I'm afraid to pass gas...

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Sep 23, 2009
I know it sounds gross but I literally am afraid to fart lately because I have had a few bad experiences where I thought I was just passing gas and well some poo accompanied it. I suppose this is a silly question but there is no way to know when it's okay to relieve yourself?

Live in the moment and just go for it. lol Its a pain when you have to go into the loo just to pass gas and be safe.
farting into the toilet makes a heck of a racket don't it :shifty-t:

But thats pretty much the only safe place when I doubt.
Been there, sharted that.

I have no colon and have a j-pouch. I haven't successfully farted in 8 years. I miss it.

If it makes you feel better and you are at home, let her rip!
Usually you can tell the difference but when in doubt, do you really want to mess them undies and smell like you need to be changed? I sit on the toilet when I'm in doubt and my doubts are usually warranted.
I learnt over the years to recognise what's safe... Usually I can also feel if it's going to be a safe non-smell or something putrid and lingering. My poor roomie.

If in doubt - just head to the loo!
I agree......always make sure you scout out the nearest bathroom - when in doubt, head for it!!!!!
I have never trusted a fart in quite a long time - Even if I know 100% that it is just gas, I still go to the loo. One bad experience was enough for me.
Hedgehog said:
OMG, no farting ever?!!! I would so love not to fart. So unsociable.

Oh, trust me, I still fart, just not successfully- that is, it's never just air..... so I just hold it in until I can get to the bathroom.

I would give anything to rip a big, unsociable fart on my husband as payback for all the times he lifts his leg and blasts one out right before leaving the room.

Aren't I sexy??!?!!

ameslouise said:
Hedgehog said:
Oh, trust me, I still fart, just not successfully- that is, it's never just air..... so I just hold it in until I can get to the bathroom.

I would give anything to rip a big, unsociable fart on my husband as payback for all the times he lifts his leg and blasts one out right before leaving the room.

Aren't I sexy??!?!!


This is all just TOO funny! :ylol2: :ylol2: :ylol2:
I love all this farting humor! I think that's why I teach middle school. I would so love to blast one back at the boys who think they are being cute by farting in class. I could part their hair and singe their eyebrows! Don't mess with a crohnie...and never trust a fart! :)
Ah the dreaded Shart.

Over the years, I've come to learn what a genuine toot feels like before it gets out as opposed to one that might accompany some stragglers (poo).

I find that in a flare, it's much easier to mistake the toots for the sharts...so sit on the can just in case :)
There is a saying in Spanish that could be something like.

"losing a friend is better than blowing a gut" :)
ahhhh the question and how many pairs of underwear I have gone through. Pretty sure I own stock in many underwear companies. Only good thing for me is I am a medic and have the abilty to hit the lights and siren when I have a REAL emergency, LOL. No **** - LMPO.

I was thinking we need to get some lobbiest to help us and issues us "Brown Lights" such as red lights for a police officer. Then when any of us need it we can speed and run lights to the closet rest room. I am sure people would pull over EVERYONE has been there.

Ok, in all serious I have a J pouch, for one more month, and when I need to pass gas I try (if I can and not look weird) lay on my left side, to just let the air out and not product. The other things I have also done that work is if I have gas more then once I fold up toliet paper and put it between the cheecks. This is wierd at 1st walking with it, but you will get use to it. It is only added protection and then when I goto the rest room, pull - wipe and relaod, LMPO.
Am the same mate just go for it, have started sitting on toilet to fart dont pass much poo with wind but feel i could .I have so much wind i could power a small house no prob
I either head to the nearest bathroom or find a place to isolate myself so I can let it out slow as possible. You never know.

Had one accident, that's all I needed.
oh, man, can i relate. When i was having my first big flare up, i didn't know either. now, i can pretty much tell. but i don't always trust it.
If I am at home I will just let rip and take my chances. Yes I've been caught out a few times bit at home it doesn't matter too much. I am very careful about farting in public, just because even if it is just gas it smells so bad even the dog gets disgusted! Luckily my symptoms are worse in the evenings when I tend to be at home anyway.
Hedgehog said:
Oh, trust me, I still fart, just not successfully- that is, it's never just air..... so I just hold it in until I can get to the bathroom.

I would give anything to rip a big, unsociable fart on my husband as payback for all the times he lifts his leg and blasts one out right before leaving the room.

Aren't I sexy??!?!!


That is hysterical! and you sound like me with my husband! I definitely do not fart with confidence..... LOL
The trick is in doing it slow...dont be in patient...if you do it slow you'll let the gas out and if poop wants to come out, then you shut it down cuz you'll feel it coming...sometimes you are even able to hold the poop back while you pass gas since you are just slowly doing it...lol i can believe im aactually talking about this. Oh crohns forum....
The trick is in doing it slow...dont be in patient...if you do it slow you'll let the gas out and if poop wants to come out, then you shut it down cuz you'll feel it coming...sometimes you are even able to hold the poop back while you pass gas since you are just slowly doing it...lol i can believe im aactually talking about this. Oh crohns forum....

:biggrin: oh, yes. only on the chrohn's forum could one talk about this! lol!!
*Silver wipes the tears of laughter from her eyes as she tries to type*

In my case, MOST of the time I can tell, but it's not often I trust my "gut feeling" (haha) and just head for the bathroom. My biggest problem is night time stool incontinence. You know those night s when you DO get a really good sleep? Well it's kinda like wetting the bed when you are a kid.... you THINK your on the toilet....

But now I have gotten to the point where some days, sneezing, laughing, or just the fact that I am standing upright can cause a bit of stuff to ooze out... sooooooo.... I took the plunge and started wearing incontince pads full time (I started using them at night about 10 years ago, for the night time incontinence). You still have to change them, of course, when you DO have an accident, but I find it gives me at least a bit more time to find a bathroom once I have had an accident.... AND... I don't have to carry soiled underwear around after the fact... lol :redface:
Ohhh geez I love this all...I'm all about the "Brown Light" idea. I cannot tell you how many times I did not think I was going to make it to a bathroom on time while driving. This is only made worse when you have a child/children with you to haul in at the same time...then to finally make it to the can "on time" and it all turns out it was just a false alarm...not just gas, either, but them dang cramps when you feel like you should be in the bathroom but who knows how long they will go on until you actually start making product???? Hate that. Love this thread :)

You all are so fabulous. I thank God I found you. Don't know where I'd be without. (most likely in the mental ward by now!)
Oh this is killing me!

"Parting their hair and singing their eyebrows" Bwahahahahahaha

And dude...letting out the fart while holding back the poo...OMG! You must be from another planet, or the aliens forgot to take the probe out!

I don't trust them anymore. I worry that they are "fluid drive farts", and my worries haven't proven me wrong. I almost always go to the toilet, or pray if not near one.

I guess I miss it too. I used to be able to rattle windows. I had farts of thunder. Ahh, those were the days.

Actually I don't have much gas anymore at all. When I feel like farting, it's time to go poop. All the time every time...just like my dogs.

There was one day when I shocked myself, and my girlfriend. I seemed to fart loudly and stinky all day long, and I couldn't control the damn things. Just rip! Out they came. I don't even know what or where they came from. I just woke up one day, and farted non-stop for hours - with no accidents.

Crohn's "hotties" here, in their glory. IBD's finest hour
Joe- was just brushing my teeth when I read your reply and I'll thank you for the toothpaste all over the mirror now! First time laughing so much I choke on my toothbrush lol

Just noticed I'm always in the bathroom while on the forums...too ironic ;)

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