Imuran/Azathioprine/6-MP Support Group

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Hi Reflection, I have been on azathioprine 75mg for around 9 months. I do find there can be nausea but not if taken after food. I'm not sure about fatigue, sometimes I feel I am more tired than normal but the Crohn's is still active on colonoscopy donut could be that. Overall I feel pretty good on it, but looking to increase dose depending on metabolite results or possibly change to something else. I'll keep you posted on side effects on a higher dose!
Good luck :)
Thanks Zen. I look forward to your updates. I am having a rough night. Doc insisted that I get my flu and pneuminia vaccine plus adult boosters of other vaccines. Had my flu and pneumina today. I know these are dead viruses but I feel terrible. Achy and super nauseated, and abdominal pain through the roof. Hoping I just over did it today. Don't know why these shots would be negatively effecting me. :(
I wouldnt worry too much about the flu/pnumovax vaccines unless you got fever. The general bad feeling will probably go away in a day or two you will feel much better.
It is worthwhile if it reduces the risk to catch it.
Feel well.
By the way dont forget that vaccines are meant to create an immunological reaction (if not they wouldnt work) so try to have more rest and lots of fluids these days, let your body do it's job.
Thanks Worried Boy. I definitely am aware that vaccines are worth the little aches and pains. I had a friend whose husband died at age 30 from pneumonia as a complication from the flu. And he was an active perfectly healthy adult.

I figured it was just my body creating it's antibodies to the shots. But wholly cow. I can tell you this the flu shot was a breeze but the arm my pneumonia vaccine was in is so sore. I consciously kept moving, stretching massaging etc to help them not to get sore but it failed on that arm. Sore all they way down into my hand. I know it will get better and is a slight inconvenience. Just moaning and groaning. Bad thing is I still have to go back and get my remaining boosters this week. But hey if I can get on more meds to help heal my ulcers and inflammation then I can definitely tolerate. Just being a whinny butt. Sick and tired of being sick and tired.
You dont have to apologize; people come here to share their stories, thoughts and feelings. You "earned" your right to moan.
There are eben special threads around here for venting.

So go ahead - here everyone will understand; youd breaks come from the social conventions. People here as I learned are head and shoulders above that.

Bottom line, no worries.
Hi my name is Lyssa.
I use 50mg of azathioprine.
But i dont think it is helping.
If i got to choose i would have kept the remicade from when i had a fistula.
Remicade just works waaaaayyy beter!
Hi just to note, several vaccines use adjuvants. These are added in the case of vaccines to stimulate heightened immune activity at the point of inject. It is usually the adjuvants, and not the Injection that leads to the soreness. The insult to the tissue, and the related pain, is intended to maximize exposure of the immune system to the immunogenic components of the vaccines and hence prompt a greater production of antibodies
Hi my name is Lyssa.
I use 50mg of azathioprine.
But i dont think it is helping.
If i got to choose i would have kept the remicade from when i had a fistula.
Remicade just works waaaaayyy beter!

Lyssa, are you taking It in combination with anything? I don't know how much you weigh but 50 is a low dose. My doc is starting me out on 100mg and increasing me up to 175 or 200 depending on my response and any side effects. Maybe your dose isn't high enough if your aren't on any other treatments.
I was on Imuran doses ranging from 50 to 200 mg/day and did not notice any nausea. For 20 years it was 50 or 75 mg/day and for the last 3 years before surgery it was 200 mg and 150 mg/day.

I did have headaches when I was taking 200 mg, and the dose was dropped to 150 mg./day because my white cell count dropped. I never noted any side effects at the 150 mg/day dosage. I credit Imuran for keeping me in remission for quite a few years.
So I have had trouble with low white counts on Imuran. I was fine on 50 went up to 100 my white counts dropped so 50 for a couple weeks then back to 100. Upped dose due to lack of response and counts dropped again, went from 125 to 50. Have been on 50 and stable for about 4 or 5 months now, then my docs called and said my counts were low again. Down to 25. So frustrating, I feel like at 25 it isn't doing anything. I'm a small person but it is still not a dose I would guess would be therapeutic
FrozenGirl, have you had your drug levels tested for Imuran.

