I'm soooo jealous of your great checkup, Carol. I was told a couple years ago when I was checking out of the hospital after a couple day stay after a mini stroke and seizure that I had just about every strike against me for another stroke or maybe a heart attack including high cholesterol, diabetes, past history of stroke, high blood pressure, too heavy (shhh! don't tell anyone), sedentary life style due to weakness in limbs from old stroke, current heart irregularities --- and that was all before my blood clots in my lungs. (And I have had at least one mini stroke since, where my condition was such that they had the crash cart ready.) The only things that didn't fit in that list of strikes against me for these conditions is I don't smoke or drink.
But I shouldn't complain, lately my health has been improving (if I can stay away from catching every new flu strain and other infections).
Happy late birthday Shanen, I hope it was great. Love the sign. I want one. I do have a sign that I like that my sister gave me that says "Remember that as far as anyone knows we're a normal family." It sure fits...
Trysha, I certainly hope they do general anesthesia for knee replacement surgery in Canada, I know they would here. I'm pecking out my post on LOW at 3:45 a.m. because I too have an aching joint keeping me awake, and will likely need joint replacement surgery myself in the near future, but mine is in the weird place of joint between foot and great toe. (Prior surgery not effective anymore.) I'm going to try physical therapy first, and a cortisone shot I had did help some, for awhile.
Ok, now you all know why I haven't been around much, I'm much too grouchy. And I got sunburned on my trip with Mandy, will probably get skin cancer.
Oh, I'm winning by the way. :biggrin: