Kleen Prep

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Hi guys,

I'm going for a colonoscopy on Monday and have been given Kleen-Prep in prepration for it. It says I have got to take a glass every 15min so can any of you tell me how bad it tastes. I have only ever had picolax, which doesn't taste the greatest but at least its over with quickly.
Also, the standard leaflet that came with it says that I shouldn't eat after 9am on Sunday, but my colonoscopy isn't until 1.30pm the following day. Do you think I will get away with eating til 12pm on Sunday??
Thanks Jo xx
Hi Jo Hon!!

I don't have to take the kleen prep cos I have an ileostomy..but they still sent it to me the last time i had a colonoscopy lol!! I've been told it tastes pretty yukky, but i think you can add some cordial to it to make it taste a little better? As for when to stop eating, phone the number on the letter that came with the kleen prep, they will be able to pass you on to someone who can help you!

Best of luck for Monday sweetie, I know you've been waiting a very long time for this!

Elaine xxxx
Thanks hon,
I called the no. earlier today and they were as helpful as a chocolate fire guard and down right rude. Kept telling me all the info was in the booklet they sent me - they hadn't sent me anything!! Eventually they agreed to fax a copy to me.
The only reason I want to eat up until 12pm is because I'm partying on Saturday night and always need a McD's or similar to soak up the wine/vodka hehe
Jo x

I think its the stuff i had but i could be wrong and its terrible if it is i had so much trouble to keep it down and i had to drink 3 leiters of it AAHHHHHHHH. As far as eating if you are willing to take the risk of haveing it done again another day cause they cant see what they want then hey thats totaly up to you.

Best of luck
If you are taking what I think you are, then the taste is not totally awful. It was a pineapple tast for me. The first time I took it I hated it because I did not know what flavour it was, and it just grossed me out. When I took it a second time and noticed it said it was a pineapple flavour (which was like the first one, I just did not know) I found it much more tolerable as each time I just pretended I was drinking pineapple juice.

I guess a little bit of cheeting on Sunday is okay, but I would try and eat as little as possible.
I have major issues with this stuff, or any prep stuff. I cant drink it, as I gag and it comes right back.
Last time they gave me 20 something pills of some sort...but it didnt really work either. Honestly I just OD on laxative pills...but dont tell anyone.
Thanks guys for the replys.
Well it didn't go too well. I decided not to risk eating and started on the Kleen prep at 1pm and oh dear how awful. It took me ages to get the 1st litre down only for a lot of it to come back up(sorry!!). This nightmare carried on most of the day until I called a doctor and managed to get some Picolax. So 2 litres of Kleen prep and a picolax, but I was assure by this doctor that it would all be ok even though I had been sick.
So I go in for the colonoscopy, get sedated and part the way through they had to stop as it wasn't clear. They were really nice about it and I have to go back next week with only Picolax as prep NOT Kleen Prep.
JoJo said:
Thanks hon,
I called the no. earlier today and they were as helpful as a chocolate fire guard. Jo x

Never heard that one before Jo and I am going to steal that for sure cause it made me laugh! muhahahah chocolate fire guard!
I take miralax. It has no flavor so it is great. It makes me crap so much. Drink one of those every 30 minutes and you are all clear.

Oh hon!! At least you dont have to take that horrid kleen prep again!!

Elaine xxxxxx
Somebody school me...

What is different about those preps?

The previous time that I have colonoscopy I have been in the hospital and throwing up for days and everything that could possibly be in my system was already out. When I had surgery, my surgeon was afraid that using prep like that would shock my digestive system, so I went on clear liquids 2 days before and nothing the day before (talk about hungry). I've never had that fun, but I know it's coming.

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