My daughter is the other end of the range. She a small person too, 56 kg. She taking 200mg as her drug levels are not in range at a lower dose.
I haven't honestly. I just go off or decrease the dosage when my white counts fall, which frustratingly seems to be completely random.
I have just recently been put on Imuran. Does it suppress your immunity system that your more susceptible to colds and other sicknesses? :sign0085:
You are welcome. Not sure where all those spelling mistakes came from. Sorry. Also you should be getting routine blood work. Checking cbc and liver panel. I have mine every two weeks right now.
My son has been on 6MP for the last 6 months with great success. He has not picked up any of the nasty bugs that he has been exposed to as of yet. He is an exceptional handwasher though :). We have had the flu a stomach virus and colds in the house. He had a minor cold through all of that. Just thought I'd share our experience. Best of luck!!!
We've had good luck with viruses too. Like Book Diva's son, my daughter is very good about hand washing.
ive been immuno-supressed with these drugs for about 10 years and have never caught anything bad. In fact, I even do better than my peers in this regard, and I get maybe one simple cold/year.
I take Theracurmin 600mg/day by Natural Factors (combined with a bit of olive oil and black pepper, thought to improuve bioactivity of curcumine). -sold in health food store or organic groceries, online too I think.

I also use fresh tumeric root (sold in organic groceries) as a spice in my food (very light taste). I grater it all over my recipes and cook it along. I believe more in the power of fresh root than powder tumeric.
Well, so, my doctor decided to try taking me off Imuran for a bit to see if I could knock a really persistent annoying cold I've been carrying around and WOW what a difference.

This is my second day not taking it and I feel absolutely awesome.

I'm tired but not as tired as I was. My head is actually clear for the first time in forever! I don't feel like I'm slightly disassociated from the world. And I was actually able to sleep right through the night to my alarm at 6am. Plus the cold is definitely going away, I've been sneezing like a crazy person which in my body means the cold/flu/infection/whatever is being expelled.

I feel awesome.

I don't want to have to start taking it again on Monday :(
I was off Imuran for a while because there was too much in my blood even with one pill. Now, they are starting me back on a half pill with having my blood checked regularly.

Hi guys, I just started this drug a couple days ago, and am taking it along with pred (25mg tapering 5mg/week) and flagyl (only for another week).

Is a common side affect fatigue or back pain? For the past few days I have been very tired, hitting a brick wall by like 2-3pm. Noticed in the gym while working out I was very shakey/got tired quickly, felt weak etc.) Anyone overall I just feel like garbage right now.

As Im sure youre all very experienced with this, was wondering if you think this is normal side effects? Dont see GI for another couple weeks.
yes completly normal, great chance this general malaise will dissipate within a few weeks. mild nausea and lack of appetite is also common when starting this drug.

back pain? I dont think this is supposed to be a side effect of 6mp or aza.
good luck
ok well thats good to know... not a fun feeling especially with final papers/exams all due in the next couple weeks.

ya back pain is probably unrelated, was just wondering
Starting a trail dose of Aza tomorrow for 28 days (50mg) to test for any reactions/sickness

Pretty nerve racking time in my life, hopefully will still be able to stay fit and continue lifting weights on Aza :(!
You mentioned you are also taking prednisone. Joint pain can come with prednisone. my kid complains of lower back pain when on prednisone as well as her knees and ankles. Maybe as you taper off it will go away.
You mentioned you are also taking prednisone. Joint pain can come with prednisone. my kid complains of lower back pain when on prednisone as well as her knees and ankles. Maybe as you taper off it will go away.

I'm off prednisone now, they decided to put me straight on Aza, pred sucked for me, it gave me terrible mood swings more than anything along with decreased appetite.

Hopefully the aza will carry less side effects :)
I am now sadly off Imuran. It was really helping with Remicade but it was lowering my WBC counts despite multiple trials of being off and on at a lower dose, even at low as 25mg my counts were too low. My doctor stated he wasn't willing to try again on the lower dose due to the risk of aplastic anemia.
oh no thats too bad. have you tried split dose of 25mg? I split dose my 50mg each day in 2 shots of 25mg. This could possibly help for low WBC (leucopenia). I proposed to do that to my GI after researching on the subject because I have a previous history of leucopenia too on 6-mp. So far, since 5 months on 50mg my WBC is fine.

