Izzi update...

Crohn's Disease Forum

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May 23, 2011
Izzi's much ado about nothing ;)

So she is still doing fab. She is down to a month between labs (she asked last week when she was going again...said she missed the phlebotomist :ylol:)

Again, this makes me SUPER reluctant to concur that surgery is necessary. Her local GI offered to scope her (I have concerns that we are taking out a healthy looking colon) and I am waiting on a date-late July or the second week in August.

He agrees that the surgery may not be necessary yet while admitting that her Boston docs are more experienced with Tacro/surgery.

I just spoke to the mom of the 7 yo that had the surgery this spring...and she is on 6mp post op-as we all know surgery is not an end all to Crohn's...so what is the point of removing a healthy kids colon and them still needing drugs??

So we are enjoying our summer...hitting the beach and every park we can find...while I am in denial about her disease...:cool::cool::cool:...because I can be while she is practically asymptomatic!!
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Great to hear Angie!!!

Hey - what are you doing either Thursday or Friday??? Thinking of maybe heading to the ZOO!
Woohoo! This makes my heart sing!!! :heart:

I can well imagine your reluctance Angie...:hug:...I would be the same and would also need the evidence to ensure that I was making the right decision, it is too much to expect us to go into the heartbreak with anything less.

Enjoy and rejoice in the Summer!

Dusty. xxx
I am so happy to hear Izzi is doing so well!!! :banana: :banana:

I can certainly understand your hesitation at the surgery and it certainly can't hurt to have another look!

Keep on enjoying the summer!!! And I hope the scopes show that surgery is NOT needed!!
WOW great news. Enjoy you summer.
As for the upcoming surgery that's only a call you and doctors can make. I feel for you. Your a great mom with a heart breaking choice. I hope all goes well.

Hi there,

I was so happy to see your post that Izzi is feeling good and enjoying the summer. That is really great news.

And I can fully understand your reluctance about surgery. All you can do is surround yourself with all the best information and advice and make your decision from there.

Crohn's management seems just full of difficult decsions, none more so than your current situation.

Wishes you the best and Izzi many more years of feeling fantastic.:)

Take care,
I had the absolute pleasure of meeting little Miss Izzy yesterday!!! SO great to see her.......and I think we all had a good time at the zoo....

Angie - any objection to posting the picture taken by the lions of all 3 kids?
None at all pasobuff ...and thanks to all for the kind words!! Sadly my denial of her disease means I don't pop in here as often AS i should...but I still love you all! :)
Grab the enjoyment/denial/whatever with both hands Angie and make the most of it! We aren't going anywhere! :)

Angie I'm so glad to hear that Izz is doing so well, and that you are taking advantage and enjoying your summer together !! :)
Denial is a river I love to swim down myself..:ybiggrin:
Oh, and our CRP??? 1.4 :) :) :) :) :) After being in the 60's a few months ago, and not being "normal" for 18 months. :)
Did a pile of research on PALEO last night. Considering combining with shiropractic (we are already going), acupuncture, probiotics, krill oil, bone broth, d3, and ldn. Her doc isn't thrilled with the lack of studies done on LDN, but I am hoping to meet with him and convince him to try this week. :)
No more sweet denial for me...time to derail the train before we reach our surgical destination. ;)
I like your thinking!

What's the story on bone broth though? I'm not familiar with that one.

I'm super pleased to hear all is going well :)
:)I am sorry I didn't find Crohn's dad's blog before now...he has a lot of info.
With all due respect, while I am not certain any of this will cure her, it may help and are unlikely to hurt, which is why I chose the combo that I did. I am concerned about her taking the Krill oil (she didn't like fish oil vitamins) and have a little trepidation regarding acupuncture. Time will tell!!
No more sweet denial for me...time to derail the train before we reach our surgical destination. ;)

NOW your talking country talk.:ybiggrin:
I knew IT!!!!
You city girls are just country girls in hiding:wink:

