Is it possible to have microscopic colitis and Crohns disease?

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Aug 25, 2015
Devon, UK
Hi all, Newby to the forum here!
I've been unwell for 12 months, I had a colonoscopy 6 months ago & the biopsies showed lymphocytic colitis in the caecum.My consultant put me on a 3 month reducing course of budesonide, it took about 6 weeks to really start working but the diarrhea/constipation & terrible cramps eased up.
I finished the budesonide & the symptoms have slowly creeped back :( when I saw my consultant he said he wanted to do an MRI to check the small bowel for crohns disease.
Is it possible to have microscopic colitis and crohns disease? The pain I have in my abdomen isn't just localised to where the microscopic colitis is so I do think there is a problem in the small intestine.
Hope this all makes sense, I'm rather tired!
Thanks in advance!
Yes I have had collagenous colitis along with Crohn's.
Took about 2.5 years of budesonide until it finally went way.
Then the Crohns came back.
Thank you for your reply Robrich :) Wow 2.5 years on budesonide?! I didn't realise you could take it longer term, I suspect I may be headed in that direction....