Lab Values

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Nov 12, 2010
Okay, I full understand the difference in CRP and ESR. What do you make, though, of a kid with a normal CRP. New high ESR and slightly more anemic than usual. Yes, it is my atypical Claire. Just wondering the thoughts from the group..... I'm not too worried because overall she is feeling really good. But I worry a little because her sed rate has been normal except in the throes of her arthritis flare at age 3 & 4. :ymad:

Hey - I probably should have put this on the worry thread, Dusty!

Worry away where ever you fancy J. :lol:

I don't think anaemia is all that unusual in Crohns even when in remission. In remission I think it is a little more insidious but happens none the less. This is something that Roo's GI told us to expect and obviously Claire is too young but also said that menstruation will add to the problem. Also if there is terminal ileum involvement, well that's just another factor to add into the mix!

As I understand it ESR still remains the best indicator of how your RA is travelling. CRP is the best for IBD. Could it be more related to how she is progressing with her RA as opposed to her CD?

Dusty. :hug:
My thinking was along the lines of yours, Dusty. That must mean I'm a GENIUS! :rof:

So we'll see what her Rheumatologist has to say tomorrow. I think her joints look good really so I'm not sure what the deal is. She hasn't been sick so I can't try to find anything else to attribute it to.

What ever would I do if I kept all my worry to myself forum friends??? I think explode!! :duh:


What ever would I do if I kept all my worry to myself

Oh I don't know, go to a Japanese restaurant? :wink:

Keep us posted on how the appointment goes!

Good luck, :hug:
Okay, I full understand the difference in CRP and ESR. What do you make, though, of a kid with a normal CRP. New high ESR and slightly more anemic than usual. Yes, it is my atypical Claire. Just wondering the thoughts from the group..... I'm not too worried because overall she is feeling really good. But I worry a little because her sed rate has been normal except in the throes of her arthritis flare at age 3 & 4. :ymad:

Hey - I probably should have put this on the worry thread, Dusty!


Ok I have NO IDEA what those letters mean....I probably should yes??? I feel very confused.
Come hang out with geeks and learn all! :ylol:

Nah seriously, they are inflammatory markers.........

CRP = C Reactive Protein and it is a good indicator of inflammation present in Crohns and also a way of docs seeing how you are responding to treatment.

ESR = Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate. It is a much older test that CRP has surpassed as far as IBD is concerned but it still remains the better test for diagnostic and treatment purposes in (RA)Rheumatoid Arthritis.

HTH, :)
I'm with you Aliciars!! I've seen Dusty give that exact explanation 50 times and I still don't know what the hell she's talking about!! I just say, "hey Dusty, is this good or bad?"!!!
Well Rheumatologist thinks her joints look really good. Hurrah for that! He says to "See what the GI says about the labs". Sigh......

Still having a runaround with the lab because the fecal calprotectin still isn't back. It is a test that they have to send to a reference lab. So maybe the results will be back tomorrow.

In the meantime, she feels great so really, I REFUSE to worry (have I convinced any of you yet? lol)

Sunday hugs,
I'm not convinced J! :ylol:

It's always great to get good news so YAY for Claire's joints and to feeling great! :):):)...............

BUT it's hard when you still have unanswered questions, UGH!

I hope you get the calprotectin results soon, I hate the waiting for results. Good luck hun and keep us posted!

lots a love, :wub:
the only thing I understand is the Japanese restaurant suggestion.... is that because it might as well be a completely different language??

Im gonna do what Mark does and ask everyone if it is normal...ha...if I weren't so fatigued, I would sign up for a nursing degree...

Ill just say Clair is very cute :) I hate to hear about kids being sick .... I am glad you are here so you don't worry so much AZMOM... :D
Okay Dusty - I don't know jack about it but I don't like it. Calprotectin is in. Reference ranges on lab sheet are as follows:

50 ug/g: Normal
51 - 120 ug/g: Borderline elevated, test should be re-evaluated in 4-6 weeks.
121 ug/g or grater: Abnormal, suggestive of inflammatory bowel disease.

Claire's results? 743 ug/g

Now is that always her number? I don't know. First time for this test. I did some reading about rises in calprotectin predicting disease activity in peds patients. But part of me wonders if this could explain her elevated sed rate??? The other part of me wants the first part to just "shut up" and wait for the doctor to call. :wink: :wink: :wink:

Hey J,

After my experience with Roo and test results, well anything is possible! :eek2:

To be honest J I don't think that would normally be her number if there wasn't something going on and yeah I reckon it links in with the elevated ESR. It may well give a clue to explain the anaemia as well, but I'm no doc! Now I'll shut up and tell ya to wait and see the doc has to say! :shifty-t:

I hope you don't have to wait too long for the doc to ring. Good luck hun and keep us posted!

Thinking of you, :hug:
Dusty! I'm glad you are awake - I was afraid I'd have to wait until tomorrow for your wisdom. :kiss:

Keep in mind, Claire & EJ have the same doc. He seems like a good one. Dex promises me he is. But he takes FOREVER to get back with you when you aren't having a crisis. I sure would like a call before we have one. :ybatty: :ybatty:

Double hugs,

Oh yeah, I forgot about you guys having the same doc!

Okay I'd look at things two ways. If he doesn't get back to you, well is that the old adage "no news is good news"? Bugger that! The results are in, get on the blower and tell 'em you are worried about your daughters results and need to know what the doc thinks the next move is!

Dusty. :hug:
If he doesn't get back to you, well is that the old adage "no news is good news"? Bugger that! The results are in, get on the blower and tell 'em you are worried about your daughters results and need to know what the doc thinks the next move is! Dusty. :hug:

It takes a lot to get Acra excited so I don't necessarily think "no news is good news" from him. We rarely get messages directly from him. It's usually through his nurse liaison Teresa. It would be nice if he showed some passion occasionally but I'm sure he has a huge patient load.

I agree with Dusty though J, any results that are 6 x higher than normal would warrant a little extra push. Good luck!!
Well, I just got a message back through the email that they didn't have the labs yet. Is that a surprise? No! Anyway, I faxed them myself, emailed them back that I have confirmation that they came through. And now I will be patient for 24-48 hours. But then lookout, I'll release a can of southern fried whoop you-know-what. Hee-hee!

Claire felt good this morning which makes it more tolerable. Nonetheless, crazy numbers like that make a Momma feel that something's brewing..........

Happy Tuesday!

Claire felt good this morning which makes it more tolerable.

It's easy not to worry while you are with them isn't it? Then the minute they are out of sight...Oh I know that feeling so well!!

Ha, maybe if you rip into Dr. A, it'll do us all some good! Go Mama Bear!!
Well, be careful what you wish for. ;-) I got a message from Dr. Acra's nurse this morning. He wants to go ahead and do upper & lower scopes so he is getting her scheduled. I'll let you all know when.

While I hate procedure(s) for any child, if we can circumvent a crisis, I'm all for it.

I'd rather him have a good look before making any decisions. Hopefully, the spiked numbers will just be some strange anomaly.

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