''Split-dose administration of thiopurine drugs: a novel and effective strategy for managing preferential 6-MMP metabolism.'':

so what your plan now? methotrexate? or only remicade?
oh no thats too bad. have you tried split dose of 25mg? I split dose my 50mg each day in 2 shots of 25mg. This could possibly help for low WBC (leucopenia). I proposed to do that to my GI after researching on the subject because I have a previous history of leucopenia too on 6-mp. So far, since 5 months on 50mg my WBC is fine.

''Split-dose administration of thiopurine drugs: a novel and effective strategy for managing preferential 6-MMP metabolism.'':

so what your plan now? methotrexate? or only remicade?

Well I'm currently having issues that may be a flare but my GI is also testing for C Diff and cytomegalovirus. Assuming those come back negative and its just a flare (which I am really hoping) then we are considering methotrexate. My GI is hesitant though as I am in my 'childbearing' years. Not considering having kids anytime soon (for at least 4 years) but I guess a rare side effect is permanent effect on fertility so we are going to discuss at my next appointment at the end of April.
Hi everyone, long time since I've posted as I didn't really think I was having too many issues related to Azathioprine.. Plenty of other issues though :(

Reason I'm posting is that about 6 months or so ago I noticed quite a few pinpoint red dots, mostly very very small, on my upper arms and mentioned them in passing to my GP who said they were broken blood vessels and nothing to worry about. At the time I didn't really think of them as being possibly related to the Azathioprine.

Fast forward to yesterday and I happened to see pinpoint red spots as a 'contact your doctor' on the Azathioprine side effects which has made me a bit worried, since that seems quite specific as side effects go. I didn't count them or anything back then but my impression is that there are more of them now. At a rough count there must be at least 50 on my upper arms. That's where the vast majority are but it does seem like there are one or two scattered elsewhere too.

I've given the IBD helpline at the clinic I go to a call and am waiting to hear back from them but wondered if anyone had experienced anything similar. It's got me a bit worried to be honest.
Hi, I'm Alana and I just began taking Imuran yesterday. I, too, have concerns regarding side effects, but it seems like so many of you have handled them with grace that my worries have lessened. Thanks for having this group!
Hi everyone, long time since I've posted as I didn't really think I was having too many issues related to Azathioprine.. Plenty of other issues though :(

Reason I'm posting is that about 6 months or so ago I noticed quite a few pinpoint red dots, mostly very very small, on my upper arms and mentioned them in passing to my GP who said they were broken blood vessels and nothing to worry about. At the time I didn't really think of them as being possibly related to the Azathioprine.

Fast forward to yesterday and I happened to see pinpoint red spots as a 'contact your doctor' on the Azathioprine side effects which has made me a bit worried, since that seems quite specific as side effects go. I didn't count them or anything back then but my impression is that there are more of them now. At a rough count there must be at least 50 on my upper arms. That's where the vast majority are but it does seem like there are one or two scattered elsewhere too.

I've given the IBD helpline at the clinic I go to a call and am waiting to hear back from them but wondered if anyone had experienced anything similar. It's got me a bit worried to be honest.

Panza, did you ever hear from your doctor about this?
Hi Carolin, I spoke with a nurse on the helpline and she said it wasn't something they'd really heard mention of before but that it might be worth having a blood test for the 'clotting factor'. I had the bloods taken yesterday so should have the results in a few days.

Possibly it's just 'one of those things' that you mightn't ever get an answer to (Google suggests throws up a few results of people with chronic issues, either autoimmune or of the CFS/fibromyalgia/ME type, pondering about them). Just a bit odd how a lot seem to have appeared in a relatively short space of time.
I don't think they're raised but it's hard to be sure really as they're so tiny. I'm assuming they're petechia but they're much smaller than the pictures I've found of them online, literally like the very end of a pin. The couple I've spotted that are very slightly bigger don't seem raised either.
ok I just wanted to exclude the possibility of bed bugs bites, which are often located in upper arms. these bites are about 4 mm in diameter and raised a bit, like a tiny pimple. let us know if you find an answer. good luck.
Just four days ago, I was switched to and started taking AZA (50 mg. 2/day), Celebrex (200 mg, 1/day), along with my BP meds. So far so good, but I have been sleepier (which I expected) and have been having a very low grade temp every day (99.2-99.4); just enough to feel it in my eyes and have a headache. Today, I have been light-headed to the point of slight "room spinning," but in slow motion. This has happened twice now, just after I eat (which sadly, the yummy meal and I parted ways). Then, I get groggy and am forced to rest for a bit.

