Is your child prescribed something for pain?

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May 23, 2011
Tylenol doesn't cut it, we are discouraged to take they take anything else? I am not looking for crazy strong stuff, but is there anything to help them get by? I feel so bad for her. :(
Oh Angie...:hug:

I'm not sure about your drugs there Angie. With my two being older they were either on Panadol (Tylenol) or Endone (Oxycodone). There are really only two types non narcotic...aspirin, NSAID's and acetaminophen (Tylenol)...and narcotic/narcotic like.

What about a step up from Tylenol and perhaps have Tylenol with codeine???

Dusty. xxx
When my middle daughter was 4 she took a medication called painstop for stomach migranes, it was a liquid. It work very well, only problem with it for her was it put her to sleep.

I have the same question! Would the med be for stomach pain? S is having terrible stomach pains now and the heating pad is helping but when I talk to the doctor today I want to ask him if there's anything else he could take for the pain. Especially at night!
So sad to hear of any of them in PAIN...God...but especially the really little ones...:stinks:

Just some love to send, no advice...:Karl:
Yes, Shelley...she only complains of nonspecific stomach pain, but it cripples her at times. I don't expect her to be pain free, but I'd like to manage it better. I'll ask about Tylenol w/ codeine.
Angie, Shelley,

Just my hope and wishes that you can find something to alleviate their pain! :( I so wish I had something to suggest! :(
Good luck Angie!

On further thought I don't know if the antispasmodic route would help, perhaps in conjunction with Tylenol or Tylenol with codeine. Might be worth a try?

Dusty. xxx
Anything stronger will likely make her sleepy and possibly sick (there are so many different kinds out there). Tramadol is supposed to be less harsh than Norco but it made me feel almost drunk and I was throwing up the next day (could have just been the dose though, its all touch and go). I don't know what sort of pain meds they offer for kids that young. I know I wasn't given anything but Tylenol for pain when I was 9. Could be from weaning off the Prednisone so maybe upping the dose would help instead of using pain meds. Let us know what her doctor days. Hope she feels better.
Crabby, she has been off Pred for a month and has never complained of problems before (she has weaned a bunch of times)

Dusty, if you aren't always on the money. He asked that we try an antispasmodic med as motility is usually what causes the pain, not inflammation. We didn't manage to score a script today but will get one next week when we go. :)
Is it creepy to say that I love you??!
Angie, you may have to fight off Dexky and Julie (Violet's mom) for Dusty's (platonic:eek:) hand! :lol:
I don't stand a chance against Dex...I think he has already proposed a shotgun wedding. Julie, however, doesn't stand a chance...I can take her! ;)
LMFAO! Well Julie wants my brain and I guess Dex that must be what "I love you to bits" really means!
I was wondering the samething. Kota was sent home from the hospital with 10 norco. That was well over a month ago. GI will not give him anything else. HE says for him to take Tylenol. Kota says there is no sense in taking Tylenol it doesnt do anything. GI says well give him Motrin then :ymad: What part of he cant take Motrin he is allergic to it does he not understand.

Kotas PCP I guess called the Childrens Hospital Pain Management Center because they called me yesterday and set up an appointment for Ko. But they cant see him until June 13th. Not sure what we will do until then. He hurts just as bad now as he did when we left the hospital. The only thing is the pain has moved up higher.
Since an appointment has been set up I would call the pain management clinic and seek their advice. Once you have them on the phone you can explain the situation and emphasise to them that nothing is working and he is distressed. Hopefully they will get you in as an urgent.

Dusty. xxx
I definitly recommend an appointment with pediatric pain management. In the meanwhile Tylenol with codeine never worked for Caitlyn but percocet does help somewhat.

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