Is It Possible To Have Crohn's And Never Have Surgery?

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Sep 4, 2013
Does the Crohn's disease diagnosis mean one will eventually have some type of surgery? Is it possible to never have surgery? If surgery is certain exactly what types of surgery are performed?
surgeries for crohn's disease are usually that they take part of the intestine away or do a surgery to increase the width of the intestine

and yes, some people never have surgeries, I got lucky and never had a surgery in about 16 years of having crohn's disease since I was a child

I was one of the first people that got remicade outside of studies afaik. Before that they only had imuran and antibiotics.

I remember the head GI of the hospital talking to me and telling me they had no idea if it would work and that it was a new medication.

They only gave 1 dose of remicade back then and stopped giving it...when it was needed again they gave it again, it wasn't every X weeks like they do now.

You can't compare old statistics with new statistics, there will be more people now without surgeries because of remicade.
Maybe interesting, the first documented "treatments" for crohn's disease were surgery.

This is from 1913 when dalziel describes the first cases of crohn's disease in the surgery section of the british medical journal.

In 1913 antibiotics were almost non-existent and ineffective, they had no imuran, no biologics.

Those people would have died if they didn't perform surgery on them.

Are you asking about surgery because you're afraid you'll need it, or have your doctors suggested you should have it?

If you ever do need surgery, it's not necessarily a bad thing. I've had six surgeries (though not all for Crohn's). Minor laproscopic surgeries are really not a big deal at all. I've had a surgery that lasted 20 minutes, I was discharged from hospital the same day, and felt completely back to normal within three days. I've also had a six hour surgery that knocked me out for weeks, and most recently I had a surgery that led to severe complications... but I don't regret having it at all. It's improved my quality of life no end.

Surgery is usually kept as a last resort, but if doctors ever propose surgery as a potential option for you, don't dismiss it automatically. Surgery does not necessarily entail great risks, in some cases its risks and benefits weight up better than medication, it can improve your life and it can save your life.
I have had Crohn's/Colitis for over 30 years, and have avoided surgery so far....that's not to say my former doctor (when I lived in a different area) urged me to have surgery to remove the affected area (at the time)...I always resisted it and didn't agree - and thankfully my symptoms were able to be controlled with 'just' hospitalization/medications....I started Remicade in 2005 (after having fistulas for a few years and flaring again after having my daughter) and have been pretty much symptom free, with 'clear' scopes every year since then!
I would definitely have surgery as a last resort. I was just wondering if it was something that was going to eventually happen or possible to avoid.
The surgery might also be for CD complications - rather than directly for CD.
Example - removal of gall bladder, blasting of kidney stones etc.
The surgery might also be for CD complications - rather than directly for CD.
Example - removal of gall bladder, blasting of kidney stones etc.

Funny you mention gallbladder. I just had an attack! Waiting for test results but is looking like I'll be having surgery to remove it! There is a strong link between gallbladder disease and Crohn's. Who knew!
Cheerful,I had a look at this guys website and some stuff he put on YouTube,I think it's kinda cruel and dangerous that material especially when people are ill and probably say cancer,crohns and other auto-immune conditions are dietary related and can be cured purely by lifestyle changes are nonsense.i,m sure he sells lots of books though!
In my children’s cases surgery could not be avoided and it was not a last resort, it was their only choice. Unfortunately for some surgery still remains the only option between life and death but thank god it is there though because in a different time my children would not be here. Having said that they have had wonderful outcomes thus far and at times I have questioned myself as to whether they would have had the same results had medication been an option, that is all hypothetical though since complications knocked the med option on the head.

Dusty. xxx

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