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Sep 7, 2011
So it's 4 weeks tomorrow since Kians surgery( keyhole) and all is well, he has actually gained 5lb in last 9 days😀his appetite seems really good. Anyway, we were at docs yesterrday as he has little hole at he top of his belly button which is weeping clear fluid ( it doesn't smell) and there no soreness,the doctor said he could see a little stitch inside and that sometimes the fluid can come out as fat takes longer to heal. I'm still a little concerned about it though. Good thing is he is on low dose antibiotics for 3 months so maybe if it was anything else they will help. Doc took a swab just to be on safe side so results on Friday. x
When Grace had her g-tube put in and the hole (stoma) did leak for a month or so. I was told as long as there's no swelling, smell, or pain that it was normal. But she did get cellutitis around the site that puffed up red and was painful and spread quick. I had her in the docs and she was put on antibiotic cream.

I hope it heals fast. Glad to hear about the weight gain. Ya!!!
After DS's surgery they used super glue to close him up in the belly button area (I miss his old belly button!) and there was a spot beneath his belly button that opened up. It oozed and seeped clear fluid. We were told just to cover it up to avoid infection and then the school nurse checked it every day. Nothing came of it and it eventually closed up. It took a long time though. The unfortunate thing was that what would have been a nice single line scar looks more like an upside down lollipop now. I think it bothers me more than him.
Mehita, Kian also had the glue at his belly button and I think that's maybe exactly what's happened. The only think my boy was worried about was havng an "outie" bellybutton lol which it kind of is now, we do laugh about it though 😃. Thanks for putting my mind at ease....even though we went to our local gp, it's always good to get advice from you guys. ️Xxx
Had mail from his ibd nurse so I had to email a picture of his belly button ( 3 hour drive to Glasgow) so hopefully she will get back to me today. Xx
C's biggest panic was the day he got out of the shower, saw something whitish clear sticking out of his belly button wound and he pulled on it :blush: it snapped back in and he totally freaked! I have no idea why you would pull on something sticking out of the wound! It was all fine But I will never forget the panic on his face, I think he thought he had pulled on his intestine. His wound seeped clear fluid for quite awhile and took time to heal.

His surgeon told him first rule of thumb:

You never pull in something sticking out of your surgical wound!:ytongue:
Good luck with the results today dodie. :ghug: But it does sound like all will be fine. :)

Brilliant to hear that all is going well! Onwards and Upwards Kian! :dusty:

Dusty. xxx
So just called local doctors surgery for swab results and there a bacteria growing, antibiotics were mentioned but I told receptionist he was already on a low dose ( cipro) for three months. Waiting on his doctor to call me back to see what they can do or if another antibiotic will be need? Oh the joys 😕
I'm glad their on top of things. Once Grace's infection hit it took only hours for it to spread, not days. Of course she had cellulitis. I don't know if that's from a bacteria?
She only needed a antibiotic cream for it to go away.
They might do if the bacteria started growing while on Cipro anyway. When Andrew had an abscess he had the Cipro and Metronidazole. Would be good if you could just use a cream
Doc gave him flucloxacillin but don't know whether to start it without talking to his ibd team first.....can't get hold of anyone though. Xx
The swab would have shown that the infection wasn’t sensitive to cipro, hence the new antibiotic.

I would never advocate going against doctors orders per se but if you are confident in waiting and watching until you get onto the IBD team then that is what I would do. Assuming it isn’t days until they get back to you.

Dusty. xxx
There is contraindication with Flucloxacillin and some of the IBD drugs including Metho. Metho has the ability to inhibit its excretion.

If you can wait and observe then I would be more comfortable speaking with the IBD team first. Although a contraindication is listed it doesn’t necessarily mean that you can’t safely take the drug, hence the need for GI input either way.

Good luck dodie, I hope things stay on an even keel for your lad until you hear from the IBD team. :ghug:

Dusty. xxx
@dodie: Ugh! I really must proof read my posts! :yfrown:

That should have read that Flucloxacillin inhibits the excretion of Methotrexate.

Dusty. :redface:
Just got word back from ibd nurse so they would rather avoid antibiotics and said there are plenty of dressings that can be used on wounds for infections so I'm happy about that. Nurse coming round tomorrow for a look and take it from there. Thanks everyone for their advice. Xx

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