It's that time of year

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Apr 30, 2010
Nottingham, UK
When we're planning stuff for Christmas, I'm run off my feet at work, and everyone gets on my wick! Like today, I wanted to borrow something off S. While I was there, a cardboard template of hers was lost, and she asked if I could check the infant cupboard for it next time I was in there. Now, there have been comments made by S before, saying that I'm not willing to help others (which I feel is untrue but that's another story), so as a gesture of goodwill I went to the cupboard there and then. There was only one box with cardboard templates in, the one S lost was quite big so it was obvious it wasn't there. So I went back to S and told her I had looked but couldn't see it. Her response? 'Oh, you have, have you?'.

Now what am I supposed to make of that? I have also had complaints made about me 'taking things the wrong way' so how am I supposed to take that?
Argh, some people.

TRY to ignore it. Especially if people have sed you take things the wrong way, sometimes its best to just keep quiet (if it is not serious, that is!!!) Trust me, people really wind me up the wrong way at work pretty much on a regular basis, but i try to just ignore it cos at the end of the day i can go home and relax and not worry about it for another day!!!

I would have said - "yes I you think I'd LIE to you????" or something similar...but I am a smartass sometimes too.....

Best to ignore it - although if you need 'backup' - make sure you see someone else and ask them if they ahve seen the item etc...then you have a witness!

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