hi I'm 29 years old I have been married for 10 years my husband has had Crohn's for 15 years and it is not under control at all. He is currently on Cimzia along with a bunch of other medications I can I pronounce along with prednisone as well. We want to have kids but we have a fear of passing says Crohn's along to our baby and I'm hoping someone out there may have some advice for us on what to do and how to proceed. I also have a rare form of kidney disease but is only hits adults and as of right now its not life threatening so I'm not concerned about that and the baby but my husband and I both share the same fear of our child going through what my husband has to go through daily. If there is anyone out there who had a baby why they were or have Crohn's you get what I mean if you have any advice or anything at all that can help us would you please reach out. My whole life my husbands whole life since we were in 3rd grade we wanted to be parents. So if someone anyone can we should some light on what would be best for us please contact me I will leave my email address because I'm new to this and I don't know if I will be able to find this again my name is Shelly and my email address is [email protected] and I apologize if this did not make sense but everything on the screen is so tiny because it's on my cell phone but if anyone can help me please email me that was greatly appreciate it and so will my husband thank you so much have a wonderful night day whatever time a date is for you thank you so much for your help