Is this in any way normal or is my body just being weird as I adjust?

BTW, I have no side effects from my BP meds, checked my BP and its normal, and forgot to take the Celebrex today.

Thanks to everyone for the support with these red spots - quick update. Bloods are all fine, liver function fine and the clotting thing fine (the nurse wondered if the blood might have thinned and be breaking through the follicles). They suggested making an appointment to let the consultant have a look and then go from there which seems logical, but I guess the only way I'll know if it's the Azathioprine is to stop it and see if any more appear (though they're that small and plentiful that it might be hard to be sure!)

I'm kind of reassured that it's nothing to be too worried about as such but even so, I'd rather avoid my arms getting covered in them if at all possible.

I'll be sure and post back once they've had a look in case it's something anyone else runs into.
I've had those teeny red spots on my arms for years, apparently it's just capillaries breaking through. Not a thing I need to worry about :)

Also I'm back up to 75mg Imuran now. Yech. Hello disrupted sleep and weird dreams. Heat-seeking T-rex and a runaway big-rig, anyone? And no I hadn't been watching any weird films before bedtime!

Does anyone else get seriously peculiar dreams on Imuran? I have some real belters, I should write them down. But again it's nothing to worry about, apparently! Because giant dinosaurs and sentient trucks are part of my brain processing the day's events?

Okay then...
Hi everyone, im about to start taking azathioprine but the side effects are scaring me so much. How did you all make the decision to take this medicine 😣 feeling fed up

I began Imuran three weeks ago (50 mg/2xday) and the only thing I have noticed is the nausea that seems to be with me when I wake until about 1 p.m., and again in the late evenings. Doc gave me Zofran, but I use it when I need to be teaching, etc. At home, I can tolerate it relatively well. I also have some mild fatigue, usually mid-day. I hope you at last give it a try- I know it takes a while to get to really working, but for me, its going to be taken with Remicade (if my insurance will ever approve it), so doc had me start it now.

In response to what made me decide to try it- well, I cannot take Prednisone (horrible reactions), and Budensonide caused my Psoriasis to flare like crazy. So far, like I mentioned above, only nausea and mild fatigue, but that's bearable.

Best of luck!
Good Morning, everyone. New to this message board.

I was diagnosed with PA fistulizing CD in late 2013. I started Humira in 2/2014. It did relieve some of my symptoms, but on 4/23, I was back in surgery because of abscess. My GI is switching me to Entyvio with 6MP. I haven't started yet as I just had blood work on Friday.

Understanding that everyone is different, what have been some of the side effects of 6MP you've noticed? Thank you.
The hair loss I'm having since starting Imuran is really getting to me. I'm scared I'm going to be bald soon, at this rate. I've only been on it for a couple months. I see that it's been discussed here a lot (hair loss), but does anyone have any positive experiences, that it slows down after awhile and/or eventually stops as your body adjusts to Imuran?
Hi stelarjess,

I definitely had hair loss after starting Imuran. I had also noticed getting scalp irritation when having my hair coloured. To start with I had my hair cut a bit shorter - to shoulder length with layers - and I stopped having it coloured at the hairdressers (I use henna which works well for me - the grey hairs become golden highlights!).

I have been on Imuran for nearly 3 years now and my hair is back to it's previous length and it no longer seems as thin. I think it is still a bit different from before as I notice more new, shorter hairs around my hairline when it is tied up, but on the whole I have pretty much returned to 'normal'. I haven't tried chemical dyes again though, but I think that putting henna on can then mess with other colourants, so make sure you think ahead if colouring is an issue.
Thank you Stelarjess & Nitty, for your feedback. I'm not sure when I'm starting the 6 MP, but my first Entyvio infusion is scheduled for a week from tomorrow. I'm just hoping these new meds work as I'm facing an ileostomy if they do not. I'm willing to accept the side effects to avoid that outcome if possible.
Hi stelarjess,

I definitely had hair loss after starting Imuran. I had also noticed getting scalp irritation when having my hair coloured. To start with I had my hair cut a bit shorter - to shoulder length with layers - and I stopped having it coloured at the hairdressers (I use henna which works well for me - the grey hairs become golden highlights!).

