Iron injections and pregnancy

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Sep 15, 2011
Hello all,
I am 5 months pregnant and trying to juggle getting a nutritious diet and keeping my crohns under control, and only partially succeeding. My haematocrit and ferritin are now quite now, and I want to avoid oral iron as this is bound to cause a flare for me. Does anyone have any experience with iron injections? Any specific one you had good/bad results with? And does anyone have experience with iron injections during pregnancy? Any advice would be appreciated...
Hi Helena,
I have similar problems. I am 15/40 pregnant. My ferritin is never fantastic! I use liquid iron mixed in orange juice. It way more gentle on your bowels. Tablets play havoc with me. I have had iron infusions before, I'm nor sure if they are ok in pregnancy but they made me feel great! Only thing is they take around 3 hours!!!
My hematologist gives me iron infusions. It's the only way I absorb it. Oral iron doesn't get absorbed and it kills my stomach.
Congratulations helena101!
I wasn't pregnant, but I had good success with iron injections-don't remember the brand. I don't remember the details, but I seem to remember going once a week for several months. You need to be monitored because there are dangers from overdoing it.
Thanks happy! I didn't end up taking anything for the iron, just ate a lot of beef, liver once a week, and molasses every day, which kept iron levels at a reasonable level. Still low, but ok. My baby was born 6-weeks early on June 9th, but she is doing great now, and though she was a skinny little thing to start with, she is even a little TOO fat now. And, so far at least, my crohns has been quiet through this whole time, in spite of the hormonal upheaval of the pregnancy, and the stress of having a premature baby in intensive care, and the strain of taking care of one at home afterwards. I have been ultra cautious about diet, and have remained on Professor Hunter's lofflex diet throughout the pregnancy and am still on it, without adding in any new foods. I did have some scares regardless during the pregnancy, so I have doubled my asacol dose as well. So far so good, though I'm always wary.
I didn't realize that it was an old post-sorry! However, I am glad that I saw it so that I got to hear about your new little one. My, but you both have been through a lot :(

I am so very glad to hear that everything is going better now. Kudos to you for staying on the diet through all that time. That is terrific. It is still keeping me well, too (the total exclusion diet).
Happy, I'm so glad to hear you are still doing well on the diet. Other than dairy and wheat what else are you avoiding? How about your fiber tolerance, is it fairly low still?
So, no gluten including oats, no corn including fresh and cornmeal, no dairy, no red meats, few legumes including peanuts and cashews, small amounts of fats only, fewer raw veggies and fruits (mostly cooked), and yes I have to watch the fibre.

I am very sensitive to gluten, including cross-contamination from toasters, sieves, cooking water, cutting boards, etc. This really limits my ability to eat out and to travel. We have just purchased a travel trailer so that I may do most of my own cooking when we travel--it has been a really big help.
Happy to listen that you are doing well. Recently my niece she had post pregnancy back pain then she tried baby carrier and now doing well.

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