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Sep 3, 2011
Thought i would say hello and introduce myself. My name is Carly im from Kent,England. I got diagonised with Crohn's in Feb 2009 but mine is not as staright forward as you think as 4 days later i also got diagonised with cancer so faced a double battle. I used to have a brilliant doctor but had to change hospitals and my new doctor is useless. I'm lucky if i see him once a year so as from Monday i will have a new doctor and seeing him for the 1st time. Would be lovely to hear from other people as most people dont understand what you go through.

At moment i am having terrible flare up but not sure whats caused it.

Carly x
Hi Carly :welcome:. Wow double whammy, we also have "welshy girl" here to with both. If I may be so bold as to ask where your cancer is?

Nothing really causes flares but stress, or being upset can be a culprit, could be from certain foods, alot of bad food in some stores, I just got over food poisoning from mushrooms I had put it in my spaghetti and of course now I am flaring.

Flares come and go, but staying away from stress does help some. What kind of meds are you on? Sorry you had to be here, and the double whammy, but you will get alot of support here! Glad you found us! ;)
Hi, Its cervical cancer, had hystrorectomy now and both ovaries removed so am now going throught the dreaded memopause. I couldn't have no radiothepry due to crones so just on monthly check ups now.
I find that if i do alot in day, then y crones gets worst, feel awful today thats how i found this site googleing symtons.

I am presidolene, azathriophine, pentasa and have to take diary supplement tablets.
so good to be able to talk to other people x
Hello Carlyo,
How awful for you to get these two at the same time, hope things will settle down for you and that you are able to get some peace of mind.
St Marks Hospital is a good place for crohn's people.,good GI specialists--- maybe you could get to go there
if things dont work for you with the new doc.Hopefully you are being followed by a gastroenterologist---don't take anything less. However good a GP is--- they are not gastroenterologists and do not have the expertise of the specialist.
Lots of hugs--be well soon.
Hi Carly and welcome
I'm so sorry to hear that you have got hit with both, and struggling with the medical system sucks when your doc is useless. I really hope this new doc will help turn things around for you. Can I ask why they can't give you radiotherapy with crohn's.
The crohn's will def take it out of you when there's a flare but your body and mind is having to deal with so much right now and as Pen said stress is one of our biggest enemies.
I am sending you big hugs and hope you start to feel better soon, I'm here if you want to talk.

Gwen xxx
hi carly welcome!!!
i'm sorry you've had such a hard time, you are very brave indeed!
i hope something works for you and you get some remission very soon. will they perhaps review the azathiprine and pentasa now that you're flaring?
i know that changes in hormones can make the crohn's flare, so that may be a possibility as to why you're flaring.
make sure you get plenty of rest and sleep.
take care. hannah.x
Couldnt have radiotherapy as my bowel was so close to the cancer site they said my bowel would be badly damaged as it would've got stuck over and over again with the radiotherapy.

Feeling better today, stuck on a 10mg brutrans patch last night so helped with pain alot but will have to take it off tonight as back towork Tues and they are too strong to drive with. x

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