I have been on Imuran for nearly 3 years now and my hair is back to it's previous length and it no longer seems as thin. I think it is still a bit different from before as I notice more new, shorter hairs around my hairline when it is tied up, but on the whole I have pretty much returned to 'normal'. I haven't tried chemical dyes again though, but I think that putting henna on can then mess with other colourants, so make sure you think ahead if colouring is an issue.

Thank you Nitty, that gives me hope. I'm planning to get my hair cut shorter soon, and I do have the grays colored.. I'll look into other options for this.
its my third round of purinethol over 14 years. and for the first time, I feel I am losing hair. This had not happened before. Ive been on it since 7 months now and the hair situation is still the same. Its not dramatic, but not very pleasant to feel hair is weak on the follicules and falling easily. Im not 100% sure its caused by purinethol, it may be simply aging too...?
I am duplicating this post from another thread I just started because this is an important matter. I am awaiting my next GI appointment to show him a weird new mole which grew up on my V neck area. It very small, but is dark blue in color and bumpy from the inside (feel a mass under). Its been 2 pasts appointments I wanted to show him, but due to other priorities, I failed to bring that subject up.

recently, I met a long-time experienced esthetician who told me its looks and feel like a skin tumor and that I should have it checked by a dermatologist who would cut it.

as I was listening to the crohns and colitis seminar online yestreday the GI insisted that when we are on 6-mp and aza, we are at more risk to develop the skin tumors due to sun exposure.

*****therefore his recommendation is to have our full skin body checked by a physician or dermatologist once a year when we take these drugs.****

I am not sure if this remains for life even if we stop taking the drugs. But i tend to believe we should. My ''mysterious mole'' appeared when I was not on purinethol. I was on another treatment at the time. But I had been 7 years on purinethol previously.

this mole is definately weird and sensitive too, I cant wait to have it checked by a dermo.
I was started on Imuran about 2 months ago, in the past couple weeks I have started to notice a lot and a lot of hair loss, which seems silly but is very upsetting to me. I can handle the pain of colitis, I can handle the fatigue and the nausea that the medications can create, I can even handle losing control of my bowels and continue on strong and move on with my day, but for whatever reason seeing my hair come out in ridiculous amounts throughout the day is crushing me. Does anyone know from experience what I can do to reduce this, if there is something I can take or eat to promote healthy hair growth?

Thank you in advance

(Currently on 5mg prednisolone (tapered off) 125mg Aza and Pentasa)
Hi everyone, im about to start taking azathioprine but the side effects are scaring me so much. How did you all make the decision to take this medicine 😣 feeling fed up

I know exactly what you mean, It's always scary trying a new drug especially when the doctor is running through the list of side effects. The unknown is always the worst part about it all for me, will I experience this, what if I am the 1 in how ever many thousand that develop that cancer. I pushed all those thoughts aside and started Aza, and aside from Nausea for the first two or so days and only in the past week I've noticed a bit of hair thinning, I'ts been smooth sailing and I'm feeling hopeful it will keep the flare away. I hope your journey with Aza is smooth as well, who knows it may just be your miracle drug?
Hi everyone. My GI got my bloodwork back. All normal and ready to start 6MP. I got a call from the drugstore that it will be available at noon today.

Any suggestions on when to take? Evening until I find out any side effects? Thanks.
the pharmacist will tell you how to take it. It is on a empty stomach. I take it first thing in the morning when i wake up with a big glass of water and have to wait 1 hour before eating. If you take it later during the day, you have to wait several hours so your stomach is empty. i dont trust the 2 hours they indicate. My stomach still is full of food after 2 hours of ingestion. good luck.
ibdlivingfree the hair comes back! My kid has been on Imuran now for 1 year and for the 1st time she had to get her hair thinned! (She has always had thick hair, and before IBD she used to have to get her hair thinned). Give it time it will probably come back for you too!
Reason I'm posting is that about 6 months or so ago I noticed quite a few pinpoint red dots, mostly very very small, on my upper arms and mentioned them in passing to my GP who said they were broken blood vessels and nothing to worry about. At the time I didn't really think of them as being possibly related to the Azathioprine.