I wish you all the best. Keep us updated on what you'll choose.
Good luck Angie!!! It certainly can't hurt to try and it may very well help!!! Thinking of you! :ghug:
Welll farmwife, don't ya'all think I'm a a horse of a different color. I growed up in the lawn-mower-ridin', ****-kickin', hay baling' country myself. We had a big honkin' barn and I did some cotton-pickin' boot scootin' til I was plumb tuckered out at night. I better go find my rollin' pin so I can take care of that durn no-good ex-husband of mine before he starts bitin' at the bit...;)
:rof::rof::rof:I knew you were country!!!!!:rof::rof::rof:

As where I grow up a PURE BLOODED CITY GIRL.
I didn't even know how to tell the bull from the cow. (Not a word crohnsinct)
I saw my first dear at the age or 19. I told my husband that's the biggest mouse I had ever seen. He laughed so hard we almost hit the barn.:lol: ( was kidding of course, NOT A WORD crohnsinct)

lol @ farmwife :)
I used to drive for work and had an intern ask me (completely straightfaced) if the red cows were where strawberry milk came from. She also screamed when a woodchuck crossed the road in front of our vehicle.
We were only 4 miles from town...but we played in the creek (pronounced "crick" for you city folk), worked at the farm market picking corn and berries and baling hay, and caught frogs, minnows, and lightening bugs. I live in town now and am surrounded by neighbors, but sometimes I still miss the country (not in the winter, though ;))
I count myself very blessed to bring up my two children on a farm.
I wish I would have lived on a farm as a youngster.

:hug:Oh, by the way.... all you have to do is milk a bull once:eek2:
and you'll never do it again.:yfrown:

Stupid bull won't leave me alone.:lol::ylol2::lol:

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I'm ecstatic about that CRP!

And yes, y'all can guess where I grew up (she said while picking her teeth with a long piece of alfalfa :)).

Oh No you gals are hilarious! I just knew with that tude on you farmwife that you had city in you somewhere!

How come every one is jumping on the country wagon? Any city girls out there to join my gang?

I grew up in the city surrounded by nosey neighbors. When my country friend and I were walking a rat crossed our path and she screamed. We played in the fire hydrants sprays in the summer and smashed roaches on our walls. I live in the burbs now and it is too quiet for me so we moved to a busy street. I miss the city but only in the winter (the landlord shovels for you). Oh and its is technically New England here and my house was built in 1835 so we have two barns on the property although too scared of the residents in the barn to go in...can I be an honorary country gang member?
I am a new here and I have just read Izzi's story with great interest since it reminds my son's story so much till early May (maybe I will come back to it later...).

But what happened between early May and beginning of July? I cannot find this anywhere. What has changed Izzi's situation so that she is feeling so good at the moment?
Hi Malgrave and :welcome:

I hope you stay around and tell us your own story. :)

I will let Angie fully fill you in on what happened with Izzi but in a nutshell she has commenced taking Tacrolimus. The issue with this is it is a medication that can't be used for extended periods of time.

Dusty. xxx
Thanks a lot :ysmile:
I will tell you our story when we are back to home computer (currently, again :cry:, in the hospital due to pneumonia!!!)
Not to worry Crohnsinct, another city girl here! :tongue: Although, as a kid, I did catch tadpoles (they never did make it to the frog stage! :lol:), caught our own Praying Mantis' to race (deathly afraid of bugs now - can't believe I touched those things!) and slept in tents in our backyards (but NOT out of necessity! :eek:). 'Country-ish moments' in a city kid's life!

Although, when I was 8, I spent the summer in Portugal and half of that time was with relatives who lived on a farm in a very small town - to this day, these are some of my favourite memories - jumping into a pile of hay (rudely learning those little 'bud' things are prickly and stick to everything!), caring for the runt of a rabbit litter (it died - first time I realized God wouldn't answer all my prayers! :( ), collecting the eggs, playing in the forest with all the other farmers' kids and the smell of the forest, etc. The other half the trip was in southern Portugal, minutes from the beach, etc. - wonderful too, but, the 'farm' memories are so much more vivid!

