline in the tip, it will stop the noise.

I wonder if wearing braces would be easier. Not that much in style for young people...
Mine is only noisy if I eat gassy foods. I don't eat gassy foods that often, so noise isn't a problem for me. I work in a juvenile jail, so I wear mens cargo pants with my shirt tucked in and a belt and duty belt. Sometimes it rubs, but it works fine for me.

i have had joe(named after my ex :puke_r:)for 7mths i have some gas i think every one could hear it but it was usually my embarrasment and my being so consious of it i still think that every person i see knows i have it lol mine is on the right side but my stoma has been receeding in and causing my bags to leak have tried every bag on the market so june 13 they r going to fix it hopefully it works i am always scared of leaking it drives me crazy but i wish you all the luck it was the best thing i have done for my health and to kick that crohns in the ass!!! i have an ileostomy so it is different than a colostomy i have more liquid than formed stool so that i fill my bags quicker and boy is that a pain lol but good luck and hang in there!!!:rosette1:
I'm about 7 weeks post surgery, and it was gassy at first; but i thought it sounded more like a tummy gurgle. But now ive not heard a thing in ages!
Oscar never shuts up...he's very noisy...I feel like a man some days (sorry guys, but you know it's true!!)

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