Hi again Panza, i think I know what it may be : CHERRY ANGIOMAS :

Here's a dermatology case study of a patient suffering from them fallowing a cyclosporine treatment, another immunosupressant. :

its a coincdence because today I went at a hair removal session in a electrolysis school and the teacher noticed I had a few of these!!! They removed them with the electricity machine in a second! she mentionned its people with red hair who normally have them and that it is probably the medication I take that cause them for me... Im going to have a dermatology apponitment soon for another issue (2 weird beauty marks most likely caused by sun and purinethol) and will discuss the angiomas as well.
Hey Guys,

I wanted to get your advice on Imuran. I was on Entocort, after my Mezevant and Asacol didn't do the trick. I was on Entocort and it seemed to be helping, but I became extremely depressed. My GI also said I can't be on steriods long-term. Anyways, I am starting Imuran tomorrow with Entocort (slowly weaning off over 8 weeks). I am super nervous because I have such terrifying things about the side effects of Imuran. Please share your experiences, I also should mention that I will be getting blood work every two weeks which made me even more worried. I really hope this helps me get into remission. I also want to have children at one point, and hope that is possible with Imuran.

Hey Guys,

I wanted to get your advice on Imuran. I was on Entocort, after my Mezevant and Asacol didn't do the trick. I was on Entocort and it seemed to be helping, but I became extremely depressed. My GI also said I can't be on steriods long-term. Anyways, I am starting Imuran tomorrow with Entocort (slowly weaning off over 8 weeks). I am super nervous because I have such terrifying things about the side effects of Imuran. Please share your experiences, I also should mention that I will be getting blood work every two weeks which made me even more worried. I really hope this helps me get into remission. I also want to have children at one point, and hope that is possible with Imuran.


At one point, I was on a whole pill.of Imuran. They did blood work last year. I was told there was too much in my system. So now I am down to just a half pill. Wish you the best.

Hey Guys,

I wanted to get your advice on Imuran. I was on Entocort, after my Mezevant and Asacol didn't do the trick. I was on Entocort and it seemed to be helping, but I became extremely depressed. My GI also said I can't be on steriods long-term. Anyways, I am starting Imuran tomorrow with Entocort (slowly weaning off over 8 weeks). I am super nervous because I have such terrifying things about the side effects of Imuran. Please share your experiences, I also should mention that I will be getting blood work every two weeks which made me even more worried. I really hope this helps me get into remission. I also want to have children at one point, and hope that is possible with Imuran.


Someone wrote that they were on one whole pill? I was put on 2 and a half! (150g) The first couple days I had some nausea, however that cleared up thank god and my body got used to the Imuran. Your doctor should advise you to start small, as small as half a tablet and then work your way up to the full dose and the side effects will hit you less hard this way.
The only other side effect I have experience is a lot of hair loss and thinning which was really distressing to me, luckily I have a Gastroenterologist who cares about me and my symptoms and he acted straight away when i expressed my worry about the hair loss and he put me down to 50g of Imuran and within a week I noticed a massive difference in my hair.
Now to the good part, so far the drug has seemed to keep me from flaring (Paired with Pentasa sachets) even right now I am going through exams and feeling stressed, I haven't flared at all, so it seems to be helping!

Just a warning as unfortunately I heard about a man dying because the doctors did not test for this and it should be a standard thing before anybody goes on Imuran. Do a blood test for TPMT enzyme, if you have a deficiency in this your body won't be able to handle the Imuran and therefore not a drug to take. As for the general blood tests, I have to do it too and yeah it sucks but it lasts 30 seconds, just remember to breath and think about something else, eventually the tests should be spaced about once every 4 weeks.