Was an experience I truly wished I could have given my children but, relatives are all older, different lifestyles and my kids don't speak Portuguese... :(

Welcome to the forum, Malgrave! I hope your son isn't feeling too unwell now! I'm sure you'll find lots of information, advice and support from the parents (and all members) here. :)

Malgrave - sorry, just saw your recent post! I'm sorry you are in the hospital now! Hope he's feeling better soon!
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So she is still doing fab. She is down to a month between labs (she asked last week when she was going again...said she missed the phlebotomist :ylol:)

Again, this makes me SUPER reluctant to concur that surgery is necessary. Her local GI offered to scope her (I have concerns that we are taking out a healthy looking colon) and I am waiting on a date-late July or the second week in August.

He agrees that the surgery may not be necessary yet while admitting that her Boston docs are more experienced with Tacro/surgery.

I just spoke to the mom of the 7 yo that had the surgery this spring...and she is on 6mp post op-as we all know surgery is not an end all to Crohn's...so what is the point of removing a healthy kids colon and them still needing drugs??

So we are enjoying our summer...hitting the beach and every park we can find...while I am in denial about her disease...:cool::cool::cool:...because I can be while she is practically asymptomatic!!

Sorry I haven't commented in quite awhile but I have been keeping up, that is such great news that Izzi is doing well!! I hope you all have a fabulous summer!:thumleft:
Welcome Malgrave,
I hope all goes well and your out of the hospital soon. I look forward to hearing your story soon.

Now on to crohnsinct....
we country girls don't have "gangs" we have "pot lucks".
Your friend jumped when she saw that rat because our cats kill them before we see them in the country.
I'll take cockroaches on the walls over wolf spiders. You need to grab a BOOK to kill those things.
By the way, your house sounds wonderful. Is it nice? PM me I love OLD HOUSE!
We do need proof that you have barns; send some picture to prove it and maybe we'll let you in the country group.

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Ok I would gladly trade in my quiet neighborhood with 25 min trip to take my ds to school, go to the grocery store or civilation for a nice home/townhome in a gated mixed use development in the big city!! I have never lived in the city but before C was diagnosed we were making plans to move toward one of the smaller cities around Atlanta and I spent my days looking online at gated communities and mixed use developments and ahhh....now I spend my days on the forum! LOL but you guys are way better than that 3 story within walking distance of that mall!! LOL
I would take the cockroaches and wolf spiders if we could get away from the gnats and mosquitos. We're not really as friendly as everyone thinks we are down here...we ain't wavin' at ya'll we tryin' to get these darn gnats outta our eyes!!! LOL
I'm SO SORRY Angie that your thread has turned into "country vs city". My bad!:eek:

Farmwife (Country life RULES)

Your right Clash, I hate the "little bugs" the most.
Sorry Angie I did it again!:duh:
umm....is this country enough...the view from just up the road from my house.....:ylol::ylol:


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We do need proof that you have barns; send some picture to prove it

Too easy crohnsinct! I will photoshop one of those Sesame Street barns for ya and ka ching...barn meets city!

Pasobuff- That's beautiful!
A picture of where I live would have old barns, cows butts sticking up as they feed, female cats chasing the males away, your dogs rolling in your front lawn in God knows what. On second thought I'd rather have your scenic country view.
I bet you pay for it to!!!

And to TOTALLY hijack this thread....the view off my back deck....


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Paso...that is really pretty and right about now I could use that space so no one would hear my screams of despair over darn computer viruses that have taken down my home p.c.. If I scream here they would have the whole PD and Fire department knocking down my door.

Would take a pic out my NYC window but you wouldn't see much but the smog!

Barn pics to come and in true ransom fashion I will put O in front of them to prove they are mine!
Angie, I just found time to read that paper on broth you linked, thanks for that. It was quite interesting. Do you make broth from marrow bones? How do you do it? I think that our movement away from utilizing all parts of the animal (I'll take 10 pounds of chicken wings please!) has really affected our health so this kind of stuff is super interesting to me.

Ummm...I have always boiled my leftover bones to make soup. Chicken/turkey carcass, or large cuts of meat. You can get large beef bones from the butcher. I generally boil them for about an hour, but that is for bones with a bit of meat on them meant for soup. I also add remnants-the parts you would otherwise toss-from veggies-onion, carrot, beet, or celery ends-for extra flavor. :) I don't tend to do it much in the summer, but I just bought a bunch of grass fed/pasture raised meat at the farmers market...I will post when I make it!
A few weeks ago I made bone broth in my slow cooker. Used large beef bones. I browned the bones in the oven for about 1 hour then put them in the slow cooker with some veggies for about 30 hours! It was delicious. Still have some in the freezer. I find it hard consume large quantities of it in the summer.

