Is it ok to self-diagnose?

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Jul 30, 2010
Larnaca, Cyprus
I'm starting Humira next Tuesday and naturally I am apprehensive - not so much about injecting myself but more so of the results. The last few days I have had an intense pain in the area of the ilieum, a sharp stabbing pain that had me doubled over and in tears. No other usual symptoms, no fever, no vomiting, no neusea, nothing. Just a sharp penetrating pain. I did not tell my GI nor did I go to the ER, since I do not want to risk being kept in hospital and then missing my first Humira dose. I just dealt with it as best I could. I fasted, kept myself fully hydrated, rested and increased my steroid intake. This morning I still have pain but it is not so intense as it has been so I am going to try a light breakfast as I am feeling a bit wobbly. Did I do the right thing ?
I don't recommend that anyone do self diagnosis and self treatment if they are not a doctor themselves. There's nothing wrong with doing your own research and getting 2nd or 20th opinions but when you start treating yourself without the proper knowledge, you start running into problems. I'd suggest that you contact your GI and let them know what happened and what you did about it and what you should do from now on. No one wants to sit around in a hospital but you risk that by treating yourself. Please contact your GI and I really hope your pain fully subsides.
definitely go to your GI. they might actually have you take the Humira anyway. sharp pains that make you bend over in pain are never good news. they might not even keep you in the hospital. maybe just a scope or barium test. which take at most a few hours.

i just had scopes done yesterday. went in at 7am. left at 9:45am. it was great! nothing like a good injection of a general anesthetic. :)
Is it OK to self-diagnose?

Short answer - NO!

See a doc and let us know how you get on love xxxx
Hey Cy... I agree, within the intestines pain means something and it could burst causeing perintinitis that can go into your blood stream. I would of went to the time go ok? We need you to be ok, keep us updated!
I guess I knew the answer even before I asked the question. I spoke to my GI who did in fact slap my wrist for not telling him prior to upping my steroid dose. It didn't help anyway. I've been miserable for days, have absolutely no appetite and am in pain. My GI did not seem all that concerned about the pain and told me we would discuss it when I see him on Tuesday.

Tomorrow morning is D-Day when I get my first Humira shots. I'm very optimistic coz I cannot afford not to be anymore. I really feel this is my last chance.
Sending tons of luck that the Humira works for you!!!................


Take care and please keep us posted, :)
Hey Cy, nothing wrong with optimism but don't go in thinking it's your last chance!! There's always something new on the horizon. Hope the humira works for you!! Good luck!!
I think this disease is very hard for experts to diagnose, so the chance of accurately self diagnosing is pretty slim at best.

Good luck with the treatment. I hope it works very well for you. If not this one, then the next.

It all depends (speaking from experience)... but generally, it probably isn't a good idea to self-diagnose.

Hopefully you have a doctor who listens and if that is the case, then consulting him/her would be the best way to go. :)

Good luck!

Diagnosed: Crohn’s December ‘09
Gastritis August ’09, TMJD 1992
Surgeries: 1-terminal ileum removal
Treatments: Current- pentasa
Past- pred. aciphex, ranitidine
Other: Multi-vitamin, calcium,
digestive enzymes, probiotics,
and fish oil
Pen you were right!!!!! My intestines did indeed burst on 23rd August while I was at work. That same sharp intense pain in the ilieum and I dropped like dead weight to the floor with a perforated intestine. My boss, who is also my best friend, rushed me to my GI and after an X Ray, an emergency operation was performed. Peritonitis had already set in and the surgeon later told me that as soon as they opened me up they thought I did not stand a chance of coming out of surgery alive since the infection had spread so quickly. It could have been seeping for at least several days prior to splitting I was told. 80 cms of intestine was finally removed and I was in the clinic until this morning. It's going to be a few months of recovery before I can go back to work and I will continue with the Humira shots even though I did not even get passed the loading dose.

The operation is going to cost me 8,000 Euros and obviously no insurance company would ever cover me but the point is I made it and am at least for now pain free.

Is it ok to self-diagnose?!!!!! ****!!!
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Hey you, thanks for letting me know that you got to ER. 80cm is 2.5ft that is alot, at one time! I know it was alot of money but you can't put a price on your life and health right??

If anyone reads this, I don't care, if you have to get to ER and you have no money, when you have intense pain, it is telling you something!!!

Alot of doctors get mad when we look at the internet and say to them this is what I got, because alot of information on the internet is NOT always the best way for a dx. Most sites you have to "follow the money" who is sponsering it, and legit sites.

I am so glad you are are ok!!! :hang: Keep us posted how you do!
Hey Cy,

:eek: Brings back memories of Roo! So glad you came out of this OK and I wish you a speedy and trouble free post op period. Keep us updated on how your recovery is going!

All the best, :)

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