Good luck :) hope that helped.
My doctor has prescribed me to take Imuran, but I won't take it until the blood tests and TB test I had yesterday come back ok. I've been reading with concern about the possible hair loss this drug can cause. I used to have very curly, hard to manage hair all my life. But since being put on prednisone, I noticed my hair has lost a lot of its volume, and is not nearly as curly as it used to be. At first I was happy, because I've had a love/hate relationship with my hair all my life. Other women were envious that I had hair they had to "pay to have". But lately it's been hard to make it curl like it used to, and I realized that the meds are affecting it. I know to some people this may sound like a foolish thing to worry over, but I guess to me it's one more thing I can attribute to this disease. So now at least I know that I can probably expect to have more hair problems with the Imuran. Oh, well--if it can help me stop being so sick I guess I should just accept it and not complain about it.
I am on half a pill of the Imuran. There are some moles on the back of me that have my wife concerned. I am concerned there could be some connection between these and the Imuran.

Hi all,

My husband just started on 6-MP (Purinethol) 3 days back. He is on a combination of that plus Remicade. Today is his 2nd Remicade infusion actually. So far so good with 6-MP, I've been worriedly looking out for side effects. Just wanted to say hi :)
Imuran side effects

Hi folks,currently taking Remicade infusions, monthly,,and daily Imuran, 100 mg.. Not sure if it the Rem. Or Imuran,,but daily nausea and skin itching seem persistent. Although these are more a nuisance than a show stopper, it is still irritating. Scalp itching is also persistent. My biggest item is not being sure what tomorrow will bring. Maybe full off energy and feeling fine or pooped all day and stomach issues every time I eat. I had colon and rectum removed several years ago, so maybe I am an outlier in some respects. But anyone suffering from regular Flare ups, I would not hesitate to give either of Meds a try. Nothing is perfect, so we kind of roll the dice each day. Good luck all my Cronnie partners.
Another issue with Imuran is definitely Hair Loss,,not normally a vain person, but extreme hair thinning is bothersome. Oh well, just wear more hats
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Is it correct in saying Azathioprine is less toxic and less potent than 6mp? I've been trying to figure out why my doctor switched me many years ago to Azathioprine since it is essentially the same as 6mp, but when I was on 6mp my 6-mmpn levels were higher on just 75mg of 6mp.

I've had knowledgable people in my support group tell me that it is better to be on 6mp as it has many advantages over Aza. My GI doctor is terrible at explaining his past decisions nor has he been able to explain it to me.
my mother has been diagnosed with crohn's. since then she has been on pentasa and budez CR. but lately the doctors have changed her medication from budez CR to using azathioprine. when she was using Budez CR she was alright, but ever since she started using azathioprine, she has been suffering from symptoms like back pain, severe gas, nausea, inability to eat. its been almost 3 months she's been using azathioprine and still there aren't any changes except that her TLC has dropped drastically.
@meghna795: unfortunately Budez is not a medication that can be used for the long term. Your mother should contact the dr to explain her situation asap. these symptoms may be side effects but they may be disease coming back as well. good luck

@KHCD5: Ive been on both AZA and 6-mp. I have never hear of one being less toxic than the other, nor one having more advantages than the other. These 2 are extremely similar medications. Its a possiblity your doctor tried manipulating these two before capitulating on this category of medication.

So now for an equivalent dose of AZA medication your 6-mmph is in a normal range? Note that 75mg of 6-mp doesnt not equal 75mg of AZA. Im not sure what dose would be the same but it'd be more towards 125mg of AZA or maybe a little more, but im not sure exactly.
Quickie question...

Has anyone had sharp pain under their right breast around their ribs? Is it a problem with 6mp? My recent bloods showed my liver was fine but I wasn't producing enough white blood cells.
@KHCD5: Ive been on both AZA and 6-mp. I have never hear of one being less toxic than the other, nor one having more advantages than the other. These 2 are extremely similar medications. Its a possiblity your doctor tried manipulating these two before capitulating on this category of medication.

So now for an equivalent dose of AZA medication your 6-mmph is in a normal range? Note that 75mg of 6-mp doesnt not equal 75mg of AZA. Im not sure what dose would be the same but it'd be more towards 125mg of AZA or maybe a little more, but im not sure exactly.