I have had a hard time figuring out how my son could do a Paleo diet. He seems to struggle with veggies and I'm scared to give him nuts, so that would leave... MEAT! I did, in a frantic moment, buy everything to make some paleo bread. Ended up spending a bundle on the ingredients and when I calculated it each loaf would cost me $15!!! Still haven't made the loaf... :shifty: I have made paleo pizza (cheated and added cheese) and snickerdoodles. Best success has been the flax meal wrap recipe that I found in the Wheat Belly book, although I haven't tested them on my son yet... They are a great alternative to bread for sandwiches.

Keep us posted on how the paleo eating goes. I am very intrigued.
Farmwife I am waiting for that pic of cows butts!!!
Twiggy, I decided that, at least to start, I am going to do the diet simply. I am not going to try and replace items that we are not allowed to have except in special circumstances (ie a birthday party I would find a PALEO cake recipe). Did you make a meatza or what did you use for the crust?
We have never been big on sandwiches anyway.

The kids did fruit (and one of the three leftover packs of pop tarts) for breakfast; salad, fruit, and chicken for lunch (Izz had a molasses cookie from grandma), and beet greens with onion, garlic, and andoullie sausage for dinner, plus they ate broccoli and green beans from the garden as I was blanching/freezing them and blueberries for dessert (and a s'more). So we cheated at each meal, but I am hoping we progress lol. I may also let Izz have milk...she LOVES it and doesn't drink much else.
DOes he do OK with well cooked veggies or no?
Oh no! Not again! Argh! :lol:

I had to google beet greens...we don't eat those down under! :eek2: I thought it must have been silverbeet you were talking about!

Dusty. :confused2:
DustyKat I have to admit even in our own country their's things southern people eat things I've never heard of or think it's strange. I've heard and some one from the south in the USA can tell me if I'm wrong but y''all put cheddar cheese on your apple pies.
We have a family of Hispanic decent that takes our cows HEAD after we butcher it.:eek:
I don't even what to know what they make out of it.

Angie the picture of the cow's butts will be coming soon. :lol2:
I just want to have the right kind of lighting so you can get the true essence of what I see every day.
I also see how baby calfs are made but your not getting a picture of that.
Is it wrong when your three year old can tell the bank teller how cows are made?:yfaint:

Hey Farmwife, I've often seen menus here that offer apple pie with either ice cream or cheddar cheese??? The ice cream is a no-brainer but never tried the cheese and can't really see the combination?? (But, it's probably good! :lol:)
Strange, it must not be a Michigan "thing".
Whoever looked at a yummy apple pie and said "Oh, lets put cheese on that" must have been different.

I have seen it on menus but can't remember where...south maybe? In the interest of science I will try it and report back.

Is cheese in or on anything ever bad?
LOL @ you two!!
My mil likes a slice of cheese on the side of her pie.
Farmwife, I am expecting the right lighting; preferably mid morning or early evening to avoid the flat affect due to the harsh mid day light. These cows need be looking their best for these portraits (and I am shocked to discover you don't already have a portfolio of posting-worthy museum-quality images!) I am submitting a write-up to the ASPCA regarding this travesty.
...and I hear crickets chirping regarding crohnsinct's barn pics also...perhaps you are shopping for said barn?? Hmmm??? Don't forget, we can tell if you're lying via Google Earth. No photoshopping!!
Now way! Cheese on apple pie! :puke_r:

I'm still recovering from the fact that you guys squeeze it out of a bottle! :eek2:

First of all that's called cheeze wiz Ms. DustyKat and it's a national icon!!:us_flag:
I'm not going to defend it more, because it's closer to plastic then food. :facepalm:

Ms. Angie I'm shocked you didn't tell me what shutter speed you wanted me to use. You must be slipping.:ybiggrin:

I have to go. I'm eating a s'moes. I used marshmallow cream instead.
Easy to spread and no fire involved.
My hubby says bad things happing when I'm around open flames.
Don't ask.:runaway:

