Just a question

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Jun 6, 2011
Ok nothing bad or anything but I just read that while your in a flare your blood becomes sticky. Is it true? Could that be why my blood looked really deep read(almost purple) and seemed very oozy and slow moving? Now that I'm on 6mp it seems to be more liquid and free moving more like water rather than syrup. Thanks...just curious
Dark colored blood means it is lacking oxygen and it's traveling toward your lungs for more oxygen.
Curious how are seeing your blood move and it's consistency?
I get monthly blood draws since I'm on 6mp, whenever they took it the blood was deep red and almost like syrup now that I've been on the 6mp for a couple of months(I think around 6 months, it's really change the last 2 blood draws) it's become more watery, not as deep red but still a deep color.

I've alwayswatched the blood flow from my arm...anytime I had any blood draws or donate blood I watched it to see the consistancy
Ok, I see.
The reasoning behind the blood moving slower and seem sticker could just be dehydration. Most, if not all people with a chronic illness suffer from dehydration. Maybe not as sevre as being able to notice it but internaly you suffers and usually without notice.

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