Hi Lady Organic,

Yes my 6-mmpn levels have been normal while on Azathioprine so far. At the time I was on 6mp I had a very low 6-tgn level whilst my 6-mmpn levels were too high so I can only assume the switch to Azathioprine was made to achieve that delicate balance of a therapeutic range while keeping toxicity low. It would be nice to know what the thought process is and if there is a preferable drug between the two variation of medications.
Hey guys,

I've been on Entyvio and 100 mg of 6MP. Recent blood work showed my body was not metabolizing the 6MP ideally. I'm going down to 25 mg of 6 MP with 100mg of Allopurinol. My pharmacy called to say it is contraindicated, but after speaking with the GI, have filled the rx. Is anyone else on this therapy? Side effects?
For reference, my 6MMPN level was 17,633 (normal is <5700) and 6TGN was 168 (therapeutic is 230-400). Liver panels are currently normal.
Just went to take my azathioprine and realized the pack I finished last night was the last one! Hoping the chemist tomorrow will be able to loan me some till I can get my prescription in. Will missing a few days be okay?
Usually my pharmacist will give me a few until they can get the prescription refilled. Call them as soon as you can.
Im on imuran ( azathioprine ) 100 mg in the morning im still wondering of this can increase your chances on cancer
I recently quit alcohol due to what I think is an interaction with azathioprine. I would become intoxicated much more easily, and have a hangover after even a small amount of alcohol eg one or two glasses of wine. I thought it was due to late nights or due to my lighter frame since being diagnosed with Crohns, but the other night I had 2/3,of a glass of wine and went to bed at 10pm, still I had a headache and nausea in the morning. I read of others having the same problem, interested in people's thoughts.
Christi -

The risk for cancer from azathioprine comes in two main forms. Both are age related but in opposite directions:

1. Young males are at particular risk for hepatosplenic T-Cell lymphoma, a very aggressive and usually fatal form of lymphoma. This cancer most often develops while on aza therapy in conjunction with infection by the Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV). Due to this risk many docs will not prescribe aza for young males, particularly if they have not previously had an EBV infection. The risk is small, but given the deadly outcome of losing that bet, the risk is still too high.

2. Older patients of either sex are at increased risk of regular lymphoma (usually B-cell follicular lymphoma) when on aza therapy. Some docs caution against prescribing aza in patients older than 50 and especially if they are over 60. For these older patients it becomes an exercise in balancing risk vs. benefit. For patients with mild Crohn's the cancer risk is probably not worth it. Those mild disease patients can be managed with other therapies. But for patients with moderate to severe Crohn's with risk of fistulas, strictures, etc. the small but increased cancer risk is probably worth it. The benefit of aza in controlling the severe Crohn's outweighs the small risk of lymphoma.

It's a judgment call by you and your GI.

I've been on 6MP (75mg) for years.
My doc started me on azathioprine in December 2012, but I got a very bad reaction while upping the dose (fever, liver failure, erythema nodosum (that might not have had anything to do with the aza, but I still don't believe it was a coincidende :tongue:), so she put me on 6MP instead after I was better.

I recently had another blood test, and it turned out my 6MMP levels (the stuff that causes side effects) were way too high (close to 10,000), and the 6TGN (the stuff that does the job) too low (~175). So I got allopurinol as well three weeks ago, and lowered my dose of 6MP to 25 mg. So far: nausea & slightly elevated liver tests. So I'm willing to bet my next blood test (next week) will show even higher liver test results. Don't think the allopurinol will be right for me on the long term :tongue: Ah we'll see...

ronroush7: I believe it's supposed to be a lasting effect: as long as you take it, your immune system will be surpressed, without the effects wearing off. Guess that's why it's a relatively good choice for the long term for a lot of people. :) Unless you're allergic, like another lot of people :tongue:
6TGN too high here on 50 mg purinethol last november. had to lower 6-mp to 25mg/day which is sub-therapeutic dose. Still in remission right now. have been in remission for over a year on 50mg only compared to 75 mg which were needed years back. Upcoming year will be my biggest challenge ever on 25mg/day. Hopefully all my alternative treatments and diet will help me. crossing fingers!!!
I am looking for advice on the effectiveness of azathioprine (imuran) or methotrexate.

I have previously tried asacol and prednisolone but have had severe side affects from both.

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