You mean marshmallow fluff? Another american tradition! S'mores aren't the same without burning, molten sugary dripping, carcinogenic marshmallows...you're missing out! ;)
Oh, and you can autofocus ;)
On no! :rof:

More like trying to clean the crap out of the open barn so I don't look too trashy (zip it Farmwife)! We had the youth group tag sale here let's say a several weeks ago (September) and we are still cleaning out the left over crap.
FLUFF!!! Should we introduce Dusty to Fluffernutter sandwiches? Yum! Another good (although not the most healthy and nutritious) use of Fluff is to blend a jar with a block of cream cheese and voila fruit dip! I use it in a trifle with angel food cake, strawberries, fruit dip, blueberries repeat.

Hey Farmwife how does the chocolate melt if you use marshmallow cream? And yes we all know...no open flames around hay..got it!

So O said in the interest of anonymity she doesn't want her pic posted on an open forum. Ummm yeah sure cuz there are lots of ex city girls in our town with a daughter who has crohns and is a swimmer who just so happen to have a first name that starts with "O"....pics are on my page and only my friends can see them...hahaha nice way to bribe people to be my friend eh?

Oh yeah and sure stalker types are just hanging around Crohns forums to read about poo!
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My daughter loves to make easy, instant s'mores... Put the s'more together (unsoftened marshmallow, piece of hard choco between the two crackers) and put in microwave for around 10 or 15 seconds(?)... voila... melted marshmallow and chocolate in cracker and no flame, gas cooktops, etc. :D

Not sure if any of you have Loblaws near you (grocery store chain) - they sell a s'more kit prepackaged with all ingredients! :)
On no! :rof:

More like trying to clean the crap out of the open barn so I don't look too trashy (zip it Farmwife)! We had the youth group tag sale here let's say a several weeks ago (September) and we are still cleaning out the left over crap.


...and I am wondering what good a cold s'more is. It could be argued that it may be renamed n'more, as there is no ooey gooey goodness. MICROWAVE s'mores? HOGWASH!!! (says the crunchy mama that doesn't own a microwave lol!)

Hmmm...annonimity? (I am fairly certain I butchered the spelling). I think it is too late for Izz. She will go down in history at school for her bowel habits being google-able. :poo: Could be worse. Maybe I should start calling her I. :devil: Wait, that would be awkward. :shifty-t:
(A co-worker recently googled my name and found a bunch of scantily clad photos...and she could have passed for me. :eek:)
Ok crohnsinct you do have barns. :thumleft:
Thank O for taking the pictures.
Nice touch with the news paper!

As far as joining the "country" club. I'm not sure.:rolleyes:
Other's will have to vote also.
I mean they're to pretty too be working barns.
Still they are barns.
O did stand out there in embarrassment
holding a news paper. :eek:utahere:

OK, I vote ....................................................................................IN
However majorities rules.:ghug:
Only time will tell. We'll give it a week.

Angie if you want me to put this on my thread I will.
But this thread did kick off the "Country vs. City" debate

Since this thread is about Izzy how has she been?
How's the diet?
I'll read your answer as I eat my cold s'mores.:rof:
Alright my dear Yankees ;), shall I post you a GREAT recipe for apple pie made wih cheddar so you can save your slices for grilled cheese?


All kidding aside, I do have one.

Izzi is FAB! We met with Dutch (Mike), his son Matt, and family along with 2 other IBD families at a local park/playground today. (Yup, I am turning into an IBD social butterfly!) It was great to chat with other IBD parents IRL and we look forward to meeting again. (Matt is wonderfully articulate regarding his disease...he is amazing with dates/disease progression...puts my notebook to shame!!)
Her scope is Friday...her dad has to prep her solo as I am working...wish him luck...and hoping for ZERO inflammation :)
Off to look for these "supposed" barn photos...
Gosh, I feel like I keep up fairly well but... one day off the site and I'm lost... WTH did the cold s'mores come from?? I must be skimming too quickly! Farmwife - get a microwave and you'll never have to make do with a cold s'more again! :)

Crohnsinct - So you do have barns... x 2!!! Hmmm, are you sure you're not really a country girl? And, LMAO with the newspaper detail! :rof:

Angie - I'm so happy hear that Izzi continues to do well!!! Sounds like you're having a fantastic summer! Love it!!! :D

Julie - apple pie with cheese??? Is it low-cal? LOL How is it that a Crohn's forum is seriously testing my diet willpower because the 'food discussion' seems to include lots of s'mores, beavertails, fruity pebbles, deepfried oreos, caramel slices, etc.! LOL
Ummm... from the south here...this Southern belle has never had the inclination to but cheese on Apple pies nor have I noticed it as a menu item...don't get me wrong I love cheese just not on apple pie. Maybe it's the Wisconsin folk that do it, they probably have a cheese abundance?:ylol:
Hey all, it's Mike/Dutch's wife, Hayley, hijacking his log-in (hi honey!). I just wanted to pop in and second Angie's post that it was really nice meeting some other IBD families. It was funny because we didn't quite know how we'd spot everyone (for some reason I thought Izzi was 7 so I was looking for an older kid) but then our 11 year old heard someone say "Dutch" and "Matt" and came back to report to us that he thought he may have found the group. In the car afterwards we were talking about how reassuring it was to talk to people going through the same thing (and being equally as persistent with the doctors).

By the way....microwaved s'mores?!? I believe that should be against the law!!! :)
Hi Hayley!

It's so reassuring to have others who understand your frustrations, worries, etc.! :) The forum is great and, if Stephen were younger, I would be so happy if he was able to make friends who would also understand his own frustrations and worries. Nice to hear that you were all able to meet and enjoy the day!

Microwave s'mores???... had the same reaction as you but she's made me a couple and gotta tell you... they ain't bad! :ylol:
Hi Hayley,
It's great to hear you all had a good time.

I once thought about crohnsinct and I meeting up with our kids somewhere, but......what would we do?
Maybe I could teach them the fine art of cow tippin or country cow skiing.:eek:

OMG, just some of your homecooking would be a treat for them! (Sorry, Crohnsinct, couldn't resist! :lol:)
By the way, Farmwife, I was afraid to ask what 'cow tippin or country cow skiing' are!!! :eek:
NO!!!! Tesscorm that would just be mean!!!!
It's like eating......a T-bone steak one night.
Then........being served baloney the next night.
(Sorry, Crohnsinct, I couldn't resist!:lol2:)

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I have to be fair here...:blush: my family has had it's share of baloney-type dinners! :lol:

We eat french fries only once in a while at home and, when we do, it's usually a 'rushed' night so... I take out my bag of processed frozen fries and bake them. One day, when Stephen was approx. 7 or 8 years old, at the peak of his pickiness, when ANY change from the norm was highly suspect to him :hallo3:, my husband decided to make REAL, fresh french fries. Stephen took one bite (gagged simply because it was 'different' :yrolleyes:) and asked 'WHAT are these?'. When we explained, he looked at us incredulously and ask 'You mean they didn't come from the fridge like they're supposed to?' :eek: And so began my excursion into The Food Network! :D
I also have to admit to crohnsinct
that once in a while my cookies come from..............
a refrigerated cookie log. :eek::eek::eek::eek:
There I said.
I don't have to live in shame anymore.

And once in awhile..........................
not all the cookie log makes it onto the pan:ghug::ghug::ghug:
Say what you want to but I don't care.

Cyber bullies! LOL anyway! I would go cow tipping just as long as no one mistakes me for a cow! And isn't that refrigerator cookie log for eating raw? Had no idea you were supposed to bake that stuff. Oh no...are we going to send Dusty into nutritional shock again?
By the way, Farmwife, I was afraid to ask what 'cow tippin or country cow skiing' are!!! :eek:

I could tell everyone but Angie has to give me permission
before we hijack her thread any further.

SORRY, were doing it again!:ybatty:


DustyKat perhaps we need a thread called "Much ado about NOTHING"!
And we only bring it up if there's something funny going on
or if useless debates have to go on. It's up to you guys.
I think better in type than I do in person.
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DustyKat perhaps we need a thread called "Much ado about NOTHING"!
And we only bring it up if there's something funny going on
or if useless debates have to go on. It's up to you guys.

I was actually thinking the same thing! :D I like your title!! And, just to prove to Dusty that us Canadians are not all cavemen (we do have the Stratford Shakespeare Festival), eh! Some other titles that may be appropriate...

All's well that Ends well - ... Ends... something we've all become quite familiar with!:eek:

Taming of the Shrew - what our kids' GIs are thinking as we leave the room! :emot-nyd:

Twelfth Night - that last sleepless night before we become the 'Shrew' :hallo3:

Measure for Measure - use your imagination!:biggrin:

Tempest - the story of our lives! :runaway:
fARMWIFE, if you ask for permission to make us all laugh with a thread hijacked off course I am going to come to MI to hit you over the head with your own rollig pin!!

I will be back tomorrow to respond to all of your funnies (I just typed a long response that I promptly deleted accidentally and I am not typing the dumb thing again tonight!)...but thank you all for making me lol tonight!!
And back to our forum angel Izzi....


Wishing Dad and Izzi lots of luck with the prep today and with scopes tomorrow...no inflammation, no inflammation, no inflammation!
Lalalalala...I'm not listening! s'mores, fluffernutter, liquid cheese, marshmallow cream...my brain is mashed! And don't worry about putting me into nutritional shock crohnsinct I am already there! eh! :yfaint:

Oh man I am so glad I don't live in the US or I would be the size of the side of a barn! :lol: Speaking of barns...I love your barns crohnsinct! I wish I had one to put all my crap in...hmmm, I would probably need the two you have.

In my dazed and shocked state I did manage to find that you, that being Angie/Izzi cause this is YOUR thread! :ylol:, met up with Dutch and his family. How fab was that! :thumleft:
And that Izzi is having a scope today! (oops, well it is tomorrow here already). Sending loads of love, luck and well wishes to hubby and your fab Izzi!...


...I soooooooooooo hope it reflects what you are seeing!

Dusty. xxx
Hi Hayley...it was so nice to meet you!!! and I'm glad I got the name right...with three it is confusing lol! ;) I actually saw you standing there and was planning on wandering that way. :)
Now, cow tipping I have heard of, but the fine art of country cow skiing eludes me. The mental image it conjures is fairly disturbing, however ;) I can't wait to hear all about it!
Tess-lol @ Stephen and the fries!
...and Farmwife...you bake? ;) We only have dessert in the winter-too hot now!
So every single time I heard "eh" in Ontario I cracked a smile. Generally it was at the end of a sentence by our waiter in the skylon tower but I also heard it on Clifton Hill. The man was trying to get someones attention, it CLEARLY sounded like "eh" as opposed to "hey" but he had an upward inflection as if asking a question. It was rather humorous. I am saddened to report I could not find a proper beaver tail ANYWHERE to savor :('''
The kids had a blast though (I explained how Lake Erie goes over Niagara Falls into the Niagara River which eventually leads to the Atlantic Ocean all while sitting in a revolving dining room that affords a 360 degree view of Canada and America when Izzi interrupts me to say "Mom! Mom! Aren't there any rides here?" LMAO!) If I can get as smart as crohnsinct I may post pics here...I stink at it though...they are generally 8 x 10 which is why I rarely update them lol!
She is through about half of her Miralax; has only been the the restroom once and I sent her to her dads for the night (I am working tonight). Will post updates tomorrow (possibly evening!)
She did well...not a single tear shed this time!

Her bowel is showing improvement with vasculature showing and scattered ulcerations. It is FAR better than ever before, although It still has some distance to go. She had three new rectal polyps, two of which he biopsied. Her small intestine looks WONDERFUL and pending biopsy results, we will continue to monitor her Tacrolimus, Potassium, CRP, BUN and creatnine levels and do a follow up scope in 6 months.:thumright::cool::thumleft:
That's outstanding!!!!!
How great for you and her!!!
Keep up the good work mom and Izzy.
Still a ways to go but you'll get their.

WOOHOO!!! What a fab update Angie!!! :emot-dance::emot-dance::emot-dance::emot-dance::emot-dance::emot-dance:

Onwards and Upwards Izzi!

Dusty. xxx